#!/usr/bin/env perl

# make-logtab
# Generate a table of logarithms of 2 in various bases, for use in
# estimating the output sizes of various bases.
# by Michael J. Fromberger <sting@linguist.dartmouth.edu>
# Developed 1999-2006.
# Assigned to the public domain as of 2002; see README.
# $Id: make-logtab,v 1.2 2006/07/07 19:35:02 sting Exp $

$ARRAYNAME = $ENV{'ARRAYNAME'} || "s_logv_2";
$ARRAYTYPE = $ENV{'ARRAYTYPE'} || "double";

printf("const %s %s[] = {\n   %0.9f, %0.9f, ", 
       $ARRAYTYPE, $ARRAYNAME, 0, 0);
$brk = 2;
for($ix = 2; $ix < 64; $ix++) {
    printf("%0.9f, ", (log(2)/log($ix)));
    $brk = ($brk + 1) & 3;
    if(!$brk) {
	printf("\t/* %2d %2d %2d %2d */\n   ",
	       $ix - 3, $ix - 2, $ix - 1, $ix);
printf("%0.9f\n};\n\n", (log(2)/log($ix)));

exit 0;