;; Copyright 2016-2022 ;; Kaz Kylheku ;; Vancouver, Canada ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ;; ;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ;; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ;; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ;; and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" ;; AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ;; IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE ;; LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ;; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ;; SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ;; CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ;; ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ;; POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (defex opt-error error) (defstruct opt-desc nil short long helptext arg-p (type :bool) (:static valid-types '(:bool :dec :hex :oct :cint :float :str :text)) (:postinit (me) me.(check) (set me.arg-p (neq me.type :bool)))) (defstruct (sys:opt-parsed name arg desc : eff-type) nil name arg ;; string, integer, real, ... desc ;; opt-desc eff-type cumul (:postinit (me) me.(convert-type))) (defstruct opts nil (opt-hash (hash :equal-based)) ;; string to sys:opt-parsed in-args out-args) (defstruct sys:opt-processor nil od-list (od-hash (hash :equal-based)) ;; string to opt-desc opts (:postinit (me) me.(build-hash))) (defun sys:opt-err (. args) (throwf 'opt-error . args)) (defun getopts-error (msg . args) (error `~s: @msg` 'getopts . args)) (defun sys:opt-dash (name) `@(if (> (length name) 1) "-")-@name`) (defmeth opt-desc basic-type-p (me type) (or (functionp type) (fboundp type) (member type me.valid-types))) (defmeth opt-desc list-type-p (me type) (tree-case type ((indicator btype) (and (eq indicator 'list) me.(basic-type-p btype))) (x nil))) (defmeth opt-desc cumul-type-p (me type) (tree-case type ((indicator btype) (and (eq indicator 'usr:cumul) (or me.(basic-type-p btype) me.(list-type-p btype)))) (x nil))) (defmeth opt-desc check (me) (unless (or me.(basic-type-p me.type) me.(list-type-p me.type) me.(cumul-type-p me.type)) (getopts-error "invalid option type specifier ~s" me.type)) (when me.long (when (< (length me.long) 2) (getopts-error "long option ~a has a short name" me.long)) (when (eql [me.long 0] #\-) (getopts-error "long option ~a starts with - character" me.long))) (when me.short (when (neq (length me.short) 1) (getopts-error "short option ~a not one character long" me.short)) (when (eql [me.short 0] #\-) (getopts-error "short option ~a starts with - character" me.short)))) (defmeth sys:opt-parsed convert-type (me) (let ((name (sys:opt-dash me.name)) (type (or me.eff-type me.desc.type))) (when (and (neq type :bool) (eq me.arg :explicit-no)) (sys:opt-err "Non-Boolean option ~a explicitly specified as false" name)) (caseql type (:bool (set me.arg (neq me.arg :explicit-no))) (:dec (set me.arg (or (and (r^$ #/[+\-]?\d+/ me.arg) (int-str me.arg)) (sys:opt-err "option ~a needs decimal integer arg, not ~a" name me.arg)))) (:hex (set me.arg (or (and (r^$ #/[+\-]?[\da-fA-F]+/ me.arg) (int-str me.arg 16)) (sys:opt-err "option ~a needs hexadecimal integer arg, not ~a" name me.arg)))) (:oct (set me.arg (or (and (r^$ #/[+\-]?[0-7]+/ me.arg) (int-str me.arg 8)) (sys:opt-err "option ~a needs octal integer arg, not ~a" name me.arg)))) (:cint (set me.arg (cond ((r^$ #/[+\-]?0x[\da-fA-F]+/ me.arg) (int-str (regsub #/0x/ "" me.arg) 16)) ((r^$ #/[+\-]?0[0-7]+/ me.arg) (int-str me.arg 8)) ((r^$ #/[+\-]?0[\da-fA-F]+/ me.arg) (sys:opt-err "option ~a argument ~a non octal, but leading 0" name me.arg)) ((r^$ #/[+\-]?\d+/ me.arg) (int-str me.arg)) (t (sys:opt-err "option ~a needs C style numeric arg, not ~a" name me.arg))))) (:float (set me.arg (cond ([[chand (orf (f^$ #/[+\-]?\d+[.]?([Ee][+\-]?\d+)?/) (f^$ #/[+\-]?\d*[.]?\d+([Ee][+\-]?\d+)?/)) flo-str] me.arg]) (t (sys:opt-err "option ~a needs floating-point arg, not ~a" name me.arg))))) (:str (set me.arg (or (ignerr (read `"@{me.arg}"`)) (sys:opt-err "option ~a needs string lit syntax, ~a given" name me.arg)))) (:text) (t (cond ((and (consp type) (eq (car type) 'list)) (let* ((rec-type (cadr type)) (pieces (split-str me.arg #/,/)) (sub-opts (mapcar (do new (sys:opt-parsed me.name @1 me.desc rec-type)) pieces))) (set me.arg (mapcar (usl arg) sub-opts)))) ((and (consp type) (eq (car type) 'cumul)) (let* ((rec-type (cadr type)) (sub-opt (new (sys:opt-parsed me.name me.arg me.desc rec-type)))) (set me.arg sub-opt.arg me.cumul t))) ((or (symbolp type) (functionp type)) (set me.arg (call type me.arg)))))))) (defmeth opts lambda (me key : dfl) (iflet ((o [me.opt-hash key])) o.arg dfl)) (defmeth opts lambda-set (me key val) (iflet ((o [me.opt-hash key])) (set o.arg val) (error "opts: cannot set option ~s to ~s: no such option" key val))) (defmeth opts add-opt (me opt) (when opt.cumul (let* ((old-opt [me.opt-hash (or opt.desc.long opt.desc.short)]) (old-arg (if old-opt old-opt.arg))) (set opt.arg (cons opt.arg old-arg)))) (whenlet ((n opt.desc.short)) (set [me.opt-hash n] opt)) (whenlet ((n opt.desc.long)) (set [me.opt-hash n] opt))) (defmeth sys:opt-processor build-hash (me) (each ((od me.od-list)) (unless (or od.long od.short) (error "opt-processor: no short or long name in option ~s" od)) (each ((str (list od.long od.short))) (when (and str [me.od-hash str]) (error "opt-processor: duplicate option ~s" str)) (set [me.od-hash str] od)))) (defmeth sys:opt-processor parse-long (me opt : arg) (iflet ((ieq (unless (stringp arg) (break-str opt "=")))) (let ((oname [opt 0..ieq]) (arg [opt (succ ieq)..:])) me.(parse-long oname arg)) (let ((od [me.od-hash opt]) (opts me.opts)) (cond ((null od) (sys:opt-err "unrecognized option: --~a" opt)) ((and arg od.arg-p) opts.(add-opt (new (sys:opt-parsed opt arg od)))) ((stringp arg) (sys:opt-err "option --~a doesn't take an argument" opt)) (od.arg-p (iflet ((arg (pop opts.out-args))) opts.(add-opt (new (sys:opt-parsed opt arg od))) (sys:opt-err "option --~a requires an argument" opt))) (t opts.(add-opt (new (sys:opt-parsed opt arg od)))))))) (defmeth sys:opt-processor parse-shorts (me oarg) (each ((o (split-str oarg #//))) (iflet ((opts me.opts) (od [me.od-hash o])) (let ((arg (when od.arg-p (when (> (length oarg) 1) (sys:opt-err "argument -~a includes -~a, which does not clump" oarg o)) (unless opts.out-args (sys:opt-err "option -~a requires an argument" o)) (pop opts.out-args)))) opts.(add-opt (new (sys:opt-parsed o arg od)))) (sys:opt-err "unrecognized option: -~a" o)))) (defmeth sys:opt-processor parse-opts (me args) (let ((opts me.opts)) (whilet ((arg (pop opts.out-args))) (cond ((equal "--" arg) (return)) ((r^ #/--no-/ arg) me.(parse-long [arg 5..:] :explicit-no)) ((r^ #/--/ arg) me.(parse-long [arg 2..:])) ((r^ #/-.+/ arg) me.(parse-shorts [arg 1..:])) (t (push arg opts.out-args) (return)))) opts)) (defun sys:wdwrap (string columns) (let ((words (tok-str string #/\S+/)) line) (build (whilet ((word (pop words)) (wpart (cond ((and word (r^$ #/\w+[\w\-]*\w[.,;:!?"]?/ word)) (split-str word #/-/)) (word (list word)))) (wpart-orig wpart)) (whilet ((wp0 (eq wpart wpart-orig)) (wp (pop wpart)) (w (if wp `@wp@(if wpart "-")`))) (cond ((not line) (set line w)) ((> (+ (length line) (length w) 1) columns) (add line) (set line w)) (t (set line `@line@(if wp0 " ")@w`))))) (if line (add line))))) (defun opt (short long : (type :bool) helptext) (new opt-desc short short long long helptext helptext type type)) (defun getopts (opt-desc-list args) (let* ((opts (new opts in-args args out-args args)) (opr (new sys:opt-processor od-list opt-desc-list opts opts))) opr.(parse-opts args))) (defun opthelp (opt-desc-list : (*stdout* *stdout*)) (let ((sorted [nsort (copy-list (remove-if (op null @1.helptext) opt-desc-list)) : (do if @1.long @1.long @1.short)]) (undocumented (keep-if (op null @1.helptext) opt-desc-list))) (put-line) (when sorted (put-line "Options:\n") (each ((od sorted)) (let* ((type (if (and (consp od.type) (eq (car od.type) 'cumul)) (cadr od.type) od.type)) (tstr (cond ((keywordp type) (upcase-str (symbol-name type))) ((and (consp type) (eq (car type) 'list)) (let ((ts (upcase-str (symbol-name (cadr type))))) `@ts[,@ts...]`)) (t "ARG"))) (long (if od.long `--@{od.long}@(if od.arg-p `=@tstr`)`)) (short (if od.short `-@{od.short}@(if od.arg-p ` @tstr`)`)) (ls (cond ((and long short) `@{long 21} (@short)`) (long long) (short `@{"" 21} @short`))) (lines (if od.helptext (sys:wdwrap od.helptext 43)))) (if (>= (len ls) 34) (put-line ` @ls`) (put-line ` @{ls 34}@(pop lines)`)) (while lines (put-line ` @{"" 34}@(pop lines)`)))) (put-line)) (when undocumented (put-line "Undocumented options:\n") (let* ((undoc-str `@{[mapcar sys:opt-dash (flatten (mappend (op list @1.short @1.long) undocumented))] ", "}`)) (each ((line (sys:wdwrap undoc-str 77))) (put-line ` @line`))) (put-line)))) (defun opthelp-conventions (opt-desc-list : (*stdout* *stdout*)) (let ((documented (remove-if (op null @1.helptext) opt-desc-list)) (undocumented (keep-if (op null @1.helptext) opt-desc-list))) (put-line "Option conventions:\n") (let* ((have-short (some documented (usl short))) (have-long (some documented (usl long))) (have-arg-p (some documented (usl arg-p))) (have-bool (some documented (op eq @1.type :bool))) (texts (list (if have-short "Short options can be invoked with long syntax: \ \ for example, --a can be used when -a exists.\ \ Short no-argument options can be clumped into\ \ one argument as exemplified by -xyz.") (if have-bool (if have-arg-p "Options that take no argument are Boolean:" (if undocumented "All documented options are Boolean:" "All options are Boolean:"))) (if have-bool "they are true when present, false when absent.") (if have-bool (if have-arg-p "The --no- prefix can explicitly specify\ \ Boolean options as false: if a Boolean option\ \ X exists,\ \ --no-X specifies it as false. This is useful\ \ for making false those options which default\ \ to true." "The --no- prefix can explicitly specify\ \ options as false: if an X option exists,\ \ --no-X specifies it as false. This is useful\ \ for making false those options which default\ \ to true.")) (if have-bool (if (not have-long) "Note the double dash on --no." (if have-short "The --no- prefix can be applied to a short\ \ or long option name."))) (if (and have-long have-arg-p) "The argument to a long option can be given in one\ \ argument as --option=arg or as a separate\ \ argument using --option arg.") "The special argument -- can be used where an option\ \ may appear. It means \"end of options\": the\ \ arguments which follow are not treated as options\ \ even if they look like options."))) (mapdo (do put-line ` @1`) (sys:wdwrap `@{(flatten texts)}` 77))) (put-line))) (defun opthelp-types (opt-desc-list : (*stdout* *stdout*)) (let ((documented (remove-if (op null @1.helptext) opt-desc-list))) (whenlet ((types (keep-if [andf keywordp (op neq :bool)] (uniq (mapcar (usl type) documented))))) (put-line "Type legend:\n") (each ((ty types)) (iflet ((ln (caseql ty (:dec " DEC - Decimal integer: -123, 0, 5, +73") (:hex " HEX - Hexadecimal integer -EF, 2D0, +9A") (:oct " OCT - Octal integer: -773, 5677, +326") (:cint " CINT - C-style integer: leading 0 octal,\ \ leading 0x hex, else decimal;\n\ \ leading sign allowed: -0777, 0xFDC, +123") (:float " FLOAT - Floating-point: -1.3e+03, +5, 3.3,\ \ 3., .5, .12e9, 53.e-3, 3e-015") (:str " STR - String with embedded escapes, valid\ \ as TXR Lisp string literals\n\ \ syntax: foo, foo\\tbar, abc\\nxyz") (:text " TEXT - Unprocessed text")))) (put-line ln))) (put-line)))) (defstruct sys:option-base nil in-args out-args (:static slot-hash) (:static opt-desc-list) (:method add-opt (me opt) (let* ((sl [me.slot-hash (or opt.desc.long opt.desc.short)]) (arg (if opt.cumul (cons opt.arg (slot me sl)) opt.arg))) (slotset me sl arg))) (:method getopts (me args) (set me.in-args args me.out-args args) (let ((opr (new sys:opt-processor od-list me.opt-desc-list opts me))) opr.(parse-opts args))) (:method opthelp (me : (stream *stdout*)) (opthelp me.opt-desc-list stream)) (:method opthelp-conventions (me : (stream *stdout*)) (opthelp-conventions me.opt-desc-list stream)) (:method opthelp-types (me : (stream *stdout*)) (opthelp-types me.opt-desc-list stream))) (defmacro define-option-struct (name super-spec . opts) (let* ((slots (mapcar (tb ((short long . rest)) (or long short)) opts)) (supers (if (and super-spec (atom super-spec)) (list super-spec) super-spec))) ^(defstruct ,name (,*supers sys:option-base) ,*slots (:static slot-hash #H(() ,*(mapcar [juxt symbol-name identity] slots))) (:static opt-desc-list ',(mapcar (tb ((short long . rest)) (opt (if short (symbol-name short)) (if long (symbol-name long)) . rest)) opts)))))