path: root/mpi-patches
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2 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mpi-patches/faster-square-root b/mpi-patches/faster-square-root
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a19bab03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mpi-patches/faster-square-root
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+Index: mpi-1.8.6/mpi.c
+--- mpi-1.8.6.orig/mpi.c 2011-12-13 15:18:37.000000000 -0800
++++ mpi-1.8.6/mpi.c 2011-12-13 17:21:59.000000000 -0800
+@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@
+ mp_err s_mp_grow(mp_int *mp, mp_size min); /* increase allocated size */
+ mp_err s_mp_pad(mp_int *mp, mp_size min); /* left pad with zeroes */
++int s_highest_bit_mp(mp_int *a);
++mp_err s_mp_set_bit(mp_int *a, int bit);
+ void s_mp_clamp(mp_int *mp); /* clip leading zeroes */
+ void s_mp_exch(mp_int *a, mp_int *b); /* swap a and b in place */
+@@ -1535,77 +1538,55 @@
+ /* {{{ mp_sqrt(a, b) */
+- mp_sqrt(a, b)
+- Compute the integer square root of a, and store the result in b.
+- Uses an integer-arithmetic version of Newton's iterative linear
+- approximation technique to determine this value; the result has the
+- following two properties:
+- b^2 <= a
+- (b+1)^2 >= a
+- It is a range error to pass a negative value.
+- */
+ mp_err mp_sqrt(mp_int *a, mp_int *b)
+ {
+- mp_int x, t;
+- mp_err res;
++ int mask_shift;
++ mp_int root, guess, *proot = &root, *pguess = &guess;
++ mp_int guess_sqr;
++ mp_err err = MP_MEM;
+ ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
+- /* Cannot take square root of a negative value */
+- if(SIGN(a) == MP_NEG)
++ if (mp_cmp_z(b) == MP_LT)
+ return MP_RANGE;
+- /* Special cases for zero and one, trivial */
+- if(mp_cmp_d(a, 0) == MP_EQ || mp_cmp_d(a, 1) == MP_EQ)
+- return mp_copy(a, b);
+- /* Initialize the temporaries we'll use below */
+- if((res = mp_init_size(&t, USED(a))) != MP_OKAY)
+- return res;
+- /* Compute an initial guess for the iteration as a itself */
+- if((res = mp_init_copy(&x, a)) != MP_OKAY)
+- goto X;
+- for(;;) {
+- /* t = (x * x) - a */
+- mp_copy(&x, &t); /* can't fail, t is big enough for original x */
+- if((res = mp_sqr(&t, &t)) != MP_OKAY ||
+- (res = mp_sub(&t, a, &t)) != MP_OKAY)
+- goto CLEANUP;
+- /* t = t / 2x */
+- s_mp_mul_2(&x);
+- if((res = mp_div(&t, &x, &t, NULL)) != MP_OKAY)
+- goto CLEANUP;
+- s_mp_div_2(&x);
+- /* Terminate the loop, if the quotient is zero */
+- if(mp_cmp_z(&t) == MP_EQ)
+- break;
+- /* x = x - t */
+- if((res = mp_sub(&x, &t, &x)) != MP_OKAY)
+- goto CLEANUP;
++ if ((err = mp_init(&root)))
++ goto out;
++ if ((err = mp_init(&guess)))
++ goto cleanup_root;
++ if ((err = mp_init(&guess_sqr)))
++ goto cleanup_guess;
++ for (mask_shift = s_highest_bit_mp(a) / 2; mask_shift > 0; mask_shift--) {
++ mp_int *temp;
++ if ((err = mp_copy(proot, pguess)))
++ goto cleanup;
++ if ((err = s_mp_set_bit(pguess, mask_shift)))
++ goto cleanup;
++ if ((err = mp_copy(pguess, &guess_sqr)))
++ goto cleanup;
++ if ((err = s_mp_sqr(&guess_sqr)))
++ goto cleanup;
++ if (s_mp_cmp(&guess_sqr, a) <= 0) {
++ temp = proot;
++ proot = pguess;
++ pguess = temp;
++ }
+ }
+- /* Copy result to output parameter */
+- mp_sub_d(&x, 1, &x);
+- s_mp_exch(&x, b);
+- mp_clear(&x);
+- X:
+- mp_clear(&t);
+- return res;
+-} /* end mp_sqrt() */
++ err = mp_copy(proot, b);
++ mp_clear(&guess_sqr);
++ mp_clear(&guess);
++ mp_clear(&root);
++ return err;
+ /* }}} */
+@@ -2541,21 +2522,9 @@
+ int mp_count_bits(mp_int *mp)
+ {
+- int len;
+- mp_digit d;
+- len = DIGIT_BIT * (USED(mp) - 1);
+- d = DIGIT(mp, USED(mp) - 1);
+- while(d != 0) {
+- ++len;
+- d >>= 1;
+- }
+- return len;
++ return s_highest_bit_mp(mp);
+ } /* end mp_count_bits() */
+ /* }}} */
+@@ -3119,6 +3088,27 @@
+ abort();
+ }
++int s_highest_bit_mp(mp_int *a)
++ int nd1 = USED(a) - 1;
++ return s_highest_bit(DIGIT(a, nd1)) + nd1 * MP_DIGIT_BIT;
++mp_err s_mp_set_bit(mp_int *a, int bit)
++ int nd = (bit + MP_DIGIT_BIT) / MP_DIGIT_BIT;
++ int nbit = bit - (nd - 1) * MP_DIGIT_BIT;
++ mp_err res;
++ if (nd == 0)
++ return MP_OKAY;
++ if ((res = s_mp_pad(a, nd)) != MP_OKAY)
++ return res;
++ DIGIT(a, nd - 1) |= ((mp_digit) 1 << nbit);
++ return MP_OKAY;
+ /* {{{ s_mp_exch(a, b) */
diff --git a/mpi-patches/series b/mpi-patches/series
index 311d7fe5..0181c920 100644
--- a/mpi-patches/series
+++ b/mpi-patches/series
@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ mpi-set-double-intptr