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authorKaz Kylheku <>2013-09-16 21:26:45 -0700
committerKaz Kylheku <>2013-09-16 21:26:45 -0700
commit1c58d3924a9ff4a57aee3e3377d473fed7e221f5 (patch)
parent93a6b61d60c41a82d8bb55c655a85e7aefb7d0a1 (diff)
Adding readme files.
2 files changed, 1488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae7de28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+/* */
+/* 『世界樹3.6』はじめにお読みください (C)2002-2013 くず */
+/* */
+ このたびは、お忙しい中、『世界樹3.6』をダウンロードしていただき、又はお受け取り
+・複数のMIDIデータを同時に開けるMDI (Multi Document Interface)方式を採用。
+ ウィンドウ・イベントリストウィンドウ・譜面ウィンドウを装備。
+ を編集可能。
+ タイムベースの変換も可能。
+・OS      :Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7が正常に動作するマシン。
+・CPU      :Pentium1GHz程度(Windows2000/XP)、Core2Duo程度(WindowsVista/7)
+・メモリ    :512MB程度(Windows2000/XP)、2GB程度(WindowsVista/7)
+・モニター   :1024×768ドット以上の解像度のフルカラーモニター。
+・プリンター  :A4又はA3のカラーのもの(オプション)。
+・MIDI音源   :外付けMIDI音源又は内蔵MIDI音源又はソフトウェア音源(VSTiは不可)。
+・その他    :音の出る環境(アンプ・スピーカーもしくはヘッドフォン)
+├license.txt ライセンス原文(テキスト)
+├MIDIIO.dll ダイナミックリンクライブラリ(MIDI入出力用)★
+├MIDIData.dll ダイナミックリンクライブラリ(MIDIデータ操作用)★
+├MIDIClock.dll ダイナミックリンクライブラリ(MIDI時刻計測用)★
+├MIDIStatus.dll ダイナミックリンクライブラリ(MIDI状態保持用)★
+├MIDIInstrument.dll ダイナミックリンクライブラリ(MIDIインストゥルメント管理用)★
+├Sekaiju.exe アプリケーション本体★
+├Sekaiju.ini 設定ファイル(テキスト)☆
+├Sekaiju.mdp VisualC++4.0用プロジェクトワークスペース
+├Sekaiju.mak C/C++用メイクファイル
+├SekaijuEnu.dll 世界樹の英語リソースDLL★
+├SekaijuJpn.dll 世界樹の日本語リソースDLL★
+├readme.txt このファイル(はじめにお読みください)
+├src C/C++ソースファイル・ヘッダーファイル・リソーススクリプト保存用フォルダ
+├res リソース保存用フォルダ
+│├Draw.cur 描画カーソル
+│├Eraser.cur 消しゴムカーソル
+│├EvenList1.bmp ツールバー(イベントリスト用)のボタンの絵
+│├Icon1.ico 世界樹用アイコン2
+│├Icon2.ico 世界樹用アイコン2
+│├Line.cur 直線カーソル
+│├MainFrame.ico メインフレーム用アイコン
+│├MusicalScore1.bmp ツールバー(譜面用)のボタンの絵
+│├Pan.cur パンカーソル
+│├PianoRoll1.bmp ツールバー(ピアノロール)の絵
+│├ResizeAll.cur サイズ変更用カーソル(全方向)
+│├ResizeNS.cur サイズ変更用カーソル(上下方向)
+│├ResizeWE.cur サイズ変更用カーソル(左右方向)
+│├Sekaiju.ico メインフレームのアイコン
+│├SekaijuType.ico 子フレームのアイコン
+│├Select.cur 選択カーソル
+│├SelectAdd.cur 追加選択カーソル
+│├SizeAllCopy.cur コピーカーソル
+│├Speaker.cur スピーカーカーソル
+│├Toolbar1.bmp ツールバー1のボタンの絵
+│├Toolbar2.bmp ツールバー2のボタンの絵
+│├TrackList1.bmp ツールバー(トラックビュー用)のボタンの絵
+│└Zoom.cur ズームカーソル(垂直方向)
+├SekaijuRes インストゥルメント定義ファイル保存用フォルダ
+│├SekaijuEnu.rc 世界樹の英語用リソーススクリプト(テキスト)
+│├SekaijuJpn.rc 世界樹の日本語用リソーススクリプト(テキスト)
+│├SekaijuRes.rc 世界樹のリソーススクリプト(テキスト)
+│├SekaijuRes.mak 世界樹のリソーススクリプト用メイクファイル(テキスト)
+│└SekaijuRes.mdp 世界樹のリソーススクリプト用プロジェクトワークスペース
+├instrument インストゥルメント定義ファイル保存用フォルダ☆
+│├GM1_GM2.ins GM1/GM2インストゥルメント定義ファイル(テキスト)
+│├Micrsoft_GS_Wavetable_Synth.ins Microsoft GS Wavetable Synthインストゥルメント定義ファイル(テキスト)☆
+│├YAMAHA_MU1000_MU2000.ins YAMAHA MU1000/MU2000インストゥルメント定義ファイル(テキスト)
+│├Roland_SC-8850.ins Roland SC-8850インストゥルメント定義ファイル(テキスト)
+│└KORG_KROME.ins KORG KROMEインストゥルメント定義ファイル(テキスト)
+├docs 公式ガイドブック・取扱説明書などの文書
+│├Sekaiju.odt 取扱説明書(日本語)(OpenOffice3.0用)
+│├Sekaiju.pdf 取扱説明書(日本語)(Adobe Reader用)
+│├Sekaiju_en.odt 取扱説明書(英語)(OpenOffice3.0用)
+│└Sekaiju_en.pdf 取扱説明書(英語)(Adobe Reader用)
+├autosave 自動保存用フォルダ
+ ★:アプリケーションの動作に必要不可欠なもの(無くした場合は起動不能となります)。
+ ☆:アプリケーションの動作にあるべきもの(無くしても起動しますが不便を生じます)。
+ !注意! Windowsの設定によっては、拡張子がdllのファイルは表示されない場合があります。
+ そのような場合、エクスプローラー又はマイコンピュータの、「ツール(T)」-「オプション(O)...」
+ の「表示」タブの中から「すべてのフォルダとファイルを表示する」をONにしてください。
+ また、拡張子の部分のみが全く表示されない場合は、同じタブの中から、
+ 「登録されている拡張子は表示しない」をOFFにしてください。
+ 上記の他に、MSVCRT40.dllとMFC40.dllが必要です。
+ これらは通常、Windowsに付属しています(c:\windows\system32\内又はc:\winNT\system32\内又は
+ c:\windows\SysWOW64\内にある)。
+ 万一お持ちでない場合は、どこかから別途ダウンロードしてください。
+ そして、Sekaiju.exeがあるのと同じフォルダに設置してください。
+ !警告! 解凍せずに用いると、必要なファイルが読み込めず起動できなくなります。
+ 起動してください。
+ !警告! 起動は必ずSekaiju.exeの置いてあるパソコン上で行ってください。
+ ネットワークコンピュータ上で実行すると思わぬトラブルを引き起こすことがあります。
+ MIDIインストゥルメント(通常)とMIDIインストゥルメント(ドラム)を
+ を選択する必要があります。
+ 「設定(S)」-「MIDIデバイスとインストゥルメント(D)」で、
+ MIDI出力デバイスとMIDI入力デバイスと
+ MIDIインストゥルメント(通常)とMIDIインストゥルメント(ドラム)を
+ ご使用のMIDIキーボードやMIDI音源に合わせて選択してください。
+ !警告! MIDI出力デバイスが何も選択されていない場合、音は鳴りません。
+ インストゥルメント定義ファイル(*.ins)は、Cakewalk/Sonar用のインストゥルメント定義ファイルと
+ 互換性があります。これらのファイルは、インターネット上を探せば、ほとんどの楽器は見つかると
+ 思います。新しいインストゥルメントを追加するには、insフォルダ内に(*.ins)ファイルを置き、
+ Sekaiju.exeを再起動してください。
+ 再起動します。メニューが文字化けしていると思われる場合は、キーボードから[Alt]+[S]
+ →[Alt]+[L]を押すことで言語ダイアログを開くことができます。
+ に変更、保存してから、世界樹を起動します。
+(1)このソフトは、GNU LGPL (Lesser General Public License)に基づき配布されます。
+ あなたはこのソフトを、LGPLに基づき、コピー・再配布することができます。
+ また、あなたはこのソフトを改変し、それをLGPLに基づき、再配布することもできます。
+ いずれの場合も作者に許可を取る必要はありません。
+ いかなる場合においても、作者又は関係者が責任を負うことはありません。
+ 予めご了承くださいませ。
+ ・SekaijuJpn.dll (c)2013 くず / おーぷんMIDIぷろじぇくと ライセンス = GNU LGPL
+ ・SekaijuEnu.dll (c)2013 くず / おーぷんMIDIぷろじぇくと ライセンス = GNU LGPL
+ ・MIDIIO.dll (c)2012 くず / おーぷんMIDIぷろじぇくと ライセンス = GNU LGPL
+ ・MIDIData.dll (c)2012 くず / おーぷんMIDIぷろじぇくと ライセンス = GNU LGPL
+ ・MIDIClock.dll (c)2012 くず / おーぷんMIDIぷろじぇくと ライセンス = GNU LGPL
+ ・MIDIStatus.dll (c)2012 くず / おーぷんMIDIぷろじぇくと ライセンス = GNU LGPL
+ ・MIDIInstrument.dll (c)2012 くず / おーぷんMIDIぷろじぇくと ライセンス = GNU LGPL
+ ・MSVCRT40.dll (c)1995 Microsoft ライセンス = 非フリー(Windowsに付属)
+ ・MFC40.dll (c)1995 Microsoft ライセンス = 非フリー(Windowsに付属)
+ ダイナミックリンクライブラリが不足している場合、世界樹を起動できません。
+ MSVCRT40.dllとMFC40.dllは、通常、c:\windows\system32\又はc:\winNT\system32\又は
+ c:\windows\SysWOW64\の中に存在します。
+ もしお持ちでない場合は、別途ダウンロードしてください。
+2007/12/31 Sekaiju0.1alpha (開発中ヴァージョン) Release.
+2008/03/31 Sekaiju0.2alpha (開発中ヴァージョン) Release.
+2008/07/26 Sekaiju0.3alpha (開発中ヴァージョン) Release.
+2008/08/14 Sekaiju0.4alpha (開発中ヴァージョン) Release.
+ 「音長さの変更」「値の変更」の機能が付いた。
+ 「プロジェクトホームページ」を開けるようになった。
+ などが挿入できないバグを修正した。
+2008/08/23 Sekaiju0.5alpha (開発中ヴァージョン) Release.
+2008/10/04 Sekaiju0.6alpha (開発中ヴァージョン) Release.
+2008/11/03 Sekaiju0.7alpha (開発中ヴァージョン) Release.
+2008/12/13 Sekaiju0.8alpha (開発中ヴァージョン) Release.
+2008/12/20 Sekaiju0.9alpha (開発中ヴァージョン) Release.
+2008/12/27 Sekaiju1.0 Release.
+2009/01/17 Sekaiju1.1 Release.
+・Microsoft GS Wavetable Synthの音源定義ファイルを追加し、それをデフォルトの音源定義ファイルとした。
+2009/07/05 Sekaiju1.2 Release.
+2009/07/14 Sekaiju1.3 Release.
+2009/09/06 Sekaiju1.4 Release.
+2009/12/19 Sekaiju1.5 Release.
+2010/01/03 Sekaiju1.6 Release.
+2010/01/31 Sekaiju1.7 Release.
+2010/02/02 Sekaiju1.7 Release again
+・WindowsXP SP3で世界樹が起動できないバグを修正。
+2010/02/28 Sekaiju1.8 Release
+2010/05/04 Sekaiju1.9 Release
+ このダイアログは、ポップアップメニューの「このイベントのプロパティ...」から開ける。
+ 左から右へドラッグして選択したときは、長方形内部のイベントが選択され、
+ 右から左へドラッグして選択したときは、長方形内部のイベント及び長方形に接するイベントが選択されるようにした。
+2010/06/06 Sekaiju2.0 Release
+ このセルも移動や複写ができるようにした。
+2010/07/30 Sekaiju2.1 Release
+2011/02/05 Sekaiju2.2 Release
+2011/03/06 Sekaiju2.3 Release
+2011/05/08 Sekaiju2.4 Release
+2011/06/05 Sekaiju2.5 Release
+2011/11/06 Sekaiju2.6 Release
+ できるだけ正確に表示するようにした。
+2012/01/10 Sekaiju2.7 Release
+ (全音符、2分音符、4分音符、8分音符、16分音符、32分音符、付点、3連)。
+ それぞれ"\t","\r","\n"として正しく表示・編集・入出力できるようにした。
+ ただし、テキスト系のイベントの文字列中に、TAB・CR・LFを含ませることはお勧めできません。
+ "\011","\015","\012"をそれぞれTAB,CR,LFとして入力できるようにした。
+・MIDICSVファイル(*.csv)への保存で、 テキスト系イベント内の
+ TAB,CR,LFをそれぞれ"\011","\015","\012"として出力できるようにした。
+ また、改行コードはLFとした。世界樹2.7以降のMIDICSVファイルは、
+ LFを改行として認識可能なテキストエディタや表計算ソフトでご覧ください。
+ 曲の途中から演奏をしたとき、正しい音色に切り替わらないことがあるバグを修正。
+ また、一部文章をわかりやすくした。
+2012/02/10 Sekaiju2.8 Relase
+2012/03/04 Sekaiju2.9 Relase
+2012/04/22 Sekaiju3.0 Release
+2012/07/07 Sekaiju3.1 Release
+2012/08/19 Sekaiju3.2 Release
+・トラックリストウィンドウで、Ctrl + '+' '-'キーで拡大縮小ができるようにした。
+・ピアノロールウィンドウで、Ctrl + '+' '-'キーで拡大縮小ができるようにした。
+・イベントリストウィンドウで、Ctrl + '+' '-'キーで拡大縮小ができるようにした。
+・譜面ウィンドウで、Ctrl + '+' '-'キーで拡大縮小ができるようにした。
+2012/09/30 Sekaiju3.3 Release
+2012/12/02 Sekaiju3.4 Release
+2012/03/03 Sekaiju3.5 Release
+・Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth インストゥルメント定義ファイル(*.ins)の誤記修正。
+・KORG KROME インストゥルメント定義ファイル(*.ins)を追加。
+2012/05/05 Sekaiju3.6 Release
diff --git a/readme_en.txt b/readme_en.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9583bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/readme_en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+/* */
+/* Sekaiju3.6 read me first (C)2002-2013 kuzu */
+/* */
+Thank you for downloading Sekaiju3.6. This file includes basic information and
+basic notice. Please read this file first. For detail, see also "Sekaiju_en.pdf"
+in the "docs" foleder.
+### Features ###
+"Sekaiju" is free, open source MIDI sequencer software for creating and editing
+MIDI data. This software enables you to create music with your MIDI modules or
+synthesizers. Sekaiju also can be used as a powerful MIDI editor.
+ * Multiple MIDI data can be opened.
+ This is a MDI (Multi Document Interface) application.
+ * Can use track list window, piano roll window, event list window, and musical score window,
+ and they are printable.
+ * All kind of MIDI events including meta event and system-exclusive event are editable.
+ * Unlimited undo and redo.
+ * Both TPQN base at the resolution (time-base) from 1 to 960 and
+ SMPTE24/25/29.97/30 base at the resolution 1 to 255 is supported.
+ Time mode and resolution can be changed at any time.
+ * Sekaiju sequence file(*.skj) import and export.
+ * Cherry sequence file(*.chy) import and export.
+ * Standard MIDI file(*.mid) format 0/1/2 import and export.
+ * MIDICSV file(*.csv) import and export.
+ * Auto back up(from 1 minute to 120 minutes interval).
+ * 16 MIDI input ports and 16 MIDI output ports can be used at the same time.
+ * Real time recording with metronome, which can be inputted to multiple track.
+ * Auto repeat from CC#111 position, which is used as a repeat marker in "RPG Tsukuru" software.
+ * Intelligent playback which prevents garbled sound, wherever position you started playing.
+ * Synchronized recording which starts at your keyboard playing.
+ * MIDI Timing clock for syncronizing may be received and sent.
+ * Instrument definitions are compatible with Cakewalk's instrument definition file(*.ins).
+ * Only extracting zip file is required to execute. No need to install.
+ * All GUI and docoumentations are bilingual (Japanese and English).
+### Requirement ###
+ * OS : Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
+ * CPU : about Pentium1GHz(Windows2000/XP), about Core2Duo(WindowsVista/7)
+ * Memory : about 512MB (Windows2000/XP), about 2GB(WindowsVista/7)
+ * Hard Disk : about 20MB
+ * Printer : A4 or A3 color printer (option).
+ * Monitor : Full color display whose area is 1024 * 768 pixel or larger.
+ * MIDI Module : Hardware MIDI module or software MIDI module (VSTi is impossible).
+ * MIDI Keyboard : Hardware MIDI keyboard (option).
+ * others : Sound environment (Amplifier, loudspeakers, or headphones).
+### Contents ###
+|-license.txt License text
+|-MIDIIO.dll MIDI Input / Output library DLL [Essential]
+|-MIDIData.dll MIDI Data creating and editing library DLL [Essential]
+|-MIDIClock.dll MIDI Clock measurement library DLL [Essetial]
+|-MIDIStatus.dll MIDI module status keeping library DLL [Essential]
+|-MIDIInstrument.dll MIDI instrument definition file load library DLL [Essential]
+|-Sekaiju.exe Sekaiju Application [Essetial]
+|-Sekaiju.exe.manifest Manifest file for WindowsXP / Vista visual style
+|-Sekaiju.ini Configuration text [Essetial]
+|-Sekaiju.mdp Project work space for Microsoft VisualC++4.0J
+|-Sekaiju.mak C/C++ make file
+|-SekaijuEnu.dll Sekaiju English resouce DLL [Essential]
+|-SekaijuJpn.dll Sekaiju Japanese resouce DLL [Essential]
+|-readme.txt Read me first (Japanese)
+|-readme_en.txt Read me first (English)
+|-src C/C++ source files, header files, resouce script foleder
+| |-AboutDlg.cpp
+| |-AboutDlg.h
+| |-AutoSaveDlg.cpp
+| |-AutoSaveDlg.h
+| |-BeatScanDlg.cpp
+| |-BeatScanDlg.h
+| |-BreakupAndTrillScanDlg.cpp
+| |-BreakupAndTrillScanDlg.h
+| |-ChildFrame.cpp
+| |-ChildFrame.h
+| |-ColorfulCheckListBox.cpp
+| |-ColorfulCheckListBox.h
+| |-ColorfulComboBox.cpp
+| |-ColorfulComboBox.h
+| |-ColorOptionPage.cpp
+| |-ColorOptionPage.h
+| |-ColorSelectComboBox.cpp
+| |-ColorSelectComboBox.h
+| |-common.c
+| |-common.h
+| |-EditChannelDlg.cpp
+| |-EditChannelDlg.h
+| |-EditDurationDlg.cpp
+| |-EditDurationDlg.h
+| |-EditInsertMeasureDlg.cpp
+| |-EditInsertMeasureDlg.h
+| |-EditKeyDlg.cpp
+| |-EditKeyDlg.h
+| |-EditQuantizeDlg.cpp
+| |-EditQuantizeDlg.h
+| |-EditRemoveMeasureDlg.cpp
+| |-EditRemoveMeasureDlg.h
+| |-EditTimeDlg.cpp
+| |-EditTimeDlg.h
+| |-EditTimeSmpDlg.cpp
+| |-EditTimeSmpDlg.h
+| |-EditTrackDlg.cpp
+| |-EditTrackDlg.h
+| |-EditValueDlg.cpp
+| |-EditValueDlg.h
+| |-EditVelocityDlg.cpp
+| |-EditVelocityDlg.h
+| |-EventKindListBox.cpp
+| |-EventKindListBox.h
+| |-EventListFrame.cpp
+| |-EventListFrame.h
+| |-EventListIndexPropertyView.cpp
+| |-EventListIndexPropertyView.h
+| |-EventListIndexScaleView.cpp
+| |-EventListIndexScaleView.h
+| |-EventListOptionPage.cpp
+| |-EventListOptionPage.h
+| |-EventListPrintView.cpp
+| |-EventListPrintView.h
+| |-EventListPropertyScaleView.cpp
+| |-EventListPropertyScaleView.h
+| |-EventListScaleView.cpp
+| |-EventListScaleView.h
+| |-FilePropertyDlg.cpp
+| |-FilePropertyDlg.h
+| |-GeneralOptionPage.cpp
+| |-GeneralOptionPage.h
+| |-GraphKindListBox.cpp
+| |-GraphKindListBox.h
+| |-HistoryRecord.cpp
+| |-HistoryRecord.h
+| |-HistoryUnit.cpp
+| |-HistoryUnit.h
+| |-InplaceEdit.cpp
+| |-InplaceEdit.h
+| |-InplaceListBox.cpp
+| |-InplaceListBox.h
+| |-LanguageDlg.cpp
+| |-LanguageDlg.h
+| |-MainFrame.cpp
+| |-MainFrame.h
+| |-MetronomeDlg.cpp
+| |-MetronomeDlg.h
+| |-MIDIDeviceSheet.cpp
+| |-MIDIDeviceSheet.h
+| |-MIDIInDevicePage.cpp
+| |-MIDIInDevicePage.h
+| |-MIDIInstDefDrumPage.cpp
+| |-MIDIInstDefDrumPage.h
+| |-MIDIInstDefNormPage.cpp
+| |-MIDIInstDefNormPage.h
+| |-MIDIInSyncModePage.cpp
+| |-MIDIInSyncModePage.h
+| |-MIDIOutDevicePage.cpp
+| |-MIDIOutDevicePage.h
+| |-MIDIOutSyncModePage.cpp
+| |-MIDIOutSyncModePage.h
+| |-MIDISyncModeSheet.cpp
+| |-MIDISyncModeSheet.h
+| |-mousewheel.h
+| |-MusicalScoreFrame.cpp
+| |-MusicalScoreFrame.h
+| |-MusicalScoreOptionPage.cpp
+| |-MusicalScoreOptionPage.h
+| |-MusicalScorePrintView.cpp
+| |-MusicalScorePrintView.h
+| |-MusicalScoreTrackScaleView.cpp
+| |-MusicalScoreTrackScaleView.h
+| |-MusicalScoreTrackTimeView.cpp
+| |-MusicalScoreTrackTimeView.h
+| |-MusicalScoreScaleView.cpp
+| |-MusicalScoreScaleView.h
+| |-MusicalTimeScaleView.cpp
+| |-MusicalTimeScaleView.h
+| |-OptionSheet.cpp
+| |-OptionSheet.h
+| |-PianoRollFrame.cpp
+| |-PianoRollFrame.h
+| |-PianoRollKeyScaleView.cpp
+| |-PianoRollKeyScaleView.h
+| |-PianoRollKeyTimeView.cpp
+| |-PianoRollKeyTimeView.h
+| |-PianoRollOptionPage.cpp
+| |-PianoRollOptionPage.h
+| |-PianoRollPrintView.cpp
+| |-PianoRollPrintView.h
+| |-PianoRollScaleView.cpp
+| |-PianoRollScaleView.h
+| |-PianoRollTimeScaleView.cpp
+| |-PianoRollTimeScaleView.h
+| |-PianoRollVelScaleView.cpp
+| |-PianoRollVelScaleView.h
+| |-PianoRollVelTimeView.cpp
+| |-PianoRollVelTimeView.h
+| |-PropertyKeySignature.cpp
+| |-PropertyKeySignature.h
+| |-PropertyMarker.cpp
+| |-PropertyMarker.h
+| |-PropertyNote.cpp
+| |-PropertyNote.h
+| |-PropertyTempo.cpp
+| |-PropertyTempo.h
+| |-PropertyTimeSignature.cpp
+| |-PropertyTimeSignature.h
+| |-Resource.h
+| |-Sekaiju.rc
+| |-SekaijuApp.cpp
+| |-SekaijuApp.h
+| |-SekaijuDoc.cpp
+| |-SekaijuDoc.h
+| |-SekaijuDocManager.cpp
+| |-SekaijuDocManager.h
+| |-SekaijuDocTemplate.cpp
+| |-SekaijuDocTemplate.h
+| |-SekaijuFileDlg.cpp
+| |-SekaijuFileDlg.h
+| |-SekaijuStatusBar.cpp
+| |-SekaijuStatusBar.h
+| |-SekaijuToolBar.cpp
+| |-SekaijuToolBar.h
+| |-SekaijuView.cpp
+| |-SekaijuView.h
+| |-TrackListBox.cpp
+| |-TrackListBox.h
+| |-TrackListFrame.cpp
+| |-TrackListFrame.h
+| |-TrackListModeScaleView.cpp
+| |-TrackListModeScaleView.h
+| |-TrackListOption1Page.cpp
+| |-TrackListOption1Page.h
+| |-TrackListOption2Page.cpp
+| |-TrackListOption2Page.h
+| |-TrackListPrintView.cpp
+| |-TrackListPrintView.h
+| |-TrackListScaleView.cpp
+| |-TrackListScaleView.h
+| |-TrackListTimeScaleView.cpp
+| |-TrackListTimeScaleView.h
+| |-TrackListTrackModeView.cpp
+| |-TrackListTrackModeView.h
+| |-TrackListTrackScaleView.cpp
+| |-TrackListTrackScaleView.h
+| |-TrackListTrackTimeView.cpp
+| |-TrackListTrackTimeView.h
+| !-WinVer.h
+|-res Resouce folder (bitmaps, icons, cursors and so on).
+| |-Draw.cur
+| |-Eraser.cur
+| |-EvenList1.bmp
+| |-Icon1.ico
+| |-Icon2.ico
+| |-Line.cur
+| |-MainFrame.ico
+| |-MusicalScore1.bmp
+| |-Pan.cur
+| |-PianoRoll1.bmp
+| |-ResizeAll.cur
+| |-ResizeNS.cur
+| |-ResizeWE.cur
+| |-Sekaiju.ico
+| |-SekaijuType.ico
+| |-Select.cur
+| |-SelectAdd.cur
+| |-SizeAllCopy.cur
+| |-Speaker.cur
+| |-Toolbar1.bmp
+| |-Toolbar2.bmp
+| |-TrackList1.bmp
+| !-Zoom.cur
+|-SekaijuRes Sekaiju Language Resource folder
+| |-SekaijuEnu.rc Sekaiju Resource script for English
+| |-SekaijuJpn.rc Sekaiju Resource script for Japanese
+| |-SekaijuRes.rc Sekaiju Resource script for All
+| |-SekaijuRes.mak Sekaiju Resource make file
+| !-SekaijuRes.mdp Sekaiju Resource Project work space for Microsoft VisualC++4.0J
+|-instrument Instrument Definition files folder [Essetial]
+| |-GM1_GM2.ins GM1/GM2 instrument definition file
+| |-Microsoft_GS_Wavetable_Synth.ins Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth instrument definition file [Essetial]
+| |-YAMAHA_MU1000_MU2000.ins YAMAHA MU1000/MU2000 instrument definition file
+| |-Roland_SC-8850.ins Roland SC-8850 instrument definition file
+| !-KORG_KROME.ins KORG KROME instrument definition file
+|-docs Documentations folder
+| |-Sekaiju.odt Japanese Documentation (for OpenOffice3.0)
+| |-Sekaiju.pdf Japanese Documentation (for Adobe Reader)
+| |-Sekaiju.odt English Documentation (for OpenOffice3.0)
+| !-Sekaiju.pdf English Documentation (for Adobe Reader)
+|-autosave Auto save folder
+ [Essential] : Essential to execute Sekaiju application.
+ !NOTE! Windows's default setup will be configured not to show dll extensition
+ files in the "explorer" or "my computer". In that case, switch on "Show all
+ folders and files" in the "View" tab of the options dialog of the "explorer" or
+ "my computer", whose dialog may be opened from the "Tool" - "Options..." menu.
+ Also Switch off "Hide extension" in the same tab.
+ !WARNING! MSVCRT40.dll and MFC40.dll is essential, too. They are shipped with
+ Windows, normally including in "c:\windows\system32\" or "c:\winNT\system32\"
+ or "c:\windows\SysWOW64\" folder. If you may not find them, you must download
+ them from somewhere.
+### How to install and execute ###
+This software has no installer. You may install by following step.
+(1) Please extract "" on your hard disk.
+ !WARNING! If you forget to extract, Sekaiju will not be executed.
+(2) Please double click "Sekaiju.exe" on "explorer" or "my computer"
+ and Sekaiju main window will be opend.
+ !WARNING! You should execute Sekaiju on your local computer.
+ Execution from network computer will cause some trouble.
+(3) First you must select MIDI In device, MIDI Out device,
+ MIDI Instrument (normal) and MIDI Instrument (drum) to fit
+ your using MIDI device or MIDI instrument from "Setup" - "MIDI Device
+ and Instrument" menu of Sekaiju.
+ Default configuration is, "(None)", "MIDI Mapper",
+ "Microsft GS Wavetable Synth" and "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth (Drum)".
+ !WARNING! If you select "(None)" as MIDI Out device, nothing will be sound.
+ !NOTE! MIDI Instrument data is provided by instrument definition file
+ in the "instrument" folder. Sekaiju's instrument definition file is compatible
+ with Cakewalk instrument definition file(*.ins). Sekaiju is shipped with
+ instrument definition files for GM1/GM2, YAMAHA MU-1000/2000, Roland SC-8850
+ and Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. If you use other instruments, please google
+ "Cakewalk instrument definition file" and you will find suitable instrument
+ definition file. Please put it in "insturument" folder, restart Sekaiju, and
+ you may select other instrument definition in the dialog.
+### How to change language ###
+Sekaiju is made in Japan, therefore default GUI language is Japanese.
+You may select English language, there is two way to change language.
+(1) is from GUI, (2) is form text editor.
+(1) Select "Setup"-"Language" from the menu and select language in the dialog,
+ and restart Sekaiju. If it seems to be character corruption, press [Alt]+[S] -
+ [Alt]+[L], and you may open the dialog.
+(2) Open "Sekaiju.ini" in your text editor, change "Language=Japanese" into
+ "Language=English", and execute Sekaiju.
+### How to uninstall ###
+This software has no uninstaller. You may uninstall by following step.
+(1) Delete "Sekaiju3.6" folder on "explorer" or "my computer".
+### License ###
+(1) This software is released under the terms of GNU LGPL (Lesser General Public
+ License).
+(2) This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+(3) This software links following Dinamic Link Library (DLL).
+ * SekaijuJpn.dll (c)2013 kuzu / OpenMIDIProject License = GNU LGPL
+ * SekaijuEnu.dll (c)2013 kuzu / OpenMIDIProject License = GNU LGPL
+ * MIDIIO.dll (c)2012 kuzu / OpenMIDIProject License = GNU LGPL
+ * MIDIData.dll (c)2012 kuzu / OpenMIDIProject License = GNU LGPL
+ * MIDIClock.dll (c)2012 kuzu / OpenMIDIProject License = GNU LGPL
+ * MIDIStatus.dll (c)2012 kuzu / OpenMIDIProject License = GNU LGPL
+ * MIDIInstrument.dll (c)2012 kuzu / OpenMIDIProject License = GNU LGPL
+ * MSVCRT40.dll (c)1995 Microsoft License = Proprietary (including in Windows)
+ * MFC40.dll (c)1995 Microsoft License = Proprietary (including in Windows)
+ !Warning! If you lost dll, Sekaiju may not be executed.
+ MSVCRT40.dll and MFC40.dll are shipped with Windows,
+ normally including in "c:\windows\system32\" or "c:\winNT\system32" or
+ "c:\windows\SysWOW64\" folder. If you may not find them, you must download
+ them from somewhere.
+### History ###
+2007/12/31 Sekaiju0.1alpha (in the development) Release.
+ * Released in the meantime, with many bug.
+2008/03/31 Sekaiju0.2alpha (in the development) Release.
+ * "Edit" - "Cut", "Edit" - "Copy", "Edit" - "Paste", and "Edit - Delete"
+ menues are added.
+ * Realtime recording is added.
+ * Select, Move, Duplicate function is added in the track view window.
+ * Select, Move, Duplicate function is added in the piano roll window.
+ * Select function is added in the event list window.
+ * A bug that Sekaiju forgets to close MIDIDevice is fixed.
+ * Released in the meantime, with many bug.
+2008/07/26 Sekaiju0.3alpha (in the development) Release.
+ * "Edit" - "Undo" and "Edit" - "Redo" menues are added.
+ * A bug that Sekaiju plays SMPTE29.97 Base MIDIData abnormally is fixed.
+ * A bug that Sekaiju crashes when no MIDIDevice is selected.
+ * Released in the meantime, with many bug.
+2008/08/14 Sekaiju0.4alpha (in the development) Release.
+ * "Edit" - "Modify Event's Time", "Edit" - "Modify Event's Channel",
+ "Edit" - "Modify Event's Key", "Edit" - "Modify Event's Velocity",
+ "Edit" - "Modify Event's Duration", "Edit" - "Modify Event's Value"
+ menues are added.
+ * "Help" - "readme.txt", "Help" - "License", "Help" - "Documentation", and
+ "Help" - "Project Home Page" menues are added.
+ * A bug that short cut key works during inputting in the text box is fixed.
+ * A bug that inputted SysEx message in the event list window causes abnormal
+ analysis and abnormal error message is fixed.
+ * A bug that modifying MIDI channel causes destroy MIDIData is fixed.
+ * Released in the meantime, with many bug.
+2008/08/23 Sekaiju0.5alpha (in the development) Release.
+ * "Edi"t - "Modify Event's Track" menu is added.
+ * A bug that track view window does not show 256 or larger tracks is fixed.
+ * A bug that mouse up on the track view window causes sound panic is fixed.
+ * Released in the meantime, with many bug.
+2008/10/04 Sekaiju0.6alpha (in the development) Release.
+ * Metronome function is added.
+ * A bug that Jump to Begin does not work during recording is fixed.
+ * Automatic open MIDIData when Sekaiju is executed is added in the option dialog.
+ * Automatic start playing when MIDIData is opened is added in the option dialog.
+ * Search only available tone during up or down the value of CC#0, CC#32
+ and program change is added in the option dialog.
+ * Auto save function is added in the option dialog ("autosave" folder is added).
+ * Auto save interval may be selected from 1 minutes to 120 minutes
+ in the option dialog.
+ * Speed = Slow, Speed = Normal, Speed = Fast may be scaleble as percent
+ in the option dialog.
+ * MIDIData playing and recording thread loop interval may be adjustable
+ from 1 msec to 100 msec in the option dialog.
+ * Dragging on the piano roll window's left keyboard works as key range selector.
+ * Dragging on the piano roll window's left scale works as value range selector.
+ * Dragging on the piano roll window's above time works as time range selector.
+ * Edit - Quantize is added.
+ * "Setup" - "Metronome..." menu and "Metronome" dialog are added.
+ * "Setup" - "Option..." and "Option" dialog are added.
+ * Released in the meantime, with many bug.
+2008/11/03 Sekaiju0.7alpha (in the development) Release.
+ * Cherry MIDI sequence file (*.chy) load / save is available.
+ * Allow or Avoid multiple exec is selectable in the option dialog.
+ * Multi doucment interface (MDI) or Single document interface (SDI) is selectable
+ in the option dialog.
+ * Restore window position.
+ * In case that MIDIData(*.skj)(*.mid) is related with Sekaiju application in windows,
+ by double clicking MIDIData on "explorer" or "my computer", Sekaiju will be
+ executed and opened the file.
+ * Octave number is selectable, Center 'C'(key=60) is C3 or C4 or C5.
+ * Default controll change events and program change events in the new file is added.
+ * Selecting measure in the track view window is improved.
+ * Selecting track in the piano roll window will be change channel automatically.
+ * Piano roll window's left keyboard shows octave number.
+ * Selecting track in the event list window will be change channel automatically.
+ * A bug that enter key does not works when selecting track or event's kind is fixed.
+ * A bug that converting SMF format 0/1/2 causes undo crash and redo crash is fixed.
+ * A bug that changing Time mode causes undo crash and redo crash is fixed.
+ * A bug that Edit - Time does not works correctly is fixed.
+ * Released in the meantime, with many bug.
+2008/12/13 Sekaiju0.8alpha (in the development) Release.
+ * Mouse wheel may be used to scroll view up or down.
+ * Ctrl + mouse wheel may be used to move playback position back and forward.
+ * Repeat from CC#111 position when auto repeat is availabel ("RPG Tsukuru" method).
+ * A bug that Edit-Time does not works correctly is fixed.
+ * Track view window shows tempo, time signature, key signature above measure number.
+ * Popup menu is available in the track view window by right clicking.
+ * Duplicate button is added in the track view window.
+ * Short cut key is added in the track view window.
+ * Popup menu is available in the piano roll window by right clicking.
+ * A bug that using line tool in the piano roll window causes crash is fixed.
+ * Short cut key is added in the piano roll window.
+ * Popup menu is available in the event list window by right clicking.
+ * Duplicate button is added in the event list window.
+ * Short cut key is added in the event list window.
+ * Cherry sequence file (*.chy) compatibility is imporved (rocognize virtual CC#).
+ * Released in the meantime, with many bug.
+2008/12/20 Sekaiju0.9alpha (in the development) Release.
+ * Track view window shows key after touch, program change, channel after touch and
+ pitch bend's graph.
+ * Alt + mouse wheel may be used to up or down cell value.
+ * When MIDIData playing at the end, Sekaiju sends not AllSoundOff(CC#120)
+ but AllNoteOff(CC#123) and HoldOff(CC#64).
+ * Abolish updating CC#120 to CC#127 in the internal memory.
+ * A bug that All output chanels becomes 1 when standard MIDI Files format 1
+ is opened is fixed.
+ * Ctrl + mouse wheel may be used even if the focus is main window or toolbars.
+ * Released in the meantime, with many bug.
+2008/12/27 Sekaiju1.0 Release.
+ * A bug that SMPTE offset, sequencer sepecific and SysEx (arbitrary) events are
+ not editable in the event list window is fixed.
+ * A bug that snap does not works correctly in the piano roll window is fixed.
+2009/01/17 Sekaiju1.1 Release.
+ * A line tool may be used to input notes in the piano roll window.
+ * XF data (extended SMF by YAMAHA)'s Standard MIDI File load / save available.
+ * A bug that converting SMF format 0/1/2 causes moving NoteEvents away, undo
+ error and redo error is fixed.
+ * Optionally, track number may be counted from 0.
+ * Optionally, event number may be counted from 0.
+ * Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth' s instrument definition file is added and it
+ is used as a default instrument definition file.
+ * Sekaiju shows a wait cursor when busy.
+2009/07/05 Sekaiju1.2 Release.
+ * A bug that mouse cursor is blinking in the track view window is fixed.
+ * A bug that mouse cursor is blinking in the piano roll window is fixed.
+ * A pen or eraser tool is improved when touching overlapped notes in the
+ piano roll window.
+ * A bug that Sekaiju sometimes sends double NoteOn when start playing is fixed.
+ * MIDI Sync mode dialog is added.
+ * Receiving MIDI Sync function is added.
+ * Sending MIDI Sync function is added.
+ * "Control" - "Speed = Slave to other machine" menu is added.
+2009/07/14 Sekaiju1.3 Release.
+ * A bug that moving or duplicating notes by using select tool in the piano roll
+ window causes sound panic is fixed.
+ * A bug that editing note whose duration is 0 in the piano roll window causes
+ some error is fixed.
+ * A bug that editing end of track in the event list window causes crash is fixed.
+ * A bug that Edit - Modify Event's Time causes crash if including note event whose
+ duration is 0 is fixed.
+ * A bug that Edit - Modify Event's Duration causes crash if including note event
+ whose duration is 0 is fixed.
+ * A bug that Opning Sekaiju sequence files including Note events whose duration
+ is 0 causes some error is fixed.
+ * A bug that Opning Standard MIDI files including Note events whose duration
+ is 0 causes some error is fixed.
+ * A warning dialog that notify including note event whose duration is 0 is added.
+2009/09/06 Sekaiju1.4 Release.
+ * Clicking above measure number in the track list window will move playback position.
+ * Clicking above measure number in the piano roll window will move playback position.
+ * Pressing del key will delete selected area in the track view window.
+ * Pressing del key will delete selected notes or graphs in the piano roll window.
+ * Track select control becomes colorful to fit track's color in the piano roll window.
+ * Track select control becomes colorful to fit track's color in the event list window.
+ * Default each column's width and each zoom scale of the track view window may be
+ changed in the option dialog.
+ * Default each column's width and each zoom scale of the piano roll window may be
+ changed in the option dialog.
+ * Default each column's width and each zoom scale of the event list window may be
+ changed in the option dialog.
+2009/12/19 Sekaiju1.5 Release.
+ * "Edit" - "Select Before current position" is added.
+ * "Edit" - "Deselect Before current position" is added.
+ * "Edit" - "Select After current position" is added.
+ * "Edit" - "Deselect After current position" is added.
+ * "Edit" - "Break up notes and make trill" is added.
+ * "Edit" - "Scan beat and insert tempo" is added.
+ * Auto save dialog is added, which may be opened from "Setup" - "Auto Save..." menu.
+ * "Save as CSV or Text" button is added in the track list window,
+ which enables you to export current list as comma separated text(*.csv) button or
+ tab separated text(*.txt).
+ * "Save as CSV or Text" button is added in the event list window,
+ which enables you to export current list as comma separated text(*.csv) button or
+ tab separated text(*.txt).
+ * A bug that modifying Time+, Key+ and Vel+ causes undo error and redo error is fixed.
+ * MIDIDataLibrary is updated to version 2.1.
+ * Strings in the source code is moved to the resouce script.
+ * Member variable's comments are added in the source code.
+2010/01/03 Sekaiju1.6 Release.
+ * Intelligent play is imploved, master volume is also updated when start playing.
+ * A view position is remained when zoom up or zoom down button is pressed
+ in the track list window, piano roll window, event list window.
+ * Auto page update button is added to the track list window, piano roll window, and
+ event list window. Auto page update may be turn on or off manually.
+ * Turn on auto page update when start playing is added to the option dialog.
+ * When modifying Note.Key by right clicking or by shift + [+][-] key pressing
+ in the event list window, the value will up or down not 10 but 12.
+ * Key signature event in the event list window shows key signature name (e.g. C-Major).
+ * MIDIStatusLibrary is updated to 0.6.
+ * Member variable's comments are added in the source code.
+2010/01/31 Sekaiju1.7 Release.
+ * When opening format1 MIDIData including MIDI channel event (note on, note off,
+ key after touch, control change, program change, channel after touch, or pitch bend)
+ in the first track, you may select move these event to the new other track, or
+ open without modification but disable editing and saving.
+ * When opening format1 MIDIData including tempo, SMPTE offset, time signature,
+ or key signature event in the second or later track, you may select move these
+ event to the first track, or open without modification but disable editing and
+ saving.
+ * During recording, the popup menu item which that doesn't modify MIDIData may be used.
+ * Resource is separated from exe file (Sekaiju.exe),
+ and becomes DLLs (SekaijuJpn.dll and SekaijuEnu.dll).
+ * User interface may be selected from Japanese or English.
+ * Language dialog is added, which may be opend from "Setup" - "Language..." menu.
+2010/02/02 Sekaiju1.7 Release Again.
+ * A bug that Sekaiju doen't exec in Windows XP SP3 is fixed.
+2010/02/28 Sekaiju1.8 Release.
+ * A horzontal or vertical scroll bar works by right clicking popup menu.
+ * In the piano roll window, a bug that the sounding channel is diffrent from track's specified channel when put or move note is fixed.
+ * In the event list window, insert, duplicate, delete event is improved.
+ * Insert, duplicate, delete event mode option is added in the event list option dialog, which may be opened from "Setup" - "Option..." menu.
+ * MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 2.2.
+ * MIDIInstrumentLibary is udpated to 0.5.
+ Memory consumption is reduced by a large margin, so more instrument definitions can be loaded safely.
+2010/05/04 Sekaiju1.9 Release.
+ * A bug that the dialog status of "Modify event's velocity" isn't remained is fixed.
+ * A bug that the dialog status of "Modify event's duration" isn't remained is fixed.
+ * A bug that the dialog status of "Modify event's value" isn't remained is fixed.
+ * A bug that the duration combo box in the piano roll window
+ becomes old value when undo or redo is fixed.
+ * A "Note Property" dialog is added to the piano roll window,
+ which can be opened from popup menu's "This event's property...".
+ * In the piano roll window, the selecting tool becomes to select events
+ inside the rectangle when dragging from left to right, or select events
+ inside the rectangle and crossover to the rectangle when dragging from
+ right to left.
+2010/06/06 Sekaiju2.0 Release.
+ * In the track view window, A cell which part of events are selected is shown as hatching cell,
+ and this cell can be moved or duplicated.
+ * English version operation manual is added.
+2010/07/30 Sekaiju2.1 Release.
+ * MIDICSV File format (*.csv) load / save is supported.
+ * "Edit" - "Insert measure" and "Remove measure" are added.
+ * A bug that the toolbar's measure signature is shown wrong is fixed.
+ * A bug that in "Save As" Dialog the file type is slected diffrent from the file name's extention is fixed.
+ * MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 2.3.
+2011/02/05 Sekaiju2.2 Release.
+ * Musical score window is implemented.
+ * A bug that the history breaks when this event's property dialog is closed as OK
+ in the piano roll window is fixed.
+ * A bug that wrong event's kind is shown after only show this event's kind is turned off
+ in the event list window is fixed.
+2011/03/06 Sekaiju2.3 Release
+ * Piano roll window becomes printable.
+ * In the musical score window, some of right click popup menu becomes enabled
+ if the mouse cursor is not on the note.
+2011/05/08 Sekaiju2.4 Release
+ * Track list window becomes printable.
+ * Event list window becomes printable.
+ * A bug that wrong pitch bend graph is shown in the track list window is fixed.
+ * A bug that program change value can't be incremented or decremented normally is fixed
+ (in case patch search function is on).
+2011/06/05 Sekaiju2.5 Release
+ * Musical score window becomes printable.
+2011/11/06 Sekaiju2.6 Release
+ * In the musical score window, triplet quaver and triplet semiquaver becomes visible with character.
+ * In the musical score window, a note that can't show as a normal note duration becomes shown exactly
+ as possible by using divide and tie.
+ * In the event list window, a bug that when out of the available area clicked,
+ sekaiju works abnormally is fixed .
+ * A bug that the view focus is not return after horizontal or vertical scroll bar of each window
+ is moved is fixed.
+ * A bug that the patch (program change) is not changed correctly when start playing
+ in the middle of the data is fixed.
+2012/01/10 Sekaiju2.7 Release
+ * In the musical score window, the buttons that enables to specify note duration directory
+ are added in the toolbar (whole note, half note, quarter note, quarver note, semiquarver note,
+ demisemiquarver note, dotted, triplet).
+ * Text related events that includes TAB, CR or LF become visible, editable, and able to save
+ as "\t", "\r" or "\n".
+ However, it is not recommended to include TAB, CR or LF in the text related event's strings.
+ * On loading from MIDICSV file (*.csv), "\011","\015" and "\012" in the text related event
+ becomes to be inputed as CR, LF, and TAB.
+ * On saving as MIDICSV file (*.csv), CR, LF, and TAB in the text related event
+ becomes to be outputed as "\011","\015" and "\012".
+ Also, LF is used as a line break.
+ Please use text editor or calc software that can recognize
+ LF as a line break to see MIDICSV files of Sekaiju2.7 or later.
+ * A bug that the patch (program change) is not changed correctly when start playing
+ in the middle of the data which includes system exclusive events in the non-first track is fixed.
+ * In the each message box, the multiple-line-strings is arranged.
+ Also, a part of message are modified to easy to understand.
+2012/02/10 Sekaiju2.8 Release
+ * A bug that a part of Japanese character in the text related event can't be
+ edited or saved correctly is fixed.
+ * '\' character in the text related event can be shown or edited as "\\".
+ * MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 2.5.
+2012/03/04 Sekaiju2.9 Release
+ * A whole source code is refactoringed.
+ * MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 0.7.
+ * MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 2.6.
+ * MIDIInstrumentLibrary is updated to 0.6.
+2012/04/22 Sekaiju3.0 Release
+ * A bug that Sekaiju ends abnormal immediately at the execution in some environment is fixed.
+ * MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 0.8.
+2012/07/07 Sekaiju3.1 Release
+ * In the piano roll window's graph area, a graph snap feature is added,
+ which enables to draw graph at equal interval.
+ * In the piano roll window's graph area, a top margin and bottom margin is added,
+ which makes easy to input minimum(0) value or maximum(127) value.
+ * In the musical score window, track name can be shown or edited.
+ * In the musical score window, some bugs are fixed.
+2012/08/19 Sekaiju3.2 Release
+ * In the piano roll window's select tool, a feature to move note on time or note off time simultaneously is added, in addition to move and copy notes.
+ * In the track list window, a short cut key Ctrl + '+' '-' is added for zoom up or down.
+ * In the piano roll window, a short cut key Ctrl + '+' '-' is added for zoom up or down.
+ * In the event list window, a short cut key Ctrl + '+' '-' is added for zoom up or down.
+ * In the musical score window, a short cut key Ctrl + '+' '-' is added for zoom up or down.
+ * In the "Edit"-"Modify event's Time..." dialog, random modify is added.
+ * In the "Edit"-"Modify event's Key..." dialog, random modify is added.
+ * In the "Edit"-"Modify event's Velocity..." dialog, random modify is added.
+ * In the "Edit"-"Modify event's Duration..." dialog, random modify is added.
+ * In the "Edit"-"Modify event's Value..." dialog, random modify is added.
+2012/09/30 Sekaiju3.3 Release
+ * When Sekaiju load a MIDI data whose time resolution is higher than 960[TPQN], it is automatically modified to 960[TPQN] and load safely.
+ * When Sekaiju detect a port prefix event whose value is higher than 16, the track input port number and the track output port number becames 1 and load safely.
+ * In the event list window, when modifying note on time or note off time, each time can be modified by independent. But the duration is protected not to be under 1. And you can modify corresponding note on time or note off time by editing the duration value.
+ * MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 2.7.
+ * MIDIClockLibrary is updated to 0.9.
+2012/12/02 Sekaiju3.4 Release
+ * In the "Setup"-"Option..." dialog, default track colors, default background colors, default vertical line colors and default horizontal line colors become selectable.
+ * In the "Setup"-"Option..." dialog, by using piano roll window's speaker tool, which track you hear all tracks or visible tracks becomes selectable.
+ * In the "Setup"-"Option..." dialog, by using musical score window's speaker tool, which track you hear all tracks or visible tracks becomes selectable.
+ * A bug that when multiple Sekaiju are executed copy and paste each other fail is fixed.
+ * MIDIStatusLibrary is updated to 0.7.
+2013/03/03 Sekaiju3.5 Release
+ * In the Track list window's tempo, time signature, key signature and marker display area, right click menu is added, which enables to add, modify and delete these events.
+ * In the Piano roll window's tempo, time signature, key signature and marker display area, right click menu is added, which enables to add, modify and delete these events.
+ * In the Musical score window's tempo, time signature, key signature and marker display area, right click menu is added, which enables to add, modify and delete these events.
+ * In the "Edit"-"Modify Event's Track...", a feature to fit each event's channel to track's output channel is added.
+ * Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth instrument definition file (*.ins) is updated.
+ * KORG KROME instrument definition file (*.ins) is added.
+ * MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 0.9.
+ * MIDIStatusLibrary is updated to 0.8.
+2013/05/05 Sekaiju3.6 Release
+ * In the Piano roll window's track list area and graph kind list area, right click menu is added, which enables to check or uncheck only specified item quickly.
+ * In the Event list window's track list area and event kind list area, right click menu is added, which enables to check or uncheck only specified item quickly.
+ * In the Musical score window's track list area, right click menu is added, which enables to check or uncheck only specified item quickly.
+ * In the Piano roll window, an option is added to specify graph line width.
+ * In the statusbar, format, number of tracks and timebase diplay area is added, which enables to open "file's property" dialog directly by double clicking.
+ * In the statusbar, input velocity meter and output velocity meter is added, which enables to open "MIDI device and instrument" dialog directoly by double clicking.
+ * MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 2.8.
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