Greetings, TXR-cheologists! As you might know, the git history of TXR begins with Version 018. I have taken some older snapshots of TXR sources from txr-011 through txr-017, and put them into a branch of the repo called txr-old. Thanks to the "grafts" feature of git, I was able to also prepend it to the master history (in a fake way). You can see this in the main repo. To recreate the same effect in your local repo, first fetch the objects; git fetch origin txr-old git fetch origin --tags Then create the .git/info/grafts file with exactly this content: a4054e21a03f6c388aa7c8ff79eefc8f36bd3f76 0bf28ecd2bf99a65d6284b6bc00dc15ca01b93b2 The hash on the left is the root commit hash; the one on the right is the fake grafted parent, txr-017. If everything is correct, you should be able to see: $ git log --oneline txr-018 a4054e2 Starting txr git. 0bf28ec txr-017 2009-10-17 b38e34f txr-016 2009-10-16 0b38bc9 txr-015 2009-10-15 2f5e7a5 txr-014 2009-10-05 c7edf3a txr-013 2009-09-30 bf1cc00 txr-012 2009-09-28 f8010dc txr-011 2009-09-25 5c880c9 NIL Cheers ...