Hi, I found the following : [updated hashbang in 3rd example code] first, this code works: =========================== #!/bin/txr-185 @(next :list (list "a" "b")) @(gather) @{A /a/} @{B /b/} @{C /a/} @{D /b/} @(and) @(line l1) @X @(line l2) @(end) @(output) @A @B @C @D @l1 @X @l2 @(end) =========================== output is as expected: =========================== a b a b 1 a 2 =========================== this works too: =========================== #!/bin/txr-185 @(next :list (list "a" "b")) @(gather) @{A /a/} @;{B /b/} @;{C /a/} @;{D /b/} @(and) @(line l1) @X @(line l2) @Y @(line l3) @(end) @(output) @A @;B @;C @;D @l1 @X @l2 @Y @l3 @(end) =========================== output is as expected: =========================== a 1 a 2 b 3 =========================== but the following seems not to work: =========================== #!/bin/txr-185 @(next :list (list "a" "b")) @; won't work @(gather) @{A /a/} @{B /b/} @{C /a/} @{D /b/} @(and) @(line l1) @X @(line l2) @Y @(line l3) @(end) @(output) @A @B @C @D @l1 @X @l2 @Y @l3 @(end) =========================== output is not as expected: =========================== =========================== expected output is: =========================== a b a b 1 a 2 b 3 =========================== thanks in advance kind regards Frank Schwidom