;; Copyright 2017-2021 ;; Kaz Kylheku ;; Vancouver, Canada ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ;; ;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ;; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ;; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ;; and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" ;; AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ;; IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE ;; LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ;; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ;; SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ;; CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ;; ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ;; POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (defmacro sys:dlib-expr (spec) (typecase spec (null ^(dlopen)) (str ^(dlopen ,spec rtld-now)) (t spec))) (defmacro with-dyn-lib (lib . body) ^(let ((sys:ffi-lib (sys:dlib-expr ,lib))) ,*body)) (defun sys:with-dyn-lib-check (f e ref) (unless (lexical-var-p e 'sys:ffi-lib) (compile-warning f "simple ref ~s requires ~s" ref 'with-dyn-lib))) (defun sys:expand-sym-ref (f e exp) (cond ((stringp exp) (sys:with-dyn-lib-check f e exp) ^(dlsym-checked sys:ffi-lib ,exp)) ((and (consp exp) (stringp (car exp))) (mac-param-bind f (sym ver) exp (sys:with-dyn-lib-check f e exp) ^(dlvsym-checked sys:ffi-lib ,sym ,ver))) (t exp))) (defun sys:analyze-argtypes (form argtypes) (tree-bind (: ftypes vtypes) (split* argtypes (op where (op eq :))) (when vtypes (when (null ftypes) (compile-error form "variadic with zero fixed arguments not allowed")) (set vtypes (collect-each ((vt vtypes)) (caseq vt ((float) 'double) ((be-float le-float) (compile-error form "variadic argument cannot be of type ~s" vt)) (t vt))))) (list* (+ (len ftypes) (len vtypes)) (len ftypes) (append ftypes vtypes)))) (defmacro deffi (:form f :env e name fun-expr rettype argtypes) (let ((fun-ref (sys:expand-sym-ref f e fun-expr)) (fun-sym (gensym "fun-")) (desc-sym (gensym "desc-"))) (tree-bind (nargs nfixed . argtypes) (sys:analyze-argtypes f argtypes) (let ((arg-syms (take nargs (gun (gensym))))) ^(let ((,fun-sym ,fun-ref) (,desc-sym (ffi-make-call-desc ,nargs ,nfixed (ffi-type-compile ',rettype) [mapcar ffi-type-compile ',argtypes] ',name))) (defun ,name ,arg-syms (ffi-call ,fun-sym ,desc-sym ,*arg-syms))))))) (defmacro deffi-type (name type-expr) ^(ffi-typedef ',name (ffi-type-compile ',type-expr))) (defmacro typedef (name type-expr) ^(ffi-typedef ',name (ffi-type-compile ',type-expr))) (defun sys:deffi-cb-expander (f name rettype argtypes safe-p abort-retval) (let ((fun-sym (gensym "fun-")) (desc-sym (gensym "desc-"))) (tree-bind (nargs nvariadic . argtypes) (sys:analyze-argtypes f argtypes) ^(let ((,desc-sym (ffi-make-call-desc ,nargs ,nvariadic (ffi-type-compile ',rettype) [mapcar ffi-type-compile ',argtypes] ',name))) (defun ,name (,fun-sym) [ffi-make-closure ,fun-sym ,desc-sym ,safe-p ,abort-retval]))))) (defmacro deffi-cb (:form f name rettype argtypes : abort-retval) (sys:deffi-cb-expander f name rettype argtypes t abort-retval)) (defmacro deffi-cb-unsafe (:form f name rettype argtypes) (sys:deffi-cb-expander f name rettype argtypes nil nil)) (defmacro deffi-sym (:form f :env e name var-expr : type-sym) (let ((var-ref (sys:expand-sym-ref f e var-expr))) ^(defparml ,name ,(if type-sym ^(cptr-cast ',type-sym ,var-ref) var-ref)))) (defmacro deffi-var (:form f :env e name var-expr type) (let ((var-ref (sys:expand-sym-ref f e var-expr)) (type-sym (gensym "type-")) (var-sym (gensym "var-"))) ^(progn (defvarl ,type-sym (ffi ,type)) (defvarl ,var-sym (carray-cptr ,var-ref ,type-sym 1)) (defsymacro ,name (carray-ref ,var-sym 0))))) (defmacro deffi-struct (name . body) ^(typedef ,name (struct ,name ,*body))) (defmacro deffi-union (name . body) ^(typedef ,name (union ,name ,*body))) (defmacro sizeof (type : (obj nil obj-p) :env menv) (if obj-p (if (constantp obj menv) (sys:dyn-size (ffi-type-compile type) obj) ^(sys:dyn-size (load-time (ffi-type-compile ',type)) ,obj)) (ffi-size (ffi-type-compile type)))) (defmacro alignof (type) (ffi-alignof (ffi-type-compile type))) (defmacro offsetof (struct memb) (ffi-offsetof (ffi-type-compile struct) memb)) (defmacro arraysize (arr) (ffi-arraysize (ffi-type-compile arr))) (defmacro elemtype (type) ^(ffi-elemtype (ffi-type-compile ',type))) (defmacro elemsize (type) (ffi-elemsize (ffi-type-compile type))) (defmacro ffi (type) ^(load-time (ffi-type-compile ',type))) (define-accessor carray-ref carray-refset) (defset carray-sub (carray : (from 0) (to t)) items ^(progn (carray-replace ,carray ,items ,from ,to) ,items)) (defset sub-buf (buf : (from 0) (to t)) items ^(progn (replace-buf ,buf ,items ,from ,to) ,items)) (defmacro znew (type . pairs) (if (oddp (length pairs)) (throwf 'eval-error "~s: slot initform arguments must occur pairwise" 'znew)) (let ((qpairs (mappend (aret ^(',@1 ,@2)) (tuples 2 pairs)))) ^(make-zstruct (ffi ,type) ,*qpairs)))