Hi All, Below is an updated recipe for building TXR in a Yocto environment. It handles cross-compilation: a "nativesdk-txr" package is built first, so that when TXR is being built for a target like ARM, a native txr executable is available for compiling the ".tl" files to ".tlo". We put this into a txr_208.bb file: require txr.inc SRC_URI[md5sum] = "139c468bba4674679ea89591d525f9fe" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=139c468bba4674679ea89591d525f9fe" and the following into txr.inc: SUMMARY = "TXR Language" DESCRIPTION = "A Pattern-Matching Language and Lisp Dialect" HOMEPAGE = "http://nongnu.org/txr" SECTION = "devel" LICENSE = "BSD" DEPENDS += "bison-native flex-native libffi" # target txr depends on nativesdk-txr, for cross-compiling the Lisp files: DEPENDS += "${@base_conditional('PN', 'txr', 'nativesdk-txr', '', d)}" # target txr uses "txr" for compiling Lisp; native uses the built "./txr" TXR = "${@base_conditional('PN', 'txr', 'txr', './txr', d)}" SRC_URI = "git://kylheku.com/git/txr;protocol=http;tag=txr-${PV}" BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" B = "${WORKDIR}/build" do_configure() { ${S}/configure prefix=${prefix} } do_compile() { make TXR=${TXR} } do_install() { make DESTDIR=${D} install }