path: root/txr.1
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1 files changed, 136 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index 63de5fc0..b844d4da 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -5631,14 +5631,149 @@ Examples:
(flatten '(((()) ()))) -> nil
-.SS Functions memq and memqual
+.SS Functions memq, memql and memqual
+(memq <object> <list>)
+(memql <object> <list>)
+(memqual <object> <list>)
+The memq, memql and memqual functions search the <list> for a member
+which is, respectively, eq, eql or equal to <object>. (See the eq, eql and
+equal functions below.)
+If no such element found, nil is returned.
+Otherwise, that tail of the list is returned whose first element
+is the matching object.
.SS Function tree-find
+.TP Syntax:
+(tree-find <obj> <tree> <test-function>)
+.TP Description:
+The tree-find function searches <tree> for an occurence of <obj>. Tree can be
+any atom, or a cons. If <tree> it is a cons, it is understood to be a proper
+list whose elements are also trees.
+The equivalence test is performed by <test-function> which must take two
+arguments, and has conventions similar to eq, eql or equal.
+tree-find works as follows. If <tree> is equivalent to <obj> under
+<test-function>, then t is returned to announce a successful finding.
+If this test fails, and <tree> is an atom, nil is returned immediately to
+indicate that the find failed. Otherwise, <tree> is taken to be a proper list,
+and tree-find is recursively applied to each element of the list in turn, using
+the same <obj> and <test-function> arguments, stopping at the first element
+which returns non-nil.
.SS Function some, all and none
+.TP Syntax:
+(some <list> <predicate-fun> <key-fun>)
+(all <list> <predicate-fun> <key-fun>)
+(none <list> <predicate-fun> <key-fun>)
+.TP Description
+The some, all and none functions apply a predicate test over a list of
+elements. The elements of <list> are reduced to values using <key-fun>, which
+is a one-argument function. If <key-fun> is specified as nil, then (fun
+identity) is substituted, and thus the values of the list are taken as they
+These functions have short-circuiting semantics and return conventions similar
+to the and and or operators.
+The some function applies <predicate-fun> to successive values
+produced by retrieving elements of <list> and processing them through
+<key-fun>. If the list is empty, it returns nil. Otherwise it returns the
+first non-nil return value returned by a call to <predicate-fun> and
+stops evaluating more elements. If <predicate-fun> returns nil for all
+elements, it returns nil.
+The all function applies <predicate-fun> to successive values
+produced by retrieving elements of <list> and processing them through
+<key-fun>. If the list is empty, it returns t. Otherwise, if
+<predicate-fun> yields nil for any value, the all function immediately
+returns without invoking <predicate-fun> on any more elements.
+If all the elements are processed, then the all function returns
+the value which <predicate-fun> yielded for the last element.
+The none function applies <predicate-fun> to successive values
+produced by retrieving elements of <list> and processing them through
+<key-fun>. If the list is empty, it returns t. Otherwise, if
+<predicate-fun> yields non-nil for any value, the none function
+immediately returns nil. If <predicate-fun> yields nil for all
+values, the none function returns t.
+;; some of the integers are odd
+(some (fun oddp) '(2 4 6 9) nil) -> t
+;; none of the integers are even
+(none (fun evenp) '(1 3 4 7) nil) -> t
.SS Functions eq, eql and equal
+(eq <left-obj> <right-obj>)
+(eql <left-obj> <right-obj>)
+(equal <left-obj> <right-obj>)
+The principal equality test functions eq, eql and equal test whether
+two objects are equivalent, using different criteria. They return t
+if the objects are equivalent, and nil otherwise.
+The eq function uses the strictest equivalence test, called implementation
+equality. The eq function returns t if, and only if, <left-obj> and
+<right-obj> are actually the same object. The eq test is is implemented
+by comparing the raw bit pattern of the value, whether or not it is
+an immediate value or a pointer to a heaped object, including its type
+tags. Consequently, two objects of different type are never equal, two
+character values are eq if they are the same character, and two fixnum integers
+are eq if they have the same value. All other objects kinds are actually
+represented as pointers, and are eq if they point to the same object in memory.
+So two bignum integers might not be eq even if they have the same numeric
+value, two lists might not be eq even if all their corresponding elements are
+eq, two strings might not be eq even if they hold identical text, etc.
+The eql function is slightly less strict than eq. The difference between
+eql and eq is that if <left-obj> and <right-obj> are bignums which have
+the same numeric value, eql returns t, even if they are different objects.
+For all other objects, eql behaves like eq.
+The equal function is less strict than eql. In general, it recurses into some
+kinds of aggregate objects to perform a structural equivalence. If <left-obj>
+and <right-obj> are eql then they are also equal. If the two objects are both
+cons cells, then they are equal if their "car" fields are equal and their "cdr"
+fields are equal. If two objects are vectors, they are equal if they have the
+same length, and their corresponding elements are equal. If two objects are
+strings, they are equal if they are textually identical. If two objects are
+functions, they are equal if they have equal environments, and if they have
+equal functions. Two compiled functions are the same if they are the same
+function. Two interpreted functions are equal if their list structure is equal.
+For some aggregate objects, there is no special semantics. Two hashes,
+symbols, packages, or streams are equal if they are the same hash.
+Certain object types have a custom equal function.
.SS Arithmetic functions +, -, *, trunc, mod, expt, sqrt
.SS Arithmetic function exptmod