/* Copyright 2011 * Kaz Kylheku * Vancouver, Canada * All rights reserved. * * BSD License: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "lib.h" #include "utf8.h" size_t utf8_from_uc(wchar_t *wdst, const unsigned char *src) { size_t nchar = 1; enum utf8_state state = utf8_init; const unsigned char *backtrack = 0; wchar_t wch = 0; for (;;) { int ch = *src++; if (ch == 0) { if (state == utf8_init) break; src = backtrack; if (wdst) *wdst++ = 0xdc00 | *src; nchar++; state = utf8_init; continue; } switch (state) { case utf8_init: if (ch < 0x80) { if (wdst) *wdst++ = ch; nchar++; } else if (ch >= 0xc2 && ch <= 0xe0) { state = utf8_more1; wch = (ch & 0x1f); } else if (ch >= 0xe0 && ch <= 0xef) { state = utf8_more2; wch = (ch & 0xf); } else if (ch >= 0xf0 && ch < 0xf5) { state = utf8_more3; wch = (ch & 0x7); } else { if (wdst) *wdst++ = 0xdc00 | ch; nchar++; } backtrack = src; break; case utf8_more1: case utf8_more2: case utf8_more3: if (ch >= 0x80 && ch < 0xc0) { wch <<= 6; wch |= (ch & 0x3f); state = (enum utf8_state) (state - 1); if (state == utf8_init) { if (wdst) *wdst++ = wch; nchar++; } } else { src = backtrack; if (wdst) *wdst++ = 0xdc00 | *src; nchar++; state = utf8_init; } break; } } if (wdst) *wdst++ = 0; return nchar; } size_t utf8_from(wchar_t *wdst, const char *src) { return utf8_from_uc(wdst, (const unsigned char *) src); } size_t utf8_to_uc(unsigned char *dst, const wchar_t *wsrc) { size_t nbyte = 1; wchar_t wch; while ((wch = *wsrc++)) { if (wch < 0x80) { nbyte += 1; if (dst) *dst++ = wch; } else if (wch < 0x800) { nbyte += 2; if (dst) { *dst++ = 0xC0 | (wch >> 6); *dst++ = 0x80 | (wch & 0x3F); } } else if (wch < 0x10000) { nbyte += 3; if (dst) { *dst++ = 0xE0 | (wch >> 12); *dst++ = 0x80 | ((wch >> 6) & 0x3F); *dst++ = 0x80 | (wch & 0x3F); } } else if (wch < 0x110000) { nbyte += 4; if (dst) { *dst++ = 0xF0 | (wch >> 18); *dst++ = 0x80 | ((wch >> 12) & 0x3F); *dst++ = 0x80 | ((wch >> 6) & 0x3F); *dst++ = 0x80 | (wch & 0x3F); } } } if (dst) *dst++ = 0; return nbyte; } size_t utf8_to(char *dst, const wchar_t *wsrc) { return utf8_to_uc((unsigned char *) dst, wsrc); } wchar_t *utf8_dup_from_uc(const unsigned char *str) { size_t nchar = utf8_from_uc(0, str); wchar_t *wstr = (wchar_t *) chk_malloc(nchar * sizeof *wstr); utf8_from_uc(wstr, str); return wstr; } wchar_t *utf8_dup_from(const char *str) { size_t nchar = utf8_from(0, str); wchar_t *wstr = (wchar_t *) chk_malloc(nchar * sizeof *wstr); utf8_from(wstr, str); return wstr; } unsigned char *utf8_dup_to_uc(const wchar_t *wstr) { size_t nbyte = utf8_to_uc(0, wstr); unsigned char *str = chk_malloc(nbyte); utf8_to_uc(str, wstr); return str; } char *utf8_dup_to(const wchar_t *wstr) { size_t nbyte = utf8_to(0, wstr); char *str = (char *) chk_malloc(nbyte); utf8_to(str, wstr); return str; } int utf8_encode(wchar_t wch, int (*put)(int ch, mem_t *ctx), mem_t *ctx) { if (wch < 0x80) { return put(wch, ctx); } else if (wch < 0x800) { return put(0xC0 | (wch >> 6), ctx) && put(0x80 | (wch & 0x3F), ctx); } else if (wch < 0x10000) { return put(0xE0 | (wch >> 12), ctx) && put(0x80 | ((wch >> 6) & 0x3F), ctx) && put(0x80 | (wch & 0x3F), ctx); } else if (wch < 0x110000) { return put(0xF0 | (wch >> 18), ctx) && put(0x80 | ((wch >> 12) & 0x3F), ctx) && put(0x80 | ((wch >> 6) & 0x3F), ctx) && put(0x80 | (wch & 0x3F), ctx); } return 0; } void utf8_decoder_init(utf8_decoder_t *ud) { ud->state = utf8_init; ud->wch = 0; ud->head = ud->tail = ud->back = 0; } wint_t utf8_decode(utf8_decoder_t *ud, int (*get)(mem_t *ctx), mem_t *ctx) { for (;;) { int ch; if (ud->tail != ud->head) { ch = ud->buf[ud->tail]; ud->tail = (ud->tail + 1) % 8; } else { ch = get(ctx); ud->buf[ud->head] = ch; ud->head = ud->tail = (ud->head + 1) % 8; } if (ch == EOF) { if (ud->state == utf8_init) { return WEOF; } else { wchar_t wch = 0xdc00 | ud->buf[ud->back]; ud->tail = ud->back = (ud->back + 1) % 8; ud->state = utf8_init; return wch; } } switch (ud->state) { case utf8_init: if (ch < 0x80) { ud->back = ud->tail; return ch; } else if (ch >= 0xc2 && ch <= 0xe0) { ud->state = utf8_more1; ud->wch = (ch & 0x1f); } else if (ch >= 0xe0 && ch <= 0xef) { ud->state = utf8_more2; ud->wch = (ch & 0xf); } else if (ch >= 0xf0 && ch < 0xf5) { ud->state = utf8_more3; ud->wch = (ch & 0x7); } else { ud->back = ud->tail; return 0xdc00 | ch; } break; case utf8_more1: case utf8_more2: case utf8_more3: if (ch >= 0x80 && ch < 0xc0) { ud->wch <<= 6; ud->wch |= (ch & 0x3f); ud->state = (enum utf8_state) (ud->state - 1); if (ud->state == utf8_init) { ud->back = ud->tail; return ud->wch; } } else { wchar_t wch = 0xdc00 | ud->buf[ud->back]; ud->tail = ud->back = (ud->back + 1) % 8; ud->state = utf8_init; return wch; } break; } } } FILE *w_fopen(const wchar_t *wname, const wchar_t *wmode) { char *name = (char *) utf8_dup_to(wname); char *mode = (char *) utf8_dup_to(wmode); FILE *f = fopen(name, mode); free(name); free(mode); return f; } FILE *w_popen(const wchar_t *wcmd, const wchar_t *wmode) { char *cmd = (char *) utf8_dup_to(wcmd); char *mode = (char *) utf8_dup_to(wmode); FILE *f = popen(cmd, mode); free(cmd); free(mode); return f; } ='n146' href='#n146'>146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226