/* * Universal. We can further tweak these by making them * bitfields inside the mp_int struct. */ typedef int mp_sign; typedef unsigned mp_size; #define MP_SIZE_MAX UINT_MAX /* * Universal. Does not need platform configuration. */ typedef int mp_err; #if HAVE_USUPERLONG_T && HAVE_ULONGLONG_T && \ SIZEOF_SUPERLONG_T / 2 == SIZEOF_LONGLONG_T && \ SIZEOF_PTR >= SIZEOF_LONGLONG_T typedef ulonglong_t mp_digit; typedef usuperlong_t mp_word; #define MP_DIGIT_SIZE SIZEOF_LONGLONG_T #define DIGIT_FMT "%" #SIZEOF_SUPERLONG_T "llx" #elif HAVE_ULONGLONG_T && SIZEOF_LONGLONG_T / 2 == SIZEOF_LONG && \ SIZEOF_PTR >= SIZEOF_LONG typedef unsigned long mp_digit; typedef ulonglong_t mp_word; #define MP_DIGIT_SIZE SIZEOF_LONG #define DIGIT_FMT "%" #SIZEOF_LONGLONG_T "lx" #elif HAVE_ULONGLONG_T && SIZEOF_LONGLONG_T / 2 == SIZEOF_INT && \ SIZEOF_PTR >= SIZEOF_INT typedef unsigned int mp_digit; typedef ulonglong_t mp_word; #define MP_DIGIT_SIZE SIZEOF_INT #define DIGIT_FMT "%" #SIZEOF_LONGLONG_T "lx" #elif SIZEOF_LONG / 2 == SIZEOF_INT && SIZEOF_PTR >= SIZEOF_INT typedef unsigned int mp_digit; typedef unsigned long mp_word; #define MP_DIGIT_SIZE SIZEOF_INT #define DIGIT_FMT "%" #SIZEOF_LONG "x" #elif SIZEOF_INT / 2 == SIZEOF_SHORT typedef unsigned short mp_digit; typedef unsigned int mp_word; #define MP_DIGIT_SIZE SIZEOF_SHORT #define DIGIT_FMT "%" #SIZEOF_INT "x" #elif SIZEOF_SHORT == 2 typedef unsigned char mp_digit; typedef unsigned short mp_word; #define MP_DIGIT_SIZE 1 #define DIGIT_FMT "%" #SIZEOF_SHORT "x" #else #error Failure to configure MPI types on this target platform #endif #define MP_DIGIT_BIT convert(mp_size, CHAR_BIT*sizeof(mp_digit)) #define MP_DIGIT_MAX convert(mp_digit, -1) #define MP_WORD_BIT convert(mp_size, CHAR_BIT*sizeof(mp_word)) #define MP_WORD_MAX convert(mp_word, -1) #define MP_MAX_BITS (MP_SIZE_MAX - 1) #define MP_MAX_DIGITS (MP_MAX_BITS / MP_DIGIT_BIT) #define RADIX (convert(mp_word, MP_DIGIT_MAX) + 1)