Re: Version 149 is out.

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+ (text/plain)
+ (text/html)
+ gettysburg.txt (text/plain)
+ gettysburg-noextra.txr (application/octet-stream)
+ gettysburg-extra.txr (application/octet-stream)
+ 21-19-19-selection.png (image/png)
+ 21-20-37-selection.png (image/png)

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Author: Kyle Andrews
To: Kaz Kylheku
CC: TXR Users
New topics: EOL on last line.
Subject: Re: Version 149 is out.
Sorry for the delay in my response.

Let me clarify what I meant when I said the program needed an "extra line". The Creating the extra line in emacs 24.5 creates a line ending. Without that line ending, I get a script error.​

I have attached two scripts, one with and one without the final line ending. I've also attached screenshots of what these files look like using M-x whitespace-mode.

Running the one without the line ending (suffixed noextra) returns the syntax error.

Once I figured out I needed the extra line ending, it wasn't a big deal to put it in, but it did trip me up for a few minutes.
Four score and seven
years ago.