/* Copyright 2018 * Kaz Kylheku * Vancouver, Canada * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include ALLOCA_H #include "lib.h" #include "hash.h" #include "eval.h" #include "signal.h" #include "unwind.h" #include "gc.h" #include "args.h" #include "itypes.h" #include "buf.h" #include "vmop.h" #include "vm.h" typedef u32_t vm_word_t; #if HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN #define vm_opcode(vw) ((vw) >> 26) #define vm_oparg(vw) (((vw) >> 16) & 0x3FF) #else #define vm_opcode(vw) ((vw) >> 26) #define vm_oparg(vw) (((vw) >> 16) & 0x3FF) #endif #define zalloca(size) memset(alloca(size), 0, size) struct vm_desc { val self; int nlvl; int nreg; int frsz; val bytecode; val datavec; vm_word_t *code; val *data; }; struct vm_env { val *mem; val vec; }; struct vm { struct vm_desc *vd; int nlvl; int lev; unsigned ip; vm_word_t *code; struct vm_env *dspl; }; struct vm_closure { struct vm_desc *vd; int frsz; int nlvl; unsigned ip; struct vm_env *dspl; }; val vm_desc_s, vm_closure_s; static_forward(struct cobj_ops vm_desc_ops); static_forward(struct cobj_ops vm_closure_ops); static struct vm_desc *vm_desc_struct(val obj) { return coerce(struct vm_desc *, cobj_handle(obj, vm_desc_s)); } val vm_make_desc(val nlevels, val nregs, val bytecode, val datavec) { val self = lit("sys:vm-make-desc"); int nlvl = c_int(nlevels, self), nreg = c_int(nregs, self); if (nlvl < 2 || nlvl > 256) uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: nlevels must be 2 to 256; ~s given"), self, nlevels, nao); if (nreg < 1 || nreg > 256) uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: nregs must be 1 to 256; ~s given"), self, nregs, nao); { mem_t *code = buf_get(bytecode, self); val dvl = length_vec(datavec); loc data_loc = if3(dvl != zero, vecref_l(datavec, zero), nulloc); struct vm_desc *vd = coerce(struct vm_desc *, chk_malloc(sizeof *vd)); val desc; vd->nlvl = nlvl; vd->nreg = nreg; vd->code = coerce(vm_word_t *, code); vd->data = valptr(data_loc); vd->bytecode = nil; vd->datavec = nil; vd->frsz = nlvl * 2 + nreg; vd->self = nil; desc = cobj(coerce(mem_t *, vd), vm_desc_s, &vm_desc_ops); vd->bytecode = bytecode; vd->datavec = datavec; vd->self = desc; return desc; } } static val vm_desc_bytecode(val desc) { struct vm_desc *vd = vm_desc_struct(desc); return vd->bytecode; } static val vm_desc_datavec(val desc) { struct vm_desc *vd = vm_desc_struct(desc); return vd->datavec; } static void vm_desc_mark(val obj) { struct vm_desc *vd = coerce(struct vm_desc *, obj->co.handle); gc_mark(vd->bytecode); gc_mark(vd->datavec); } static val vm_make_closure(struct vm *vm, int frsz) { struct vm_env *dspl = coerce(struct vm_env *, chk_calloc(vm->nlvl, sizeof *dspl)); struct vm_closure *vc = coerce(struct vm_closure *, chk_malloc(sizeof *vc)); val closure; int i; vc->frsz = frsz; vc->ip = vm->ip; vc->nlvl = vm->lev + 1; vc->vd = vm->vd; vc->dspl = dspl; closure = cobj(coerce(mem_t *, vc), vm_closure_s, &vm_closure_ops); for (i = 2; i < vc->nlvl; i++) { struct vm_env *sdi = &vm->dspl[i]; struct vm_env *cdi = &dspl[i]; val vec = sdi->vec; val *mem = sdi->mem; switch (type(vec)) { case NIL: cdi->vec = nil; cdi->mem = 0; break; case NUM: { val heap_vec = vector(vec, nil); cdi->vec = heap_vec; cdi->mem = heap_vec->v.vec; memcpy(heap_vec->v.vec, mem, c_num(vec)); mut(closure); *sdi = *cdi; break; } case VEC: cdi->vec = vec; cdi->mem = mem; break; default: internal_error("bad vector in vm display"); } } return closure; } static void vm_closure_mark(val obj) { struct vm_closure *vc = coerce(struct vm_closure *, obj->co.handle); int i; gc_mark(vc->vd->self); for (i = 2; i < vc->nlvl; i++) gc_mark(vc->dspl[i].vec); } static void vm_reset(struct vm *vm, struct vm_desc *vd, struct vm_env *dspl, int start_lev, unsigned start_ip) { vm->vd = vd; vm->nlvl = vd->nlvl; vm->lev = start_lev; vm->ip = start_ip; vm->code = vd->code; vm->dspl = dspl; } #define vm_insn_opcode(insn) coerce(vm_op_t, ((insn) >> 26)) #define vm_insn_operand(insn) ((insn) & 0xFFFFU) #define vm_insn_extra(insn) (((insn) >> 16) & 0x3FF) #define vm_insn_bigop(insn) (((insn) & 0x3FFFFFFU)) #define vm_arg_operand_lo(arg) ((arg) & 0xFFFFU) #define vm_arg_operand_hi(arg) ((arg) >> 16) static val vm_execute(struct vm *vm); INLINE val vm_get(struct vm_env *dspl, unsigned ref) { return dspl[ref >> 8].mem[ref & 0xFF]; } INLINE void vm_set(struct vm_env *dspl, unsigned ref, val newval) { unsigned d = ref >> 8; unsigned i = ref & 0xFF; struct vm_env *env = &dspl[d]; if (d == 1) uw_throwf(error_s, lit("modification of VM static data"), nao); if (ref == 0) uw_throwf(error_s, lit("modification of t00/nil"), nao); env->mem[i] = newval; if (is_ptr(env->vec)) mut(env->vec); } static void vm_do_frame(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn, int capturable) { int lev = vm_insn_extra(insn); int size = vm_insn_operand(insn); if (lev != vm->lev + 1) uw_throwf(error_s, lit("frame level mismatch"), nao); vm->lev = lev; vm->dspl[lev].mem = coerce(val *, zalloca(size * sizeof (val *))); vm->dspl[lev].vec = (capturable ? num_fast(size) : 0); vm_execute(vm); vm->lev = lev - 1; } static void vm_frame(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { vm_do_frame(vm, insn, 1); } static void vm_sframe(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { vm_do_frame(vm, insn, 0); } static void vm_dframe(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { val saved_dyn_env = dyn_env; dyn_env = make_env(nil, nil, dyn_env); vm_frame(vm, insn); dyn_env = saved_dyn_env; } static val vm_end(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { return vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn)); } static val vm_fin(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { vm->ip--; return vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn)); } static void vm_call(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { unsigned nargs = vm_insn_extra(insn); unsigned dest = vm_insn_operand(insn); vm_word_t argw = vm->code[vm->ip++]; unsigned fun = vm_arg_operand_lo(argw); val result; args_decl (args, nargs < ARGS_MIN ? ARGS_MIN : nargs); if (nargs--) { args_add(args, vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_hi(argw))); while (nargs >= 2) { nargs -= 2; argw = vm->code[vm->ip++]; args_add(args, vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_lo(argw))); args_add(args, vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_hi(argw))); } if (nargs) { argw = vm->code[vm->ip++]; args_add(args, vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_lo(argw))); } } result = generic_funcall(vm_get(vm->dspl, fun), args); vm_set(vm->dspl, dest, result); } static void vm_apply(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { unsigned nargs = vm_insn_extra(insn); unsigned dest = vm_insn_operand(insn); vm_word_t argw = vm->code[vm->ip++]; unsigned fun = vm_arg_operand_lo(argw); val result; args_decl (args, nargs < ARGS_MIN ? ARGS_MIN : nargs); if (nargs--) { args_add(args, vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_hi(argw))); while (nargs >= 2) { nargs -= 2; argw = vm->code[vm->ip++]; args_add(args, vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_lo(argw))); args_add(args, vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_hi(argw))); } if (nargs) { argw = vm->code[vm->ip++]; args_add(args, vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_lo(argw))); } } result = apply_intrinsic(vm_get(vm->dspl, fun), args_get_list(args)); vm_set(vm->dspl, dest, result); } static void vm_movrs(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { val datum = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_extra(insn)); vm_set(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn), datum); } static void vm_movsr(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { val datum = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn)); vm_set(vm->dspl, vm_insn_extra(insn), datum); } static void vm_movrr(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { vm_word_t arg = vm->code[vm->ip++]; val datum = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_lo(arg)); vm_set(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn), datum); } static void vm_movrsi(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { unsigned dst = vm_insn_operand(insn); ucnum negmask = ~convert(ucnum, 0x3FF); ucnum imm = vm_insn_extra(insn); if ((imm & TAG_MASK) == NUM && (imm & 0x200)) imm |= negmask; vm_set(vm->dspl, dst, coerce(val, imm)); } static void vm_movsmi(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { unsigned dst = vm_insn_extra(insn); ucnum negmask = ~convert(ucnum, 0xFFFF); ucnum imm = vm_insn_operand(insn); if ((imm & TAG_MASK) == NUM && (imm & 0x8000)) imm |= negmask; vm_set(vm->dspl, dst, coerce(val, imm)); } static void vm_movrbi(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { unsigned dst = vm_insn_operand(insn); ucnum negmask = ~convert(ucnum, 0xFFFFFFFF); ucnum imm = vm->code[vm->ip++]; if ((imm & TAG_MASK) == NUM && (imm & 0x80000000)) imm |= negmask; vm_set(vm->dspl, dst, coerce(val, imm)); } static void vm_jmp(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { vm->ip = vm_insn_bigop(insn); } static void vm_if(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { unsigned ip = vm_insn_bigop(insn); vm_word_t arg = vm->code[vm->ip++]; val test = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_lo(arg)); if (!test) vm->ip = vm_insn_bigop(ip); } static void vm_uwprot(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { int saved_lev = vm->lev; unsigned cleanup_ip = vm_insn_bigop(insn); uw_simple_catch_begin; vm_execute(vm); uw_unwind { vm->lev = saved_lev; vm->ip = cleanup_ip; vm_execute(vm); } uw_catch_end; } static void vm_block(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { unsigned exitpt = vm_insn_bigop(insn); vm_word_t arg = vm->code[vm->ip++]; unsigned outreg = vm_arg_operand_hi(arg); unsigned blname = vm_arg_operand_lo(arg); int saved_lev = vm->lev; uw_block_begin (vm_get(vm->dspl, blname), result); result = vm_execute(vm); uw_block_end; vm_set(vm->dspl, outreg, result); vm->ip = exitpt; vm->lev = saved_lev; } static void vm_retsr(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { val res = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn)); val tag = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_extra(insn)); uw_block_return(tag, res); } static void vm_retrs(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { val res = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_extra(insn)); val tag = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn)); uw_block_return(tag, res); } static void vm_retrr(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { vm_word_t arg = vm->code[vm->ip++]; val res = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn)); val tag = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_lo(arg)); uw_block_return(tag, res); } static void vm_catch(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { unsigned catch_ip = vm_insn_bigop(insn); vm_word_t arg1 = vm->code[vm->ip++]; vm_word_t arg2 = vm->code[vm->ip++]; unsigned sym_reg = vm_arg_operand_hi(arg1); unsigned args_reg = vm_arg_operand_lo(arg1); val catch_syms = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_lo(arg2)); int saved_lev = vm->lev; uw_catch_begin (catch_syms, exsym, exvals); vm_execute(vm); uw_catch(exsym, exvals) { vm_set(vm->dspl, sym_reg, exsym); vm_set(vm->dspl, args_reg, exvals); vm->ip = catch_ip; vm->lev = saved_lev; vm_execute(vm); } uw_unwind; uw_catch_end; } static void vm_handle(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { val fun = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn)); vm_word_t arg1 = vm->code[vm->ip++]; val handle_syms = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_arg_operand_lo(arg1)); uw_frame_t uw_handler; uw_push_handler(&uw_handler, handle_syms, fun); vm_execute(vm); uw_pop_frame(&uw_handler); } static val vm_get_binding(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn, val (*lookup_fn)(val env, val sym), val kind_str) { val sym = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn)); val binding = lookup_fn(nil, sym); if (nilp(binding)) eval_error(vm->vd->bytecode, lit("unbound ~a ~s"), kind_str, sym, nao); return binding; } static void vm_getsym(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn, val (*lookup_fn)(val env, val sym), val kind_str) { val binding = vm_get_binding(vm, insn, lookup_fn, kind_str); int dst = vm_insn_extra(insn); vm_set(vm->dspl, dst, cdr(binding)); } static void vm_getbind(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn, val (*lookup_fn)(val env, val sym), val kind_str) { val binding = vm_get_binding(vm, insn, lookup_fn, kind_str); int dst = vm_insn_extra(insn); vm_set(vm->dspl, dst, binding); } static void vm_setsym(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn, val (*lookup_fn)(val env, val sym), val kind_str) { val binding = vm_get_binding(vm, insn, lookup_fn, kind_str); int src = vm_insn_extra(insn); rplacd(binding, vm_get(vm->dspl, src)); } static void vm_bindv(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { val sym = vm_get(vm->dspl, vm_insn_operand(insn)); int src = vm_insn_extra(insn); if (nilp(dyn_env)) eval_error(vm->vd->bytecode, lit("no environment for dynamic binding"), nao); env_vbind(dyn_env, sym, vm_get(vm->dspl, src)); } static void vm_close(struct vm *vm, vm_word_t insn) { unsigned dst = vm_insn_bigop(insn); vm_word_t arg1 = vm->code[vm->ip++]; vm_word_t arg2 = vm->code[vm->ip++]; unsigned vari_fr = vm_arg_operand_hi(arg1); int variadic = vari_fr & 0x100; int frsz = vari_fr & 0xFF; unsigned reg = vm_arg_operand_lo(arg1); int reqargs = vm_arg_operand_hi(arg2); int fixparam = vm_arg_operand_lo(arg2); val closure = vm_make_closure(vm, frsz); val vf = func_vm(closure, vm->vd->self, fixparam, reqargs, variadic); vm_set(vm->dspl, reg, vf); vm->ip = dst; } static val vm_execute(struct vm *vm) { for (;;) { vm_word_t insn = vm->code[vm->ip++]; vm_op_t opcode = vm_insn_opcode(insn); switch (opcode) { case NOOP: break; case FRAME: vm_frame(vm, insn); break; case SFRAME: vm_sframe(vm, insn); break; case DFRAME: vm_dframe(vm, insn); break; case END: return vm_end(vm, insn); case FIN: return vm_fin(vm, insn); case CALL: vm_call(vm, insn); break; case APPLY: vm_apply(vm, insn); break; case MOVRS: vm_movrs(vm, insn); break; case MOVSR: vm_movsr(vm, insn); break; case MOVRR: vm_movrr(vm, insn); break; case MOVRSI: vm_movrsi(vm, insn); break; case MOVSMI: vm_movsmi(vm, insn); break; case MOVRBI: vm_movrbi(vm, insn); break; case JMP: vm_jmp(vm, insn); break; case IF: vm_if(vm, insn); break; case UWPROT: vm_uwprot(vm, insn); break; case BLOCK: vm_block(vm, insn); break; case RETSR: vm_retsr(vm, insn); break; case RETRS: vm_retrs(vm, insn); break; case RETRR: vm_retrr(vm, insn); break; case CATCH: vm_catch(vm, insn); break; case HANDLE: vm_handle(vm, insn); break; case GETV: vm_getsym(vm, insn, lookup_var, lit("variable")); break; case GETF: vm_getsym(vm, insn, lookup_fun, lit("function")); break; case GETL1: vm_getsym(vm, insn, lookup_sym_lisp1, lit("variable/function")); break; case GETVB: vm_getbind(vm, insn, lookup_var, lit("variable")); break; case GETFB: vm_getbind(vm, insn, lookup_fun, lit("function")); break; case GETL1B: vm_getbind(vm, insn, lookup_sym_lisp1, lit("variable/function")); break; case SETV: vm_setsym(vm, insn, lookup_var, lit("variable")); break; case SETL1: vm_setsym(vm, insn, lookup_sym_lisp1, lit("variable/function")); break; case BINDV: vm_bindv(vm, insn); break; case CLOSE: vm_close(vm, insn); break; default: uw_throwf(error_s, lit("invalid opcode ~s"), num_fast(opcode), nao); } } } val vm_execute_toplevel(val desc) { struct vm_desc *vd = vm_desc_struct(desc); struct vm vm; val *frame = coerce(val *, alloca(sizeof *frame * vd->frsz)); struct vm_env *dspl = coerce(struct vm_env *, frame + vd->nreg); vm_reset(&vm, vd, dspl, 1, 0); vm.dspl = coerce(struct vm_env *, frame + vd->nreg); frame[0] = nil; vm.dspl[0].mem = frame; vm.dspl[0].vec = nil; vm.dspl[1].mem = vd->data; vm.dspl[0].vec = vd->datavec; return vm_execute(&vm); } val vm_execute_closure(val fun, struct args *args) { val closure = fun->f.env; val desc = fun->f.f.vm_desc; int fixparam = fun->f.fixparam; int variadic = fun->f.variadic; int nargs = fixparam + variadic; struct vm_desc *vd = vm_desc_struct(desc); struct vm_closure *vc = coerce(struct vm_closure *, closure->co.handle); struct vm vm; val *frame = coerce(val *, alloca(sizeof *frame * vd->frsz)); struct vm_env *dspl = coerce(struct vm_env *, frame + vd->nreg); val vargs = if3(variadic, args_get_rest(args, nargs), nil); cnum ix = 0; vm_word_t argw = 0; vm_reset(&vm, vd, dspl, vc->nlvl - 1, vc->ip); vm.dspl = coerce(struct vm_env *, frame + vd->nreg); frame[0] = nil; vm.dspl[0].mem = frame; vm.dspl[0].vec = nil; vm.dspl[1].mem = vd->data; vm.dspl[1].vec = vd->datavec; memcpy(vm.dspl + 2, vc->dspl + 2, (vc->nlvl - 2) * sizeof *vm.dspl); if (vc->frsz != 0) { vm.lev++; vm.dspl[vm.lev].mem = coerce(val *, zalloca(vc->frsz * sizeof (val *))); vm.dspl[vm.lev].vec = num_fast(vc->frsz); } while (nargs >= 2) { nargs -= 2; argw = vm.code[vm.ip++]; unsigned xreg = vm_arg_operand_lo(argw); unsigned yreg = vm_arg_operand_hi(argw); vm_set(dspl, xreg, args_get(args, &ix)); vm_set(dspl, yreg, args_get(args, &ix)); } if (nargs) { argw = vm.code[vm.ip++]; unsigned xreg = vm_arg_operand_lo(argw); vm_set(dspl, xreg, args_get(args, &ix)); } if (variadic) { unsigned vreg; if (!nargs) { argw = vm.code[vm.ip++]; vreg = vm_arg_operand_lo(argw); } else { vreg = vm_arg_operand_hi(argw); } vm_set(dspl, vreg, vargs); } return vm_execute(&vm); } static_def(struct cobj_ops vm_desc_ops = cobj_ops_init(eq, cobj_print_op, cobj_destroy_free_op, vm_desc_mark, cobj_eq_hash_op)); static_def(struct cobj_ops vm_closure_ops = cobj_ops_init(eq, cobj_print_op, cobj_destroy_free_op, vm_closure_mark, cobj_eq_hash_op)); void vm_init(void) { vm_desc_s = intern(lit("vm-desc"), system_package); vm_closure_s = intern(lit("vm-closure"), system_package); reg_fun(intern(lit("vm-make-desc"), system_package), func_n4(vm_make_desc)); reg_fun(intern(lit("vm-desc-bytecode"), system_package), func_n1(vm_desc_bytecode)); reg_fun(intern(lit("vm-desc-datavec"), system_package), func_n1(vm_desc_datavec)); reg_fun(intern(lit("vm-execute-toplevel"), system_package), func_n1(vm_execute_toplevel)); }