Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line 
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program             
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each 
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.                               
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left 
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.                     
     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line 
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program             
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each 
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.                             
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left 
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.                     
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line 
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program             
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each 
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.                              
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left 
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.