diff options
authorKaz Kylheku <>2021-04-19 20:16:10 -0700
committerKaz Kylheku <>2021-04-19 20:16:10 -0700
commit8994babc7c49d3a118bb8341549fef209a21dcc2 (patch)
parentf264a0cbbb22d8dd012b8b56d9e88147e2e23eb8 (diff)
matcher: first pattern macro, sme.
* lisplib.c (match_instantiate): Intern sme symbol. * share/txr/stdlib/ Update with sme entry. * share/txr/stdlib/ (sme): New defmatch macro. * tests/011/ New tests for sme. * txr.1: Documented.
5 files changed, 210 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lisplib.c b/lisplib.c
index 95fa9914..422fcaaa 100644
--- a/lisplib.c
+++ b/lisplib.c
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ static val match_instantiate(val set_fun)
static val match_set_entries(val dlt, val fun)
val name_noload[] = {
- lit("all*"), lit("as"), lit("with"), lit("scan"),
+ lit("all*"), lit("as"), lit("with"), lit("scan"), lit("sme"),
val name[] = {
diff --git a/share/txr/stdlib/ b/share/txr/stdlib/
index 389ea679..dfd6f178 100644
--- a/share/txr/stdlib/
+++ b/share/txr/stdlib/
@@ -407,12 +407,12 @@
("lset" "N-008216EC")
("clock-t" "N-03258244")
("ai-v4mapped" "N-020DFFDE")
+ ("pprinl" "N-02FCCE0D")
("struct-type-name" "N-00088BD7")
("rplacd" "D-0013")
("unless" "N-017EFAB6")
("log10" "D-0014")
("*hash-seed*" "N-0041D85A")
- ("pprinl" "N-02FCCE0D")
("vec-push" "N-01693B82")
("base64-stream-enc" "N-03BEDB34")
("ftw-stop" "N-03853999")
@@ -1640,6 +1640,7 @@
("nzerop" "N-0197FF9D")
("*" "N-022396F7")
("arraysize" "N-002129D6")
+ ("sme" "N-008C6621")
("tcioff" "N-02173FF9")
("log-pid" "N-02371913")
("typep" "N-03B8D9EE")
diff --git a/share/txr/stdlib/ b/share/txr/stdlib/
index 91885472..c43f7722 100644
--- a/share/txr/stdlib/
+++ b/share/txr/stdlib/
@@ -756,6 +756,51 @@
,args ,*body)))
+(defmatch sme (:form f sta mid end : (mobj (gensym)) tobj)
+ (flet ((check (pat)
+ (if (or (not (listp pat))
+ (meq (car pat) 'sys:expr 'sys:var))
+ (compile-error f
+ "~s: list pattern expected, not ~s"
+ 'sme pat)
+ pat))
+ (check-end (pat)
+ (if (and (listp pat)
+ (meq (car pat) 'sys:expr 'sys:var))
+ (compile-error f
+ "~s: list or atom pattern expected, not ~s"
+ 'sme pat)
+ pat))
+ (check-sym (sym : nil-ok)
+ (cond
+ ((bindable sym) sym)
+ ((and (null sym) nil-ok) sym)
+ (t (compile-error f "~s: bindable symbol expected, not ~s"
+ 'sme sym))))
+ (loosen (pat)
+ (if (proper-list-p pat)
+ (append pat '@nil)
+ pat))
+ (pat-len (pat)
+ (if (consp pat)
+ (let ((var-op-pos (pos-if (op meq 'sys:var 'sys:expr)
+ (butlastn 0 pat))))
+ (if var-op-pos var-op-pos (len pat)))
+ 0)))
+ (let* ((psta (loosen (check sta)))
+ (pmid (loosen (check mid)))
+ (pend (check-end end))
+ (lsta (pat-len psta))
+ (lmid (pat-len pmid))
+ (lend (pat-len pend))
+ (obj (gensym)))
+ ^@(as ,(check-sym obj)
+ @(and ,psta
+ @(with @(scan @(as ,(check-sym mobj) ,pmid))
+ (nthcdr ,lsta ,obj))
+ @(with @(as ,(check-sym tobj t) ,pend)
+ (nthlast ,lend (nthcdr ,lmid ,mobj))))))))
(defun non-triv-pat-p (syntax) t)
(defun non-triv-pat-p (syntax)
diff --git a/tests/011/ b/tests/011/
index abad6b44..4be407fa 100644
--- a/tests/011/
+++ b/tests/011/
@@ -277,3 +277,40 @@
((@a 2 @b) ^(2 ,a))))
(local 3 2 1)))
(2 3))
+ (when-match @(sme (1 2) (3 4) (5 . 6) m e)
+ '(1 2 3 4 5 . 6)
+ (list m e))
+ ((3 4 5 . 6) (5 . 6)))
+ (when-match @(sme (1 2) (3 4) (5 . 6) m d)
+ '(1 2 abc 3 4 def 5 . 6)
+ (list m d))
+ ((3 4 def 5 . 6) (5 . 6)))
+ (when-match @(sme (1 2 @x . @y) (4 @z) 6)
+ '(1 2 abc 3 4 def 5 . 6)
+ (list x y z))
+ (abc (3 4 def 5 . 6) def))
+(test (when-match @(sme (1 2) (2 3) (4)) '(1 2 3 4) t) nil)
+(test (when-match @(sme (1 2) (3 4) (4)) '(1 2 3 4) t) nil)
+(test (when-match @(sme (1 2) (2 3) (3 4)) '(1 2 3 4) t) nil)
+(test (when-match @(sme (1 2 . @x) (3 . @y) (4)) '(1 2 3 4) t) t)
+(test (when-match @(sme (1 2 . @x) (3 . @y) ()) '(1 2 3 4) t) t)
+(test (when-match @(sme (1 2 . @x) (3 . @y) ()) '(1 2 3 4 . 5) t) nil)
+(test (when-match @(sme (1 @y) (@z @x @y @z) (@x @y)) '(1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2)
+ (list x y z))
+ (1 2 3))
+(test (when-match @(and @(sme (1 @x) (3) (7) m n)
+ @(with @(coll @(oddp @y)) (ldiff m n)))
+ '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
+ (list x y))
+ (2 (3 5)))
+(test (when-match @(sme () () 5) 5 t) t)
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index 38ab830c..191dd5ef 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -41356,6 +41356,131 @@ is a standard \*(TL notation with the same meaning as
- > (t (1 2 3))
+.coNP Pattern macro @ sme
+.mets @(sme < spat < mpat < epat >> [ mvar <> [ evar ]])
+The pattern macro
+.code sme
+(start, middle, end) is a notation defined using the
+.code defmatch
+.code sme
+macro generates a complex pattern which matches three non-overlapping
+parts of a list object using three patterns. The
+.meta spat
+pattern is required to match a prefix of the input list. If that match is
+successful, then the remainder of the list is searched for a match for
+.metn mpat ,
+using the
+.code scan
+operator. If that match, in turn, is successful, then the suffix of
+the remainder of the list is required to match
+.codn epat .
+The optional
+.meta mvar
+.meta evar
+arguments must be bindable symbols, if they are specified.
+These symbols specify lexical variables which are bound to, respectively,
+the object matched by
+.meta mpat
+.metn epat ,
+using the fresh binding semantics of the
+.code as
+pattern operator.
+The first two patterns,
+.meta spat
+.metn mpat ,
+must be possibly dotted list patterns.
+The last pattern,
+.metn epat ,
+must be either an atom or a possibly dotted list pattern.
+Important to the semantics of
+.code sme
+is the concept of the length of a list pattern.
+The length of a pattern with a pattern variable or operator
+in the dotted position is the number of items before that variable
+or operator. The length of
+.code "(1 2 . @(and a b))"
+is 2; likewise the length of
+.code "(1 2 . @nil)"
+is also 2.
+The length of a pattern which does not have a variable or
+operator in the dotted position is simply its list length.
+For instance, the pattern
+.code "(1 2 3)"
+has length 3, and so does the pattern
+.codn "(1 2 3 . 4)" .
+The length is determined by the list object structure of the
+pattern, and not the printed syntax used to express it. Thus,
+.code "(1 . (2 3))"
+is still a length 3 pattern, because it denotes the same
+.code "(1 2 3)"
+object, using the dot notation unnecessarily.
+The non-overlapping semantics of
+.code sme
+develops as follows. When the
+.meta spat
+pattern matches a prefix of the input object, then a middle suffix is
+calculated of the input object by dropping leading elements from it. The number
+of elements dropped is equal to the length
+.metn spat .
+.meta mpat
+is then similarly matched against a prefix of this middle suffix. If that match
+is successful, a number of leading elements equal to the length of
+.meta mpat
+is dropped from the middle suffix to determine the final suffix.
+.meta epat
+is matched against the tail portion of the final suffix which is equal
+to its length. If the final suffix is shorter than
+.metn epat ,
+then the match isn't possible.
+.TP* Examples:
+ (when-match @(sme (1 2) (3 4) (5 . 6) m e)
+ '(1 2 3 4 5 . 6)
+ (list m e))
+ -> ((3 4 5 . 6) (5 . 6))
+ (when-match @(sme (1 2) (3 4) (5 . 6) m e)
+ '(1 2 abc 3 4 def 5 . 6)
+ (list m e))
+ ((3 4 def 5 . 6) (5 . 6))
+ ;; backreferencing
+ (when-match @(sme (1 @y) (@z @x @y @z) (@x @y)) '(1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2)
+ (list x y z))
+ -> (1 2 3))
+ ;; collect odd items starting at 3, before 7
+ (when-match @(and @(sme (1 @x) (3) (7) m e)
+ @(with @(coll @(oddp @y)) (ldiff m e)))
+ '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
+ (list x y))
+ -> (2 (3 5)))
+ ;; no overlap
+ (when-match @(sme (1 2) (2 3) (3 4)) '(1 2 3 4) t) -> nil
+ ;; The atom 5 is like a "zero-length improper list".
+ (when-match @(sme () () 5) 5 t) -> t
.SS* Pattern Matching Macros
.coNP Macros @ when-match and @ if-match