diff options
4 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 8b263b4c..bb51d785 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
("/=" "N-003BE40C")
(":delegate" "N-037F664C")
(":key" "N-01697547")
+ (":mass-delegate" "N-000BBDEA")
(":match" "N-03B92C0D")
("<" "D-0057")
("<!" "N-02B10DF9")
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index cb79aad2..e7c39fb9 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -417,3 +417,30 @@
,*(if opt (cons : (mapcar (lop list :) opt)))
(qref ,delegate-expr (,target-method ,*args))))))
+(define-struct-clause :mass-delegate (:form form self-var delegate-expr
+ from-struct . methods)
+ (let ((from-type (find-struct-type from-struct)))
+ (flet ((is-meth (slot)
+ (and (static-slot-p from-type slot)
+ (let ((f (static-slot from-type slot)))
+ (and (functionp f)
+ (plusp (fun-fixparam-count f)))))))
+ (unless from-type
+ (compile-error form "~s doesn't name a struct type" from-struct))
+ (if (starts-with '(*) methods)
+ (set methods
+ (diff [keep-if is-meth (slots from-type)]
+ (cdr methods)))
+ (iflet ((badmeth [remove-if is-meth methods]))
+ (compile-error form "~s aren't methods of type ~s" badmeth from-struct)))
+ (collect-each ((m methods))
+ (let* ((f (static-slot from-type m))
+ (fix (fun-fixparam-count f))
+ (opt (fun-optparam-count f))
+ (var (fun-variadic f))
+ (parms ^(,*(take (- fix opt) (cons self-var (gun (gensym))))
+ ,*(if (plusp opt)
+ ^(: ,*(take opt (gun (gensym)))))
+ ,*(if var (gensym)))))
+ ^(:delegate ,m ,parms ,delegate-expr))))))
diff --git a/tests/012/ b/tests/012/
index a5c57973..b786e0b7 100644
--- a/tests/012/
+++ b/tests/012/
@@ -108,3 +108,36 @@
(mtest co.(work) "worker foo works"
co.(break) "worker foo relaxes for 15 min"
co.(break 5) "worker foo relaxes for 5 min"))
+(defstruct api-x ()
+ (:method get (x a b : c . d) ^(api-x get ,x ,a ,b ,c ,d))
+ (:method put (x s) ^(api-x put ,x ,s)))
+(defstruct api-y ()
+ (:method frob (y r : s) ^(api-y frob ,y ,r ,s))
+ (:method tweak (y) ^(api-y tweak ,y)))
+(defstruct api-z ()
+ (:method decrement (z n) ^(api-z decrement ,z ,n))
+ (:method increment (z n) ^(api-z increment ,z ,n)))
+(defstruct component ()
+ (ax (new api-x))
+ (ay (new api-y))
+ (az (new api-z))
+ (:mass-delegate o api-x *)
+ (:mass-delegate o o.ay api-y frob)
+ (:mass-delegate o api-z * decrement))
+(let ((c (new component)))
+ (mtest
+ c.(get 1 2 3 . 4) (api-x get #S(api-x) 1 2 3 4)
+ c.(put 5) (api-x put #S(api-x) 5)
+ c.(get) :error
+ c.(put 5 6) :error
+ c.(frob 7 8) (api-y frob #S(api-y) 7 8)
+ c.(frob 9) (api-y frob #S(api-y) 9 nil)
+ c.(frob 7 8 9) :error
+ c.(tweak) :error
+ c.(increment 1) (api-z increment #S(api-z) 1)
+ c.(decrement) :error))
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index 81440eb9..363c6977 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -31043,6 +31043,158 @@ method delegates to a differently named method
co.(break 5) -> "worker foo relaxes for 5 min"
+.coNP Struct clause macro @ :mass-delegate
+.mets (:mass-delegate < self-var < delegate-expr
+.mets \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ < from-type <> [ * ] <> [ method ]*)
+struct macro provides a way to define multiple methods which are implemented
+as delegates to corresponding methods on another object.
+The implementation of
+.code :mass-delegate
+depends on the
+.code :delegate
+.meta self-var
+argument must be a bindable symbol. In each generated delegate method,
+this symbol will be the first argument. The purpose of this symbol is
+to enable the
+.meta delegate-expr
+to refer to the delegating object.
+.meta delegate-expr
+is an expression which is inserted into every method. It is required
+to evaluates to the delegate object. This expression may make a reference to
+.meta self-var
+in order to retrieve the delegate from the delegating object.
+.meta from-type
+argument is a symbol naming an existing structure type. If no such
+structure type has been defined, an error exception is thrown.
+After the
+.meta from-type
+argument, either zero or more slot names appear, optionally preceded by the
+.code *
+(asterisk) symbol.
+If the
+.code *
+symbol is present, and isn't followed by any other symbols, it indicates
+that all methods from
+.meta from-type
+are to be delegated. If symbols appear after the
+.code *
+then those specify exceptions: methods not to be delegated.
+No validation is performed on the exception list; it may specify
+nonexistent method names which have no effect.
+If the
+.code *
+symbol is absent, then every
+.meta method
+symbol specifies a method to be delegated.
+It is consequently expected to name a method of the
+.metn from-type :
+a static slot which contains a function. If any
+.meta method
+isn't a static slot of
+.metn from-type ,
+or not a static slot which contains a function, an error exception is thrown.
+.code :mass-delegate
+struct macro iterates over all of the methods of
+.meta from-type
+that selected for delegation, and for each one it generates a
+.code :delegate
+macro clause based on the existing method's parameter list.
+For instance, the delegate for a method which has two required arguments and
+one optional will itself have two required arguments and one optional.
+Delegates are not simply wrapper functions which take any number of arguments
+and try to pass them to the target.
+The generated
+.code :delegate
+clauses are then processed by that struct clause macro.
+Note: composition with delegation is a useful alternative when
+multiple inheritance is not applicable or desired for various reasons.
+One such reason is that structures that would be used as multiple inheritance
+bases use the same symbols for certain slots, and the semantics of those
+slots conflict. Under inheritance, same-named slots coming from different
+bases become one slot,
+Note: a particular
+.meta from-type
+being nominated in the
+.code :mass-delegate
+clause doesn't mean that the specific methods of that type shall be called
+by the generated delegates. The methods that shall be called are those
+of the calculated delegate object selected by the
+.metn delegate-expr .
+.meta from-type
+is used as a source of the argument info, and method existence validation.
+It is up to the application to ensure that the delegation using
+.meta from-type
+makes sense with respect to the delegate object that is selected by the
+.metn delegate-expr :
+for instance, by ensuring that this object is an instance of
+.meta from-type
+or a subtype thereof.
+.TP* Example:
+ (defstruct foo-api ()
+ name
+ (:method begin (me) ^(foo , begin))
+ (:method increment (me delta) ^(foo , increment ,delta))
+ (:method end (me) ^(foo , end)))
+ (defstruct bar-api ()
+ name
+ (:method open (me) ^(bar , open))
+ (:method read (me buf) ^(bar , read ,buf))
+ (:method write (me buf) ^(bar , write ,buf))
+ (:method close (me) ^(bar , close)))
+ ;; facade holds the two API objects by composition:
+ (defstruct facade ()
+ (foo (new foo-api name "foo"))
+ (bar (new bar-api name "bar"))
+ ;; delegate foo-api style calls via
+ (:mass-delegate me foo-api *)
+ ;; delegate bar-api style calls via
+ ;; exclude the write method.
+ (:mass-delegate me bar-api * write))
+ ;; instantiate facade as variable fa
+ (defvar fa (new facade)) -> fa
+ ;; begin call on facade delegates through foo-api object.
+ fa.(begin) -> (foo "foo" begin)
+ fa.(increment) -> ;; error: too few arguments
+ fa.(increment 3) -> (foo "foo" increment 3)
+ fa.(open) -> (bar "bar" open)
+ fa.(write 4) -> ;; error: fa has no such method
.SS* Special Structure Functions
Special structure functions are user-defined methods or structure functions