/* Copyright 2009-2014 * Kaz Kylheku * Vancouver, Canada * All rights reserved. * * BSD License: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "lib.h" #include "unwind.h" #include "regex.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "match.h" #include "hash.h" #include "eval.h" #include "parser.h" int yylex(void); void yyerror(const char *); static val repeat_rep_helper(val sym, val args, val main, val parts); static val o_elems_transform(val output_form); static val define_transform(val define_form); static val lit_char_helper(val litchars); static val optimize_text(val text_form); static val unquotes_occur(val quoted_form); static val choose_quote(val quoted_form); static wchar_t char_from_name(wchar_t *name); static val parsed_spec; %} %union { wchar_t *lexeme; union obj *val; wchar_t chr; cnum lineno; } %token SPACE TEXT IDENT KEYWORD METAVAR %token ALL SOME NONE MAYBE CASES BLOCK CHOOSE GATHER %token AND OR END COLLECT %token UNTIL COLL OUTPUT REPEAT REP SINGLE FIRST LAST EMPTY %token MOD MODLAST DEFINE TRY CATCH FINALLY %token ERRTOK /* deliberately not used in grammar */ %token HASH_BACKSLASH HASH_SLASH DOTDOT HASH_H %token SECRET_ESCAPE_R %token NUMBER METANUM %token REGCHAR REGTOKEN LITCHAR %token METAPAR METABKT SPLICE %type spec clauses clauses_opt clause %type all_clause some_clause none_clause maybe_clause block_clause %type cases_clause choose_clause gather_clause collect_clause until_last %type collect_repeat %type clause_parts additional_parts gather_parts additional_gather_parts %type output_clause define_clause try_clause catch_clauses_opt %type line elems_opt elems clause_parts_h additional_parts_h %type text texts elem var var_op modifiers meta_expr vector hash %type list exprs exprs_opt expr out_clauses out_clauses_opt out_clause %type repeat_clause repeat_parts_opt o_line %type o_elems_opt o_elems o_elem o_var rep_elem rep_parts_opt %type regex lisp_regex regexpr regbranch %type regterm regtoken regclass regclassterm regrange %type strlit chrlit quasilit quasi_items quasi_item litchars %type regchar %type '(' '[' %nonassoc LOW /* used for precedence assertion */ %right IDENT '{' '}' %right ALL SOME NONE MAYBE CASES CHOOSE AND OR END COLLECT UNTIL COLL %right OUTPUT REPEAT REP FIRST LAST EMPTY DEFINE %right SPACE TEXT NUMBER %nonassoc '[' ']' '(' ')' %left '-' ',' '\'' SPLICE %left '|' '/' %left '&' %right '~' '*' '?' '+' '%' %right '.' REGCHAR REGTOKEN LITCHAR %right DOTDOT %% spec : clauses { parsed_spec = $1; } | /* empty */ { parsed_spec = nil; } | SECRET_ESCAPE_R regexpr { parsed_spec = $2; end_of_regex(); } | error '\n' { parsed_spec = nil; if (errors >= 8) YYABORT; yyerrok; yybadtoken(yychar, nil); } ; clauses : clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); } | clause clauses { $$ = cons($1, $2); } ; clauses_opt : clauses { $$ = $1; } | /* empty */ { $$ = nil; } ; clause : all_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | some_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | none_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | maybe_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | cases_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | block_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | choose_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | collect_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | gather_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | define_clause { $$ = list(define_transform($1), nao); rlcp(car($$), $1); rlcp($$, $1); } | try_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | output_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | line { $$ = $1; } ; all_clause : ALL newl clause_parts { $$ = list(all_s, $3, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | ALL newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("all clause")); } | ALL newl END newl { $$ = nil; yyerror("empty all clause"); } ; some_clause : SOME exprs_opt ')' newl clause_parts { $$ = list(some_s, $5, $2, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | SOME exprs_opt ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("some clause")); } | SOME exprs_opt ')' newl END newl { $$ = nil; yyerror("empty some clause"); } ; none_clause : NONE newl clause_parts { $$ = list(none_s, $3, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | NONE newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("none clause")); } | NONE newl END newl { $$ = nil; yyerror("empty none clause"); } ; maybe_clause : MAYBE newl clause_parts { $$ = list(maybe_s, $3, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | MAYBE newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("maybe clause")); } | MAYBE newl END newl { $$ = nil; yyerror("empty maybe clause"); } ; cases_clause : CASES newl clause_parts { $$ = list(cases_s, $3, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | CASES newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("cases clause")); } | CASES newl END newl { $$ = nil; yyerror("empty cases clause"); } ; block_clause : BLOCK exprs_opt ')' newl clauses_opt END newl { val name = first($2); if (gt(length($2), one)) yyerror("block: takes zero or no arguments"); if (name && !bindable(name)) yyerrorf(lit("block: ~s is not a bindable symbol"), name, nao); $$ = list(block_s, name, $5, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | BLOCK exprs_opt ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("block clause")); } ; choose_clause : CHOOSE exprs_opt ')' newl clause_parts { $$ = list(choose_s, $5, $2, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | CHOOSE exprs_opt ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("choose clause")); } | CHOOSE exprs_opt ')' newl END newl { $$ = nil; yyerror("empty choose clause"); } ; gather_clause : GATHER exprs_opt ')' newl gather_parts END newl { $$ = list(gather_s, append2(mapcar(curry_12_1(func_n2(cons), nil), first($5)), rest($5)), $2, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | GATHER exprs_opt ')' newl gather_parts until_last newl clauses END newl { $$ = list(gather_s, append2(mapcar(curry_12_1(func_n2(cons), nil), first($5)), rest($5)), $2, cons(cdr($6), $8), nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | GATHER exprs_opt ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("gather clause")); } | GATHER exprs_opt ')' newl END newl { $$ = nil; yyerror("empty gather clause"); } ; gather_parts : clauses additional_gather_parts { $$ = cons($1, $2); } ; additional_gather_parts : AND newl clauses additional_gather_parts { $$ = cons($3, $4); } | OR newl clauses additional_parts { $$ = cons($3, $4); } | /* empty */ { $$ = nil; } ; collect_clause : collect_repeat exprs_opt ')' newl clauses END newl { $$ = list(car($1), $5, nil, $2, nao); rl($$, cdr($1)); } | collect_repeat exprs_opt ')' newl clauses until_last newl clauses END newl { $$ = list(car($1), $5, cons(cdr($6), $8), $2, nao); rl($$, cdr($1)); rl($8, car($6)); } | collect_repeat exprs_opt ')' newl error { $$ = nil; if (yychar == UNTIL || yychar == END || yychar == LAST) yyerror("empty collect"); else yybadtoken(yychar, lit("collect clause")); } ; collect_repeat : COLLECT { $$ = cons(collect_s, num($1)); } | REPEAT { $$ = cons(repeat_s, num($1)); } ; until_last : UNTIL { $$ = cons(num($1), until_s); } | LAST { $$ = cons(num($1), last_s); } ; clause_parts : clauses additional_parts { $$ = cons($1, $2); } ; additional_parts : END newl { $$ = nil; } | AND newl clauses additional_parts { $$ = cons($3, $4); } | OR newl clauses additional_parts { $$ = cons($3, $4); } ; line : elems_opt '\n' { $$ = $1; } ; elems_opt : elems { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = nil; } ; elems : elem { $$ = cons($1, nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | elem elems { $$ = cons($1, $2); rlcp($$, $1); } | rep_elem { $$ = nil; yyerror("rep outside of output"); } ; text : TEXT { $$ = rl(string_own($1), num(lineno)); } | SPACE { if ($1[0] == ' ' && $1[1] == 0) { val spaces = list(oneplus_s, chr(' '), nao); $$ = cons(regex_compile(spaces, nil), spaces); rl($$, num(lineno)); free($1); } else { $$ = rl(string_own($1), num(lineno)); }} | regex { $$ = cons(regex_compile(rest($1), nil), rest($1)); rl($$, num(lineno)); } ; texts : text %prec LOW { $$ = rlcp(cons($1, nil), $1); } | text texts { $$ = rlcp(cons($1, $2), $2); } ; elem : texts { $$ = rlcp(cons(text_s, $1), $1); $$ = rlcp(optimize_text($$), $$); } | var { $$ = rl($1, num(lineno)); } | list { if (first($1) == do_s) $$ = expand($1); else $$ = $1; } | COLL exprs_opt ')' elems END { $$ = list(coll_s, $4, nil, $2, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | COLL exprs_opt ')' elems until_last elems END { $$ = list(coll_s, $4, cons(cdr($5), $6), $2, nao); rl($$, num($1)); rl($6, car($5)); } | COLL error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("coll clause")); } | ALL clause_parts_h { $$ = rl(list(all_s, t, $2, nao), num($1)); } | ALL END { yyerror("empty all clause"); } | SOME exprs_opt ')' clause_parts_h { $$ = rl(list(some_s, t, $4, $2, nao), num($1)); } | SOME exprs_opt ')' END { yyerror("empty some clause"); } | NONE clause_parts_h { $$ = rl(list(none_s, t, $2, nao), num($1)); } | NONE END { yyerror("empty none clause"); } | MAYBE clause_parts_h { $$ = rl(list(maybe_s, t, $2, nao), num($1)); } | MAYBE END { yyerror("empty maybe clause"); } | CASES clause_parts_h { $$ = rl(list(cases_s, t, $2, nao), num($1)); } | CASES END { yyerror("empty cases clause"); } | CHOOSE exprs_opt ')' clause_parts_h { $$ = list(choose_s, t, $4, $2, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | CHOOSE exprs_opt ')' END { yyerror("empty cases clause"); } | DEFINE exprs ')' elems END { $$ = list(define_s, t, $4, $2, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } ; clause_parts_h : elems additional_parts_h { $$ = cons($1, $2); } ; additional_parts_h : END { $$ = nil; } | AND elems additional_parts_h { $$ = cons($2, $3); } | OR elems additional_parts_h { $$ = cons($2, $3); } ; define_clause : DEFINE exprs ')' newl clauses_opt END newl { $$ = list(define_s, $2, $5, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | DEFINE ')' newl clauses_opt END newl { $$ = list(define_s, nil, $4, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | DEFINE error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("list expression")); } | DEFINE exprs ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("define")); } | DEFINE ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("define")); } ; try_clause : TRY newl clauses catch_clauses_opt END newl { $$ = list(try_s, flatten(mapcar(func_n1(second), $4)), $3, $4, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | TRY newl error { $$ = nil; if (yychar == END || yychar == CATCH || yychar == FINALLY) yyerror("empty try clause"); else yybadtoken(yychar, lit("try clause")); } | TRY newl clauses error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("try clause")); } ; catch_clauses_opt : CATCH ')' newl clauses_opt catch_clauses_opt { $$ = cons(list(catch_s, cons(t, nil), $4, nao), $5); rl($$, num($1)); } | CATCH exprs ')' newl clauses_opt catch_clauses_opt { $$ = cons(list(catch_s, $2, $5, nao), $6); rl($$, num($1)); } | FINALLY newl clauses_opt { $$ = cons(list(finally_s, nil, $3, nao), nil); rl($$, num($1)); } | { $$ = nil; } | CATCH ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("try clause")); } | CATCH exprs ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("try clause")); } | FINALLY newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("try clause")); } ; output_clause : OUTPUT ')' o_elems '\n' out_clauses END newl { $$ = nil; yyerror("obsolete output syntax: trailing material"); } | OUTPUT ')' newl END newl { $$ = rl(list(output_s, nao), num($1)); } | OUTPUT ')' newl out_clauses END newl { $$ = rl(list(output_s, $4, nao), num($1)); } | OUTPUT exprs ')' newl out_clauses END newl { $$ = list(output_s, $5, $2, nao); rl($$, num($1)); } | OUTPUT exprs ')' o_elems '\n' out_clauses END newl { $$ = nil; yyerror("invalid combination of old and " "new syntax in output directive"); } | OUTPUT error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("list expression")); } | OUTPUT ')' o_elems '\n' error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("output clause")); } | OUTPUT ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("output clause")); } | OUTPUT exprs ')' o_elems '\n' error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("output clause")); } | OUTPUT exprs ')' newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("output clause")); } ; out_clauses : out_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); } | out_clause out_clauses { $$ = cons($1, $2); } ; out_clause : repeat_clause { $$ = cons($1, nil); } | o_line { $$ = $1; } | all_clause { $$ = nil; yyerror("match clause in output"); } | some_clause { $$ = nil; yyerror("match clause in output"); } | none_clause { $$ = nil; yyerror("match clause in output"); } | maybe_clause { $$ = nil; yyerror("match clause in output"); } | cases_clause { $$ = nil; yyerror("match clause in output"); } | choose_clause { $$ = nil; yyerror("choose clause in output"); } | define_clause { $$ = nil; yyerror("match clause in output"); } | try_clause { $$ = nil; yyerror("match clause in output"); } | output_clause { $$ = nil; yyerror("match clause in output"); } ; repeat_clause : REPEAT exprs_opt ')' newl out_clauses_opt repeat_parts_opt END newl { $$ = repeat_rep_helper(repeat_s, $2, $5, $6); rl($$, num($1)); } | REPEAT newl error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("repeat clause")); } ; repeat_parts_opt : SINGLE newl out_clauses_opt repeat_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(single_s, $3), $4); rl($$, num($1)); } | FIRST newl out_clauses_opt repeat_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(first_s, $3), $4); rl($$, num($1)); } | LAST newl out_clauses_opt repeat_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(last_s, $3), $4); rl($$, num($1)); } | EMPTY newl out_clauses_opt repeat_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(empty_s, $3), $4); rl($$, num($1)); } | MOD exprs_opt ')' newl out_clauses_opt repeat_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(mod_s, cons($2, $5)), $6); rl($$, num($1)); } | MODLAST exprs_opt ')' newl out_clauses_opt repeat_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(modlast_s, cons($2, $5)), $6); rl($$, num($1)); } | /* empty */ { $$ = nil; } ; out_clauses_opt : out_clauses { $$ = $1; } | /* empty */ { $$ = nil; } o_line : o_elems_opt '\n' { $$ = $1; } ; o_elems_opt : o_elems { $$ = o_elems_transform($1); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | { $$ = nil; } ; o_elems : o_elem { $$ = cons($1, nil); } | o_elem o_elems { $$ = cons($1, $2); } ; o_elem : TEXT { $$ = string_own($1); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | SPACE { $$ = string_own($1); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | o_var { $$ = $1; } | list { $$ = rlcp(cons(expr_s, expand($1)), $1); } | rep_elem { $$ = $1; } ; rep_elem : REP exprs_opt ')' o_elems_opt rep_parts_opt END { $$ = repeat_rep_helper(rep_s, $2, o_elems_transform($4), $5); rl($$, num($1)); } | REP error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("rep clause")); } ; rep_parts_opt : SINGLE o_elems_opt rep_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(single_s, $2), $3); rl($$, num($1)); } | FIRST o_elems_opt rep_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(first_s, $2), $3); rl($$, num($1)); } | LAST o_elems_opt rep_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(last_s, $2), $3); rl($$, num($1)); } | EMPTY o_elems_opt rep_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(empty_s, $2), $3); rl($$, num($1)); } | MOD exprs_opt ')' o_elems_opt rep_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(mod_s, cons($2, $4)), $5); rl($$, num($1)); } | MODLAST exprs_opt ')' o_elems_opt rep_parts_opt { $$ = cons(cons(modlast_s, cons($2, $4)), $5); rl($$, num($1)); } | /* empty */ { $$ = nil; } ; /* This sucks, but factoring '*' into a nonterminal * that generates an empty phrase causes reduce/reduce conflicts. */ var : IDENT { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($1), nil), nao); } | IDENT elem { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($1), nil), $2, nao); } | '{' IDENT '}' { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($2), nil), nao); } | '{' IDENT '}' elem { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($2), nil), $4, nao); } | '{' IDENT modifiers '}' { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($2), nil), nil, $3, nao); } | '{' IDENT modifiers '}' elem { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($2), nil), $5, $3, nao); } | var_op IDENT { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($2), nil), nil, $1, nao); } | var_op IDENT elem { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($2), nil), $3, $1, nao); } | var_op '{' IDENT '}' { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($3), nil), nil, $1, nao); } | var_op '{' IDENT '}' elem { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($3), nil), $5, $1, nao); } | var_op '{' IDENT regex '}' { $$ = nil; yyerror("longest match " "not useable with regex"); } | var_op '{' IDENT NUMBER '}' { $$ = nil; yyerror("longest match " "not useable with " "fixed width match"); } | IDENT error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("variable spec")); } | var_op error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("variable spec")); } ; var_op : '*' { $$ = list(t, nao); } ; modifiers : NUMBER { $$ = cons($1, nil); } | regex { $$ = cons(cons(regex_compile(rest($1), nil), rest($1)), nil); rlcp($$, $1); } | list { $$ = cons($1, nil); } ; o_var : IDENT { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($1), nil), nao); } | IDENT o_elem { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($1), nil), $2, nao); } | '{' expr exprs_opt '}' { $$ = list(var_s, $2, nil, $3, nao); } | '{' expr exprs_opt '}' o_elem { $$ = list(var_s, $2, $5, $3, nao); } | IDENT error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("variable spec")); } ; vector : '#' list { if (unquotes_occur($2)) $$ = rlcp(cons(vector_lit_s, cons($2, nil)), $2); else $$ = rlcp(vector_list($2), $2); } ; hash : HASH_H list { if (unquotes_occur($2)) $$ = rlcp(cons(hash_lit_s, $2), num($1)); else $$ = rlcp(hash_construct(first($2), rest($2)), num($1)); } ; list : '(' exprs ')' { $$ = rl($2, num($1)); } | '(' ')' { $$ = nil; } | '[' exprs ']' { $$ = rl(cons(dwim_s, $2), num($1)); } | '[' ']' { $$ = rl(cons(dwim_s, nil), num($1)); } | ',' expr { val expr = $2; if (consp(expr) && first(expr) == qquote_s) expr = cons(quote_s, rest(expr)); $$ = rlcp(list(unquote_s, expr, nao), $2); } | '\'' expr { $$ = rlcp(list(choose_quote($2), $2, nao), $2); } | SPLICE expr { val expr = $2; if (consp(expr) && first(expr) == qquote_s) expr = cons(quote_s, rest(expr)); $$ = rlcp(list(splice_s, expr, nao), $2); } | '(' error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("list expression")); } | '[' error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("DWIM expression")); } ; meta_expr : METAPAR exprs ')' { $$ = rlcp(cons(expr_s, expand($2)), $2); } | METABKT exprs ']' { $$ = rlcp(cons(expr_s, rlcp(expand(cons(dwim_s, $2)), $2)), $2); } | METAPAR ')' { $$ = rl(cons(expr_s, nil), num(lineno)); } | METABKT ']' { $$ = rl(cons(expr_s, rl(cons(dwim_s, nil), num(lineno))), num(lineno)); } | METAPAR error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("meta expression")); } ; exprs : expr { $$ = rlcp(cons($1, nil), $1); } | expr exprs { $$ = rlcp(cons($1, $2), $1); } | expr '.' expr { $$ = rlcp(cons($1, $3), $1); } ; exprs_opt : exprs { $$ = $1; } | /* empty */ { $$ = nil; } ; expr : IDENT { $$ = rl(intern(string_own($1), nil), num(lineno)); } | KEYWORD { $$ = rl(intern(string_own($1), keyword_package), num(lineno)); } | METAVAR { $$ = list(var_s, intern(string_own($1), nil), nao); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | METANUM { $$ = cons(var_s, cons($1, nil)); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | NUMBER { $$ = $1; } | list { $$ = $1; } | vector { $$ = $1; } | hash { $$ = $1; } | meta_expr { $$ = $1; } | lisp_regex { $$ = cons(regex_compile(rest($1), nil), rest($1)); rlcp($$, $1); } | chrlit { $$ = rl($1, num(lineno)); } | strlit { $$ = $1; } | quasilit { $$ = $1; } | expr DOTDOT expr { $$ = list(cons_s, $1, $3, nao); } ; regex : '/' regexpr '/' { $$ = cons(regex_s, $2); end_of_regex(); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | '/' error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("regex")); end_of_regex(); } ; lisp_regex : HASH_SLASH regexpr '/' { $$ = cons(regex_s, $2); end_of_regex(); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | HASH_SLASH error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("regex")); end_of_regex(); } ; regexpr : regbranch { $$ = if3(cdr($1), cons(compound_s, $1), car($1)); } | regexpr '|' regexpr { $$ = list(or_s, $1, $3, nao); } | regexpr '&' regexpr { $$ = list(and_s, $1, $3, nao); } | '~' regexpr { $$ = list(compl_s, $2, nao); } | /* empty */ %prec LOW { $$ = nil; } ; regbranch : regterm %prec LOW { $$ = cons($1, nil); } | regterm regbranch { $$ = cons($1, $2); } | regterm '~' regexpr { $$ = list($1, list(compl_s, $3, nao), nao); } ; regterm : regterm '*' { $$ = list(zeroplus_s, $1, nao); } | regterm '+' { $$ = list(oneplus_s, $1, nao); } | regterm '?' { $$ = list(optional_s, $1, nao); } | regterm '%' regexpr { $$ = list(nongreedy_s, $1, $3, nao); } | '[' regclass ']' { if (first($2) == chr('^')) { if (rest($2)) $$ = cons(cset_s, rest($2)); else $$ = wild_s; } else $$ = cons(set_s, $2); } | '[' ']' { $$ = cons(set_s, nil); } | '[' error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("regex character class")); } | '.' { $$ = wild_s; } | ']' { $$ = chr(']'); } | '-' { $$ = chr('-'); } | REGCHAR { $$ = chr($1); } | regtoken { $$ = $1; } | '(' regexpr ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("regex subexpression")); } ; regclass : regclassterm { $$ = cons($1, nil); } | regclassterm regclass { $$ = cons($1, $2); } ; regclassterm : regrange { $$ = $1; } | regchar { $$ = chr($1); } | regtoken { $$ = $1; } ; regrange : regchar '-' regchar { $$ = cons(chr($1), chr($3)); } regchar : '?' { $$ = '?'; } | '.' { $$ = '.'; } | '*' { $$ = '*'; } | '+' { $$ = '+'; } | '(' { $$ = '('; } | ')' { $$ = ')'; } | '|' { $$ = '|'; } | '~' { $$ = '~'; } | '&' { $$ = '&'; } | '%' { $$ = '%'; } | '/' { $$ = '/'; } | REGCHAR { $$ = $1; } ; regtoken : REGTOKEN { switch ($1) { case 's': $$ = space_k; break; case 'S': $$ = cspace_k; break; case 'd': $$ = digit_k; break; case 'D': $$ = cdigit_k; break; case 'w': $$ = word_char_k; break; case 'W': $$ = cword_char_k; break; }} newl : '\n' | error '\n' { yyerror("newline expected after directive"); yyerrok; } ; strlit : '"' '"' { $$ = null_string; } | '"' litchars '"' { $$ = lit_char_helper($2); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | '"' error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("string literal")); } ; chrlit : HASH_BACKSLASH IDENT { wchar_t ch; val str = string_own($2); if ($2[1] == 0) { ch = $2[0]; } else { ch = char_from_name($2); if (ch == L'!') { yyerrorf(lit("unknown character name: ~a"), str, nao); }} end_of_char(); $$ = chr(ch); } | HASH_BACKSLASH LITCHAR { $$ = chr($2); end_of_char(); } | HASH_BACKSLASH error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("character literal")); } ; quasilit : '`' '`' { $$ = null_string; } | '`' quasi_items '`' { $$ = cons(quasi_s, o_elems_transform($2)); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | '`' error { $$ = nil; yybadtoken(yychar, lit("string literal")); } ; quasi_items : quasi_item { $$ = cons($1, nil); } | quasi_item quasi_items { $$ = cons($1, $2); } ; quasi_item : litchars { $$ = lit_char_helper($1); } | TEXT { $$ = string_own($1); } | o_var { $$ = $1; } | METANUM { $$ = cons(var_s, cons($1, nil)); rl($$, num(lineno)); } | list { $$ = rlcp(cons(expr_s, expand($1)), $1); } ; litchars : LITCHAR { $$ = cons(chr($1), nil); } | LITCHAR litchars { $$ = cons(chr($1), $2); } ; %% static val repeat_rep_helper(val sym, val args, val main, val parts) { uses_or2; val single_parts = nil, single_parts_p = nil; val first_parts = nil, first_parts_p = nil; val last_parts = nil, last_parts_p = nil; val empty_parts = nil, empty_parts_p = nil; val mod_parts = nil, mod_parts_p = nil; val modlast_parts = nil, modlast_parts_p = nil; val iter; for (iter = parts; iter != nil; iter = cdr(iter)) { val part = car(iter); val sym = car(part); val clauses = copy_list(cdr(part)); if (sym == single_s) { single_parts = nappend2(single_parts, clauses); single_parts_p = t; } else if (sym == first_s) { first_parts = nappend2(first_parts, clauses); first_parts_p = t; } else if (sym == last_s) { last_parts = nappend2(last_parts, clauses); last_parts_p = t; } else if (sym == empty_s) { empty_parts = nappend2(empty_parts, clauses); empty_parts_p = t; } else if (sym == mod_s) { mod_parts = cons(clauses, mod_parts); mod_parts_p = t; } else if (sym == modlast_s) { modlast_parts = cons(clauses, modlast_parts); modlast_parts_p = t; } else { abort(); } } single_parts = or2(single_parts, single_parts_p); first_parts = or2(first_parts, first_parts_p); last_parts = or2(last_parts, last_parts_p); empty_parts = or2(empty_parts, empty_parts_p); mod_parts = or2(nreverse(mod_parts), mod_parts_p); modlast_parts = or2(nreverse(modlast_parts), modlast_parts_p); return list(sym, args, main, single_parts, first_parts, last_parts, empty_parts, nreverse(mod_parts), nreverse(modlast_parts), nao); } static val o_elems_transform(val o_elems) { list_collect_decl(o_elems_out, ptail); val iter; for (iter = o_elems; iter; iter = cdr(iter)) { val elem = car(iter); while (consp(elem) && first(elem) == var_s) { val sym = second(elem); val pat = third(elem); val modifiers = fourth(elem); list_collect(ptail, list(first(elem), sym, nil, modifiers, nao)); elem = pat; } if (elem) list_collect(ptail, elem); } return o_elems_out; } static val define_transform(val define_form) { val sym = first(define_form); val args = second(define_form); if (define_form == nil) return nil; assert (sym == define_s); if (args == nil) { yyerror("define requires arguments"); return define_form; } if (!consp(args) || !listp(cdr(args))) { yyerror("bad define argument syntax"); return define_form; } else { val name = first(args); val params = second(args); if (!symbolp(name)) { yyerror("function name must be a symbol"); return define_form; } if (!proper_listp(params)) { yyerror("invalid function parameter list"); return define_form; } if (!all_satisfy(params, func_n1(symbolp), nil)) yyerror("function parameters must be symbols"); } return define_form; } static val lit_char_helper(val litchars) { val ret = nil; if (litchars) { val len = length_list(litchars), iter, ix; ret = mkustring(len); for (iter = litchars, ix = zero; iter; iter = cdr(iter), ix = plus(ix, one)) { chr_str_set(ret, ix, car(iter)); } } else { ret = nil; } return ret; } static val optimize_text(val text_form) { if (all_satisfy(rest(text_form), func_n1(stringp), nil)) return cat_str(rest(text_form), lit("")); return text_form; } static val unquotes_occur(val quoted_form) { uses_or2; if (atom(quoted_form)) { return nil; } else { val sym = car(quoted_form); if (sym == unquote_s || sym == splice_s) return t; if (sym == quote_s) return nil; return or2(unquotes_occur(sym), unquotes_occur(cdr(quoted_form))); } } static val choose_quote(val quoted_form) { return unquotes_occur(quoted_form) ? qquote_s : quote_s; } val rl(val form, val lineno) { sethash(form_to_ln_hash, form, cons(lineno, spec_file_str)); return form; } val rlset(val form, val info) { sethash(form_to_ln_hash, form, info); return form; } static wchar_t char_from_name(wchar_t *name) { static struct { const wchar_t *name; const wchar_t ch; } map[] = { { L"nul", 0 }, { L"alarm", L'\a' }, { L"backspace", L'\b' }, { L"tab", L'\t' }, { L"linefeed", L'\n' }, { L"newline", L'\n' }, { L"vtab", L'\v' }, { L"page", L'\f' }, { L"return", L'\r' }, { L"esc", 27 }, { L"space", L' ' }, { 0, 0 }, }; int i; for (i = 0; map[i].name; i++) { if (wcscmp(map[i].name, name) == 0) return map[i].ch; } return L'!'; /* code meaning not found */ } val get_spec(void) { return parsed_spec; } #ifndef YYEOF #define YYEOF 0 #endif void yybadtoken(int tok, val context) { val problem = nil; switch (tok) { case ERRTOK: return; case SPACE: problem = lit("space"); break; case TEXT: problem = lit("text"); break; case IDENT: problem = lit("identifier"); break; case KEYWORD: problem = lit("keyword"); break; case METAVAR: problem = lit("metavar"); break; case METANUM: problem = lit("metanum"); break; case ALL: problem = lit("\"all\""); break; case SOME: problem = lit("\"some\""); break; case NONE: problem = lit("\"none\""); break; case MAYBE: problem = lit("\"maybe\""); break; case CASES: problem = lit("\"cases\""); break; case CHOOSE: problem = lit("\"choose\""); break; case AND: problem = lit("\"and\""); break; case OR: problem = lit("\"or\""); break; case END: problem = lit("\"end\""); break; case COLLECT: problem = lit("\"collect\""); break; case UNTIL: problem = lit("\"until\""); break; case COLL: problem = lit("\"coll\""); break; case OUTPUT: problem = lit("\"output\""); break; case REPEAT: problem = lit("\"repeat\""); break; case REP: problem = lit("\"rep\""); break; case SINGLE: problem = lit("\"single\""); break; case FIRST: problem = lit("\"first\""); break; case LAST: problem = lit("\"last\""); break; case EMPTY: problem = lit("\"empty\""); break; case DEFINE: problem = lit("\"define\""); break; case TRY: problem = lit("\"try\""); break; case CATCH: problem = lit("\"catch\""); break; case FINALLY: problem = lit("\"finally\""); break; case NUMBER: problem = lit("number"); break; case REGCHAR: problem = lit("regular expression character"); break; case REGTOKEN: problem = lit("regular expression token"); break; case LITCHAR: problem = lit("string literal character"); break; case METAPAR: problem = lit("@("); break; case METABKT: problem = lit("@["); break; case DOTDOT: problem = lit(".."); break; case HASH_BACKSLASH: problem = lit("#\\"); break; case HASH_SLASH: problem = lit("#/"); break; } if (problem != 0) if (context) yyerrorf(lit("misplaced ~a in ~a"), problem, context, nao); else yyerrorf(lit("unexpected ~a"), problem, nao); else if (context) /* Byacc sets yychar to 0 */ if (tok == YYEOF || tok == YYEMPTY) yyerrorf(lit("unterminated ~a"), context, nao); else if (tok == '\n') yyerrorf(lit("newline in ~a"), context, nao); else yyerrorf(lit("misplaced character ~a in ~a"), chr(tok), context, nao); else if (tok == YYEOF) yyerrorf(lit("unexpected end of input"), nao); else if (tok == YYEMPTY) return; else yyerrorf(lit("unexpected ~s"), chr(tok), nao); }