Hi all, TXR 182 [1] is out. Binaries at Bintray [2], as usual. What is new: * A few conveniences in FFI to streamline a few common scenarios. * Structure init and postinit functions can now be accessed and redefined. * Lambda expressions are now function names and can be used in the first position of a form, improving compatibility with other Lisp dialects. * Bugs fixed in static-slot-ensure which is the basis for the method-defining defmeth macro. * Minor issue in listener: handling of linefeeds when a multi-line previous result is pasted with Ctrl-X P. * Documentation * FFI documentation section reorganized. * Layout improvement in the collapsing/expanding buttons in HTML table of contents. * Misc. formatting and grammar fixes. * PDF page count SURPASSES 600! :-P Cheers ... Links: ------ [1] http://www.kylheku.com/cgit/txr/tree/RELNOTES?id=txr-182 [2] https://bintray.com/kazinator/Binaries/TXR/txr-182