Hi all, TXR 200 [1] is out. Binaries at Bintray [2]. * Better code generation for [...] syntax when global symbols are involved. E.g. [mapcar list '(1 2 3)] now generates same code as (mapcar (fun list) '(1 2 3)). * Bugfix in the listener: abort when terminal window is resized. * Screen update improvements in listener. * The form expander is now a documented, public feature, consisting of the functions expand, expand* [3] and expand-with-free-refs. Cheers ... Links: ------ [1] http://www.kylheku.com/cgit/txr/tree/RELNOTES?id=txr-200 [2] https://bintray.com/kazinator/Binaries/TXR/txr-200 [3] http://nongnu.org/txr/txr-manpage.html#N-00E0F5F5