(load "../common")

  (uni #H(() ("a") ("b")) #H(() ("b") ("c"))) (("a") ("b") ("c"))
  (diff #H(() ("a") ("b")) #H(() ("b") ("c"))) (("a"))
  (isec #H(() ("a") ("b")) #H(() ("b") ("c"))) (("b")))

  [group-by identity '(1 1 2 2 3 3 3)] #H(() (1 (1 1)) (2 (2 2)) (3 (3 3 3)))
  (group-by (op mod @1 3) (range 0 10)) #H(() (0 (0 3 6 9))
                                              (1 (1 4 7 10))
                                              (2 (2 5 8)))
  [group-map (op mod @1 3) sum (range 0 10)] #H(() (0 18) (1 22) (2 15)))

  [group-reduce (hash) identity (do inc @1)
                "fourscoreandsevenyearsago" 0] #H(() (#\a 3) (#\c 1) (#\d 1)
                                                     (#\e 4) (#\f 1) (#\g 1)
                                                     (#\n 2) (#\o 3) (#\r 3)
                                                     (#\s 3) (#\u 1) (#\v 1)
                                                     (#\y 1))
  [group-reduce (hash) evenp + (range 1 10) 0] #H(() (t 30) (nil 25)))

  (hash-props) #H(())
  (hash-props 1 2) #H(() (1 2))
  (hash-props 1 2 'a 'b) #H(() (1 2) (a b))
  (hash-props 1) :error
  (hash-props 1 2 'a) :error)

;; Test that growing a hash table works while iterators
;; are referencing it.
(let ((h (hash-list (range 0 199))))
  (let ((i (hash-begin h)))
    (each ((x 200..1000))
      (set [h x] x))
    (each ((x 0..1000))
      (vtest [h x] x))))

;; Test that when an iterator is created which references
;; a table which is then resized, and from which all
;; entries are subsequently deleted, when the iterator
;; then marches, it will not see the deleted entries.
(let ((h (hash-list (range 0 199))))
  (let ((i (hash-begin h)))
    (each ((x 200..1000))
      (set [h x] x))
    (each ((x 0..1000))
      (del [h x]))
    (test (hash-next i) nil)))

;; Test that when an iterator is created which references
;; a table which is then resized, and from which values
;; are never deleted, the iterator will visit all the
;; original items that existed when it was created.
(let ((h (hash-list (range 0 199))))
  (let ((i (hash-begin h)))
    (each ((x 200..1000))
      (set [h x] x))
    (let ((items (build (whilet ((cell (hash-next i)))
                          (add (car cell))))))
      (test (diff 0..200 items) nil))))

(test [hash-map square '(1 2 3)]
      #H(() (1 1) (2 4) (3 9)))

(let ((h1 #H(() (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
      (h2 #H(() (b -2) (c -3) (d -4) (e -5))))
    (hash-uni h1 h2) #H(() (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4) (e -5))
    [hash-uni h1 h2 +] #H(() (a 1) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0) (e -5))
    [hash-uni h1 h2 + -] #H(() (a -1) (b -4) (c -6) (d -8) (e -5))
    [hash-uni h1 h2 + : -] #H(() (a 1) (b 4) (c 6) (d 8) (e 5))
    [hash-uni h1 h2 + - -] #H(() (a -1) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0) (e 5)))
    [hash-join h1 h2 +] :error
    [hash-join h1 h2 + 0] :error
    [hash-join h1 h2 + : 0] :error
    [hash-join h1 h2 + 0 0] #H(() (a 1) (b 0) (c 0) (d 0) (e -5)))
    (hash-diff h1 h2) #H(() (a 1))
    (hash-diff h2 h1) #H(() (e -5)))
    (hash-symdiff h1 h2) #H(() (a 1) (e -5))
    (hash-symdiff h2 h1) #H(() (a 1) (e -5)))
    (hash-isec h1 h2) #H(() (b 2) (c 3) (d 4))
    [hash-isec h1 h2 +] #H(() (b 0) (c 0) (d 0))))

  (eql (hash-equal "abc") (hash-equal "abc")) t
  (eql (hash-equal (expt 2 128)) (hash-equal (expt 2 128))) t
  (eql (hash-eql "abc") (hash-eql "abc")) nil
  (eql (hash-eql (expt 2 128)) (hash-eql (expt 2 128))) t)

(let* ((h #H(() (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
       (hi1 (hash-begin h))
       (hi2 (progn (hash-next hi1) (copy-hash-iter hi1))))
    (hash-next hi1) (hash-next hi2)
    (hash-next hi2) (hash-next hi1)
    (hash-next hi1) (hash-next hi2)
    (hash-next hi2) (hash-next hi1)
    (hash-next hi1) nil
    (hash-next hi2) nil))