/* Copyright 2009
 * Kaz Kylheku <kkylheku@gmail.com>
 * Vancouver, Canada
 * All rights reserved.
 * BSD License:
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
 *      the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
 *      distribution.
 *   3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
 *      products derived from this software without specific prior
 *      written permission.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "gc.h"
#include "unwind.h"
#include "regex.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "txr.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include "match.h"

int output_produced;

static void debugf(val fmt, ...)
  if (opt_loglevel >= 2) {
    va_list vl;
    va_start (vl, fmt);
    format(std_error, lit("~a: "), prog_string, nao);
    vformat(std_error, fmt, vl);
    put_char(std_error, chr('\n'));
    va_end (vl);

static void debuglf(val line, val fmt, ...)
  if (opt_loglevel >= 2) {
    va_list vl;
    va_start (vl, fmt);
    format(std_error, lit("~a: (~a:~a) "), prog_string,
           spec_file_str, line, nao);
    vformat(std_error, fmt, vl);
    put_char(std_error, chr('\n'));
    va_end (vl);

static void sem_error(val line, val fmt, ...)
  va_list vl;
  val stream = make_string_output_stream();

  va_start (vl, fmt);
  if (line)
    format(stream, lit("(~a:~a) "), spec_file_str, line, nao);
  (void) vformat(stream, fmt, vl);
  va_end (vl);

  uw_throw(query_error_s, get_string_from_stream(stream));

static void file_err(val line, val fmt, ...)
  va_list vl;
  val stream = make_string_output_stream();

  va_start (vl, fmt);
  if (line)
    format(stream, lit("(~a:~a) "), spec_file_str, line, nao);
  (void) vformat(stream, fmt, vl);
  va_end (vl);

  uw_throw(file_error_s, get_string_from_stream(stream));

void dump_shell_string(const wchar_t *str)
  int ch;

  put_char(std_output, chr('"'));
  while ((ch = *str++) != 0) {
    switch (ch) {
    case '"': case '`': case '$': case '\\': case '\n':
      put_char(std_output, chr('\\'));
      /* fallthrough */
      put_char(std_output, chr(ch));
  put_char(std_output, chr('"'));

void dump_byte_string(const char *str)
  while (*str)
    put_char(std_output, chr(*str++));

void dump_var(val var, char *pfx1, size_t len1,
              char *pfx2, size_t len2, val value, int level)
  if (len1 >= 112 || len2 >= 112)
    internal_error("too much depth in bindings");

  if (listp(value)) {
    val iter;
    int i;
    size_t add1 = 0, add2 = 0;

    for (i = 0, iter = value; iter; iter = cdr(iter), i++) {
      if (level < opt_arraydims) {
        add2 = sprintf(pfx2 + len2, "[%d]", i);
        add1 = 0;
      } else {
        add1 = sprintf(pfx1 + len1, "_%d", i);
        add2 = 0;

      dump_var(var, pfx1, len1 + add1, pfx2, len2 + add2, car(iter), level + 1);
  } else {
    val ss = make_string_output_stream();
    val str;

    obj_pprint(value, ss);
    str = get_string_from_stream(ss);

    put_string(std_output, var);
    put_char(std_output, chr('='));
    put_char(std_output, chr('\n'));

void dump_bindings(val bindings)
  if (opt_loglevel >= 2) {
    put_line(std_error, lit("raw_bindings:"));
    dump(bindings, std_error);

  while (bindings) {
    char pfx1[128], pfx2[128];
    val var = car(car(bindings));
    val value = cdr(car(bindings));
    *pfx1 = 0; *pfx2 = 0;
    dump_var(var, pfx1, 0, pfx2, 0, value, 0);
    bindings = cdr(bindings);

val depth(val obj)
  val dep = zero;

  if (obj == nil)
    return one;

  if (atom(obj))
    return zero;

  while (obj) {
    dep = max2(dep, depth(first(obj)));
    obj = rest(obj);

  return plus(dep, one);

val weird_merge(val left, val right)
  val left_depth = depth(left);
  val right_depth = depth(right);

  while (lt(left_depth, right_depth) || zerop(left_depth)) {
    left = cons(left, nil);
    left_depth = plus(left_depth, one);

  while (lt(right_depth, left_depth) || zerop(right_depth)) {
    right = cons(right, nil);
    right_depth = plus(right_depth, one);

  return append2(left, right);

val map_leaf_lists(val func, val list)
  if (atom(list))
    return list;
  if (none_satisfy(list, func_n1(listp), nil))
    return funcall1(func, list);
  return mapcar(bind2(func_n2(map_leaf_lists), func), list);

val bindable(val obj)
  return (obj && symbolp(obj) && obj != t && !keywordp(obj)) ? t : nil;

val dest_bind(val bindings, val pattern, val value)
  if (symbolp(pattern)) {
    if (bindable(pattern)) {
      val existing = assoc(bindings, pattern);
      if (existing) {
        if (tree_find(value, cdr(existing)))
          return bindings;
        if (tree_find(cdr(existing), value))
          return bindings;
        debugf(lit("bind variable mismatch: ~a"), pattern, nao);
        return t;
      return cons(cons(pattern, value), bindings);
    } else {
      return equal(pattern, value) ? bindings : t;
  } else if (consp(pattern)) {
    val piter = pattern, viter = value;

    while (consp(piter) && consp(viter))
      bindings = dest_bind(bindings, car(piter), car(viter));
      if (bindings == t)
        return t;
      piter = cdr(piter);
      viter = cdr(viter);
    } while (consp(piter) && consp(viter));

    if (bindable(piter)) {
      bindings = dest_bind(bindings, piter, viter);
      if (bindings == t)
        return t;
    } else {
      return equal(piter, viter) ? bindings : t;
    return bindings;
  } else if (tree_find(value, pattern)) {
    return bindings;

  return t;

val match_line(val bindings, val specline, val dataline,
               val pos, val spec_lineno, val data_lineno,
               val file)
#define LOG_MISMATCH(KIND)                                              \
  debuglf(spec_lineno, lit(KIND " mismatch, position ~a (~a:~a)"), pos, \
            file, data_lineno, nao);                                    \
  debuglf(spec_lineno, lit("  ~a"), dataline, nao);                     \
  if (c_num(pos) < 77)                                                  \
    debuglf(spec_lineno, lit("  ~*~a^"), pos, lit(""), nao)

#define LOG_MATCH(KIND, EXTENT)                                         \
  debuglf(spec_lineno, lit(KIND " matched, position ~a-~a (~a:~a)"),    \
            pos, EXTENT, file, data_lineno, nao);                       \
  debuglf(spec_lineno, lit("  ~a"), dataline, nao);                     \
  if (c_num(EXTENT) < 77)                                               \
    debuglf(spec_lineno, lit("  ~*~a~-*~a^"), pos, lit(""),             \
              minus(EXTENT, pos), lit("^"), nao)

  for (;;) {
    val elem;

    if (specline == nil)

    elem = first(specline);

    switch (elem ? type(elem) : 0) {
    case CONS: /* directive */
        val directive = first(elem);

        if (directive == var_s) {
          val sym = second(elem);
          val pat = third(elem);
          val modifier = fourth(elem);
          val pair = assoc(bindings, sym); /* var exists already? */

          if (pair) {
            /* If the variable already has a binding, we replace
               it with its value, and treat it as a string match.
               The spec looks like ((var <sym> <pat>) ...)
               and it must be transformed into
               (<sym-substituted> <pat> ...) */
            if (pat) {
              specline = cons(cdr(pair), cons(pat, rest(specline)));
            } else if (nump(modifier)) {
              val past = plus(pos, modifier);

              if (length_str_lt(dataline, past) || lt(past, pos))
                LOG_MISMATCH("fixed field size");
                return nil;

              if (!tree_find(trim_str(sub_str(dataline, pos, past)),
                LOG_MISMATCH("fixed field contents");
                return nil;

              LOG_MATCH("fixed field", past);
              pos = past;
              specline = cdr(specline);
            } else {
              specline = cons(cdr(pair), rest(specline));
          } else if (pat == nil) { /* match to end of line or with regex */
            if (consp(modifier)) {
              val past = match_regex(dataline, car(modifier), pos);
              if (nullp(past)) {
                LOG_MISMATCH("var positive regex");
                return nil;
              LOG_MATCH("var positive regex", past);
              bindings = acons_new(bindings, sym, sub_str(dataline, pos, past));
              pos = past;
            } else if (nump(modifier)) {
              val past = plus(pos, modifier);
              if (length_str_lt(dataline, past) || lt(past, pos))
                LOG_MISMATCH("count based var");
                return nil;
              LOG_MATCH("count based var", past);
              bindings = acons_new(bindings, sym, trim_str(sub_str(dataline, pos, past)));
              pos = past;
            } else {
              bindings = acons_new(bindings, sym, sub_str(dataline, pos, nil));
              pos = length_str(dataline);
          } else if (type(pat) == STR) {
            val find = search_str(dataline, pat, pos, modifier);
            if (!find) {
              LOG_MISMATCH("var delimiting string");
              return nil;
            LOG_MATCH("var delimiting string", find);
            bindings = acons_new(bindings, sym, sub_str(dataline, pos, find));
            pos = plus(find, length_str(pat));
          } else if (consp(pat) && typeof(first(pat)) == regex_s) {
            val find = search_regex(dataline, first(pat), pos, modifier);
            val fpos = car(find);
            val flen = cdr(find);
            if (!find) {
              LOG_MISMATCH("var delimiting regex");
              return nil;
            LOG_MATCH("var delimiting regex", fpos);
            bindings = acons_new(bindings, sym, sub_str(dataline, pos, fpos));
            pos = plus(fpos, flen);
          } else if (consp(pat) && first(pat) == var_s) {
            /* Unbound var followed by var: the following one must be bound. */
            val second_sym = second(pat);
            val next_pat = third(pat);
            val pair = assoc(bindings, second_sym); /* var exists already? */

            if (!pair)
              sem_error(spec_lineno, lit("consecutive unbound variables"), nao);

            /* Re-generate a new spec with an edited version of
               the element we just processed, and repeat. */
              val new_elem = list(var_s, sym, cdr(pair), modifier, nao);

              if (next_pat)
                 specline = cons(new_elem, cons(next_pat, rest(specline)));
                 specline = cons(new_elem, rest(specline));

          } else if (consp(pat) && (consp(first(pat)) || stringp(first(pat)))) {
            cons_bind (find, len, search_str(dataline, pat, pos, modifier));
            if (!find) {
              return nil;
            bindings = acons_new(bindings, sym, sub_str(dataline, pos, find));
            pos = plus(find, len);
          } else {
                      lit("variable followed by invalid element"), nao);
        } else if (typeof(directive) == regex_s) {
          val past = match_regex(dataline, directive, pos);
          if (nullp(past)) {
            return nil;
          LOG_MATCH("regex", past);
          pos = past;
        } else if (directive == coll_s) {
          val coll_specline = second(elem);
          val until_specline = third(elem);
          val bindings_coll = nil;
          val iter;

          for (;;) {
            cons_bind (new_bindings, new_pos,
                       match_line(bindings, coll_specline, dataline, pos,
                                  spec_lineno, data_lineno, file));

            if (until_specline) {
              cons_bind (until_bindings, until_pos,
                         match_line(bindings, until_specline, dataline, pos,
                                    spec_lineno, data_lineno, file));

              if (until_pos) {
                (void) until_bindings;
                LOG_MATCH("until", until_pos);
              } else {

            if (new_pos) {
              LOG_MATCH("coll", new_pos);

              for (iter = new_bindings; iter && iter != bindings;
                   iter = cdr(iter))
                val binding = car(iter);
                val existing = assoc(bindings_coll, car(binding));

                bindings_coll = acons_new(bindings_coll, car(binding),
                                          cons(cdr(binding), cdr(existing)));

            if (new_pos && !equal(new_pos, pos)) {
              pos = new_pos;
              bug_unless (length_str_ge(dataline, pos));
            } else {
              pos = plus(pos, one);

            if (length_str_le(dataline, pos))

          if (!bindings_coll)
            debuglf(spec_lineno, lit("nothing was collected"), nao);

          for (iter = bindings_coll; iter; iter = cdr(iter)) {
            val pair = car(iter);
            val rev = cons(car(pair), nreverse(cdr(pair)));
            bindings = cons(rev, bindings);
        } else if (consp(directive) || stringp(directive)) {
          cons_bind (find, len, search_str_tree(dataline, elem, pos, nil));
          val newpos;

          if (find == nil || !equal(find, pos)) {
            LOG_MISMATCH("string tree");
            return nil;

          newpos = plus(find, len);
          LOG_MATCH("string tree", newpos);
          pos = newpos;
        } else {
          sem_error(spec_lineno, lit("unknown directive: ~a"), directive, nao);
    case STR:
        val find = search_str(dataline, elem, pos, nil);
        val newpos;
        if (find == nil || !equal(find, pos)) {
          return nil;
        newpos = plus(find, length_str(elem));
        LOG_MATCH("string", newpos);
        pos = newpos;
      sem_error(spec_lineno, lit("unsupported object in spec: ~s"), elem, nao);

    specline = cdr(specline);

  return cons(bindings, pos);

val format_field(val string_or_list, val spec)
  if (!stringp(string_or_list))
    return string_or_list;

    val right = lt(spec, zero);
    val width = if3(lt(spec, zero), neg(spec), spec);
    val diff = minus(width, length_str(string_or_list));

    if (le(diff, zero))
      return string_or_list;

    if (ge(length_str(string_or_list), width))
      return string_or_list;

      val padding = mkstring(diff, chr(' '));

      return if3(right,
                 cat_str(list(padding, string_or_list, nao), nil),
                 cat_str(list(string_or_list, padding, nao), nil));

val subst_vars(val spec, val bindings)
  list_collect_decl(out, iter);

  while (spec) {
    val elem = first(spec);

    if (consp(elem)) {
      if (first(elem) == var_s) {
        val sym = second(elem);
        val pat = third(elem);
        val modifier = fourth(elem);
        val pair = assoc(bindings, sym);

        if (pair) {
          if (pat)
            spec = cons(cdr(pair), cons(pat, rest(spec)));
          else if (nump(modifier))
            spec = cons(format_field(cdr(pair), modifier), rest(spec));
            spec = cons(cdr(pair), rest(spec));
      } else if (first(elem) == quasi_s) {
        val nested = subst_vars(rest(elem), bindings);
        list_collect_append(iter, nested);
        spec = cdr(spec);
      } else {
        val nested = subst_vars(elem, bindings);
        list_collect_append(iter, nested);
        spec = cdr(spec);

    list_collect(iter, elem);
    spec = cdr(spec);

  return out;

val eval_form(val form, val bindings)
  if (!form) {
    return cons(t, form);
  } else if (bindable(form)) {
    return assoc(bindings, form);
  } else if (consp(form)) {
    if (car(form) == quasi_s) {
      return cons(t, cat_str(subst_vars(rest(form), bindings), nil));
    } else if (regexp(car(form))) {
      return cons(t, form);
    } else {
      val subforms = mapcar(bind2other(func_n2(eval_form), bindings), form);

      if (all_satisfy(subforms, identity_f, nil))
        return cons(t, mapcar(func_n1(cdr), subforms));
      return nil;
  } if (stringp(form)) {
    return cons(t, form);

  return cons(t, form);

enum fpip_close { fpip_fclose, fpip_pclose, fpip_closedir };

typedef struct fpip {
  FILE *f;
  DIR *d;
  enum fpip_close close;
} fpip_t;

fpip_t complex_open(val name, val output)
  fpip_t ret = { 0, 0 };

  const wchar_t *namestr = c_str(name);
  cnum len = c_num(length_str(name));

  if (len == 0)
    return ret;

  if (!wcscmp(namestr, L"-")) {
    ret.close = fpip_fclose;
    ret.f = output ? stdout : stdin;
    output_produced = output ? 1 : 0;
  } else if (namestr[0] == '!') {
    ret.close = fpip_pclose;
    ret.f = w_popen(namestr+1, output ? L"w" : L"r");
  } else if (namestr[0] == '$') {
    char *name;
    if (output)
      return ret;
    name = (char *) utf8_dup_to(namestr+1);
    ret.close = fpip_closedir;
    ret.d = opendir(name);
  } else {
    ret.close = fpip_fclose;
    ret.f = w_fopen(namestr, output ? L"w" : L"r");

  return ret;

int complex_open_failed(fpip_t fp)
  return fp.f == 0 && fp.d == 0;

void complex_close(fpip_t fp)
  if (fp.f == 0)
  switch (fp.close) {
  case fpip_fclose:
    if (fp.f != stdin && fp.f != stdout)
  case fpip_pclose:
  case fpip_closedir:

  internal_error("bad input source type code");

val complex_snarf(fpip_t fp, val name)
  switch (fp.close) {
  case fpip_fclose:
    return lazy_stream_cons(make_stdio_stream(fp.f, name, t, nil));
  case fpip_pclose:
    return lazy_stream_cons(make_pipe_stream(fp.f, name, t, nil));
  case fpip_closedir:
    return lazy_stream_cons(make_dir_stream(fp.d));

  internal_error("bad input source type");

val complex_stream(fpip_t fp, val name)
  switch (fp.close) {
  case fpip_fclose:
    return make_stdio_stream(fp.f, name, t, nil);
  case fpip_pclose:
    return make_pipe_stream(fp.f, name, t, nil);
  case fpip_closedir:
    uw_throwf(query_error_s, lit("cannot output to directory: ~a"), name, nao);

  internal_error("bad input source type");

val robust_length(val obj)
  if (obj == nil)
    return zero;
  if (atom(obj))
    return negone;
  return length(obj);

val bind_car(val bind_cons)
  return if3(consp(cdr(bind_cons)),
               cons(car(bind_cons), car(cdr(bind_cons))),

val bind_cdr(val bind_cons)
  return if3(consp(cdr(bind_cons)),
               cons(car(bind_cons), cdr(cdr(bind_cons))),

val extract_vars(val output_spec)
  list_collect_decl (vars, tai);

  if (consp(output_spec)) {
    if (first(output_spec) == var_s) {
      list_collect (tai, second(output_spec));
    } else {
      for (; output_spec; output_spec = cdr(output_spec))
        list_collect_nconc(tai, extract_vars(car(output_spec)));

  return vars;

val extract_bindings(val bindings, val output_spec)
  list_collect_decl (bindings_out, tail);
  val var_list = extract_vars(output_spec);

  for (; bindings; bindings = cdr(bindings))
    if (memq(car(car(bindings)), var_list))
      list_collect(tail, car(bindings));

  return bindings_out;

void do_output_line(val bindings, val specline,
                    val spec_lineno, val out)
  for (; specline; specline = rest(specline)) {
    val elem = first(specline);

    switch (elem ? type(elem) : 0) {
    case CONS:
        val directive = first(elem);

        if (directive == var_s) {
          val str = cat_str(subst_vars(cons(elem, nil), bindings), nil);
          if (str == nil)
            sem_error(spec_lineno, lit("bad substitution: ~a"),
                      second(elem), nao);
          put_string(out, str);
        } else if (directive == rep_s) {
          val main_clauses = second(elem);
          val single_clauses = third(elem);
          val first_clauses = fourth(elem);
          val last_clauses = fifth(elem);
          val empty_clauses = sixth(elem);
          val bind_cp = extract_bindings(bindings, elem);
          val max_depth = reduce_left(func_n2(max2),
                                      bind_cp, zero,

          if (equal(max_depth, zero) && empty_clauses) {
            do_output_line(bindings, empty_clauses, spec_lineno, out);
          } else if (equal(max_depth, one) && single_clauses) {
            val bind_a = mapcar(func_n1(bind_car), bind_cp);
            do_output_line(bind_a, single_clauses, spec_lineno, out);
          } else if (!zerop(max_depth)) {
            cnum i;

            for (i = 0; i < c_num(max_depth); i++) {
              val bind_a = mapcar(func_n1(bind_car), bind_cp);
              val bind_d = mapcar(func_n1(bind_cdr), bind_cp);

              if (i == 0 && first_clauses) {
                do_output_line(bind_a, first_clauses, spec_lineno, out);
              } else if (i == c_num(max_depth) - 1 && last_clauses) {
                do_output_line(bind_a, last_clauses, spec_lineno, out);
              } else {
                do_output_line(bind_a, main_clauses, spec_lineno, out);

              bind_cp = bind_d;

        } else {
          sem_error(spec_lineno, lit("unknown directive: ~a"), directive, nao);
    case STR:
      put_string(out, elem);
    case 0:
                lit("unsupported object in output spec: ~s"), elem, nao);

void do_output(val bindings, val specs, val out)
  if (equal(specs, null_list))

  for (; specs; specs = cdr(specs)) {
    cons_bind (spec_lineno, specline, first(specs));
    val first_elem = first(specline);

    if (consp(first_elem)) {
      val sym = first(first_elem);

      if (sym == repeat_s) {
        val main_clauses = second(first_elem);
        val single_clauses = third(first_elem);
        val first_clauses = fourth(first_elem);
        val last_clauses = fifth(first_elem);
        val empty_clauses = sixth(first_elem);
        val bind_cp = extract_bindings(bindings, first_elem);
        val max_depth = reduce_left(func_n2(max2),
                                    bind_cp, zero,

        if (equal(max_depth, zero) && empty_clauses) {
          do_output(bind_cp, empty_clauses, out);
        } else if (equal(max_depth, one) && single_clauses) {
          val bind_a = mapcar(func_n1(bind_car), bind_cp);
          do_output(bind_a, single_clauses, out);
        } else if (!zerop(max_depth)) {
          cnum i;

          for (i = 0; i < c_num(max_depth); i++) {
            val bind_a = mapcar(func_n1(bind_car), bind_cp);
            val bind_d = mapcar(func_n1(bind_cdr), bind_cp);

            if (i == 0 && first_clauses) {
              do_output(bind_a, first_clauses, out);
            } else if (i == c_num(max_depth) - 1 && last_clauses) {
              do_output(bind_a, last_clauses, out);
            } else {
              do_output(bind_a, main_clauses, out);

            bind_cp = bind_d;

    do_output_line(bindings, specline, spec_lineno, out);
    put_char(out, chr('\n'));

val match_files(val spec, val files,
                val bindings, val first_file_parsed,
                val data_linenum)
  val data = nil;
  cnum data_lineno = 0;

  if (listp(first_file_parsed)) {
    data = first_file_parsed;
    data_lineno = c_num(data_linenum);
    first_file_parsed = nil;
  } else if (files) {
    val source_spec = first(files);
    val name = consp(source_spec) ? cdr(source_spec) : source_spec;
    fpip_t fp = (errno = 0, complex_open(name, nil));
    val first_spec_item = second(first(spec));

    if (consp(first_spec_item) && eq(first(first_spec_item), next_s)) {
      debugf(lit("not opening source ~a "
                 "since query starts with next directive"), name, nao);
    } else {
      debugf(lit("opening data source ~a"), name, nao);

      if (complex_open_failed(fp)) {
        if (consp(source_spec) && car(source_spec) == nothrow_k) {
          debugf(lit("could not open ~a: "
                     "treating as failed match due to nothrow"), name, nao);
          return nil;
        } else if (errno != 0)
          file_err(nil, lit("could not open ~a (error ~a/~a)"), name,
                   num(errno), string_utf8(strerror(errno)), nao);
          file_err(nil, lit("could not open ~a"), name, nao);
        return nil;

      files = cons(name, cdr(files)); /* Get rid of cons and nothrow */

      if ((data = complex_snarf(fp, name)) != nil)
        data_lineno = 1;

  for (; spec;  spec = rest(spec), data = rest(data), data_lineno++)
    val specline = rest(first(spec));
    val dataline = first(data);
    val spec_linenum = first(first(spec));
    val first_spec = first(specline);

    if (consp(first_spec)) {
      val sym = first(first_spec);

      if (sym == skip_s) {
        val max = first(rest(first_spec));
        cnum cmax = nump(max) ? c_num(max) : 0;
        cnum reps = 0;

        if (rest(specline))
                    lit("unexpected material after skip directive"), nao);

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

          uw_block_begin(nil, result);

          while (dataline && (!max || reps++ < cmax)) {
            result = match_files(spec, files, bindings,
                                 data, num(data_lineno));

            if (result) {
              debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("skip matched ~a:~a"), first(files),
                      num(data_lineno), nao);

            debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("skip didn't match ~a:~a"), first(files),
                    num(data_lineno), nao);
            data = rest(data);
            dataline = first(data);


          if (result)
            return result;

        debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("skip failed"), nao);
        return nil;
      } else if (sym == trailer_s) {
        if (rest(specline))
                    lit("unexpected material after trailer directive"), nao);

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

          cons_bind (new_bindings, success,
                     match_files(spec, files, bindings,
                                 data, num(data_lineno)));

          if (success)
            return cons(new_bindings, cons(data, num(data_lineno)));
          return nil;
      } else if (sym == freeform_s) {
        val args = rest(first_spec);
        val vals = mapcar(func_n1(cdr),
                                                bindings), args));

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil) {
                    lit("freeform must be followed by a query line"), nao);
        } else {
          val limit = or2(if2(nump(first(vals)), first(vals)),
                          if2(nump(second(vals)), second(vals)));
          val term = or2(if2(stringp(first(vals)), first(vals)),
                         if2(stringp(second(vals)), second(vals)));
          val ff_specline = rest(first(spec));
          val ff_dataline = lazy_str(data, term, limit);

          cons_bind (new_bindings, success,
                     match_line(bindings, ff_specline, ff_dataline, zero,
                                spec_linenum, num(data_lineno), first(files)));

          if (!success) {
            debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("freeform match failure"), nao);
            return nil;

          if (nump(success))
            data = lazy_str_get_trailing_list(ff_dataline, success);

          bindings = new_bindings;

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == block_s) {
        val name = first(rest(first_spec));
        if (rest(specline))
                    lit("unexpected material after block directive"), nao);
        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)
          uw_block_begin(name, result);
          result = match_files(spec, files, bindings, data, num(data_lineno));
          return result;
      } else if (sym == fail_s || sym == accept_s) {
        val target = first(rest(first_spec));

        if (rest(specline))
          sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("unexpected material after ~a"), sym, nao);

                        if2(sym == accept_s,
                                 if3(data, cons(data, num(data_lineno)), t))));
        /* TODO: uw_block_return could just throw this */
        if (target)
          sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("~a: no block named ~a in scope"),
                    sym, target, nao);
          sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("%~a: no anonymous block in scope"),
                    sym, nao);
        return nil;
      } else if (sym == next_s) {
        if (rest(first_spec) && rest(specline))
          sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("invalid combination of old "
                                      "and new next syntax"), nao);

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        if (rest(first_spec)) {
          val source = rest(first_spec);

          if (eq(first(source), nothrow_k))
            push(nil, &source);
          else if (eq(first(source), args_k)) {
            val input_name = string(L"args");
            cons_bind (new_bindings, success,
                       match_files(spec, cons(input_name, files),
                                   bindings, files, one));
            if (success)
              return cons(new_bindings,
                  if3(data, cons(data, num(data_lineno)), t));
            return nil;

            val value = eval_form(first(source), bindings);
            val name = cdr(value);

            if (!value)
              sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("next: unbound variable in form ~a"),
                        first(source), nao);

            if (eq(second(source), nothrow_k)) {
              if (name) {
                files = cons(cons(nothrow_k, name), files);
              } else {
                files = rest(files);
                if (!files) {
                  debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("next: out of arguments"), nao);
                  return nil;
                files = cons(cons(nothrow_k, first(files)), rest(files));
            } else {
              if (name) {
                files = cons(name, files);
              } else {
                files = rest(files);
                if (!files)
                  sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("next: out of arguments"), nao);
                files = cons(cons(nothrow_k, first(files)), rest(files));
        } else if (rest(specline)) {
          val sub = subst_vars(rest(specline), bindings);
          val str = cat_str(sub, nil);
          if (str == nil) {
            sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("bad substitution in next file spec"),
          files = cons(cons(nothrow_k, str), files);
        } else {
          files = rest(files);
          if (!files)
            sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("next: out of arguments"), nao);

        /* We recursively process the file list, but the new
           data position we return to the caller must be in the
           original file we we were called with. Hence, we can't
           make a straight tail call here. */
          cons_bind (new_bindings, success,
                     match_files(spec, files, bindings, t, nil));
          if (success)
            return cons(new_bindings,
                        if3(data, cons(data, num(data_lineno)), t));
          return nil;
      } else if (sym == some_s || sym == all_s || sym == none_s ||
                 sym == maybe_s || sym == cases_s)
        val specs;
        val all_match = t;
        val some_match = nil;
        val max_line = zero;
        val max_data = nil;

        for (specs = rest(first_spec); specs != nil; specs = rest(specs))
          val nested_spec = first(specs);
          val data_linenum = num(data_lineno);

          cons_bind (new_bindings, success,
                     match_files(nested_spec, files, bindings,
                                 data, data_linenum));

          if (success) {
            bindings = new_bindings;
            some_match = t;

            if (success == t) {
              max_data = t;
            } else if (consp(success) && max_data != t) {
              cons_bind (new_data, new_line, success);
              if (gt(new_line, max_line)) {
                max_line = new_line;
                max_data = new_data;
            if (sym == cases_s)
          } else {
            all_match = nil;

        if (sym == all_s && !all_match) {
          debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("all: some clauses didn't match"), nao);
          return nil;

        if ((sym == some_s || sym == cases_s) && !some_match) {
          debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("some/cases: no clauses matched"), nao);
          return nil;

        if (sym == none_s && some_match) {
          debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("none: some clauses matched"), nao);
          return nil;

        /* No check for maybe, since it always succeeds. */

        if (consp(max_data)) {
          data_lineno = c_num(max_line);
          data = max_data;
        } else if (max_data == t) {
          data = nil;

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == collect_s) {
        val coll_spec = second(first_spec);
        val until_spec = third(first_spec);
        val bindings_coll = nil;
        val iter;

        uw_block_begin(nil, result);

        result = t;

        while (data) {
          cons_bind (new_bindings, success,
                     match_files(coll_spec, files, bindings,
                                 data, num(data_lineno)));

          /* Until clause sees un-collated bindings from collect. */
          if (until_spec)
            cons_bind (discarded_bindings, success,
                       match_files(until_spec, files, new_bindings,
                                   data, num(data_lineno)));

            if (success) {
              (void) discarded_bindings;

          if (success) {
            debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("collect matched ~a:~a"),
                    first(files), num(data_lineno), nao);

            for (iter = new_bindings; iter && iter != bindings;
                iter = cdr(iter))
              val binding = car(iter);
              val existing = assoc(bindings_coll, car(binding));

              bindings_coll = acons_new(bindings_coll, car(binding),
                                        cons(cdr(binding), cdr(existing)));

          if (success) {
            if (consp(success)) {
              cons_bind (new_data, new_line, success);
              cnum new_lineno = c_num(new_line);

              bug_unless (new_lineno >= data_lineno);

              if (new_lineno == data_lineno) {
                new_data = cdr(new_data);

              debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("collect advancing from line ~a to ~a"),
                      num(data_lineno), num(new_lineno), nao);

              data = new_data;
              data_lineno = new_lineno;
            } else {
              debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("collect consumed entire file"), nao);
              data = nil;
          } else {
            data = rest(data);


        if (!result) {
          debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("collect explicitly failed"), nao);
          return nil;

        if (!bindings_coll)
          debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("nothing was collected"), nao);

        for (iter = bindings_coll; iter; iter = cdr(iter)) {
          val pair = car(iter);
          val rev = cons(car(pair), nreverse(cdr(pair)));
          bindings = cons(rev, bindings);

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == flatten_s) {
        val iter;

        for (iter = rest(first_spec); iter; iter = rest(iter)) {
          val sym = first(iter);

          if (!bindable(sym)) {
                      lit("flatten: ~s is not a bindable symbol"), sym, nao);
          } else {
            val existing = assoc(bindings, sym);

            if (existing)
              *cdr_l(existing) = flatten(cdr(existing));

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == forget_s || sym == local_s) {
        bindings = alist_remove(bindings, rest(first_spec));

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == merge_s) {
        val target = first(rest(first_spec));
        val args = rest(rest(first_spec));
        val merged = nil;

        if (!bindable(target))
          sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("~a: ~s is not a bindable symbol"),
                    sym, target, nao);

        for (; args; args = rest(args)) {
          val arg = first(args);

          if (arg) {
            val arg_eval = eval_form(arg, bindings);

            if (!arg_eval)
              sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("~a: unbound variable in form ~s"),
                        sym, arg, nao);

            if (merged)
              merged = weird_merge(merged, cdr(arg_eval));
              merged = cdr(arg_eval);

        bindings = acons_new(bindings, target, merged);

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == bind_s) {
        val args = rest(first_spec);
        val pattern = first(args);
        val form = second(args);
        val val = eval_form(form, bindings);

        if (!val)
          sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("bind: unbound variable on right side"),

        bindings = dest_bind(bindings, pattern, cdr(val));

        if (bindings == t)
          return nil;

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == cat_s) {
        val iter;

        for (iter = rest(first_spec); iter; iter = rest(iter)) {
          val sym = first(iter);

          if (!bindable(sym)) {
                      lit("cat: ~s is not a bindable symbol"), sym, nao);
          } else {
            val existing = assoc(bindings, sym);
            val sep = nil;

            if (rest(specline)) {
              val sub = subst_vars(rest(specline), bindings);
              sep = cat_str(sub, nil);

            if (existing)
              *cdr_l(existing) = cat_str(flatten(cdr(existing)), sep);

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == output_s) {
        val specs = second(first_spec);
        val old_style_dest = third(first_spec);
        val new_style_dest = fourth(first_spec);
        val nt = nil;
        val dest;
        fpip_t fp;

        if (old_style_dest) {
          dest = cat_str(subst_vars(old_style_dest, bindings), nil);
        } else {
          if (eq(first(new_style_dest), nothrow_k))
            push(nil, &new_style_dest);

            val form = first(new_style_dest);
            val val = eval_form(form, bindings);

            if (!val)
                        lit("output: unbound variable in form ~a"), form, nao);

            nt = eq(second(new_style_dest), nothrow_k);
            dest = or2(cdr(val), string(L"-"));

        fp = (errno = 0, complex_open(dest, t));

        debugf(lit("opening data sink ~a"), dest, nao);

        if (complex_open_failed(fp)) {
          if (nt) {
            debugf(lit("could not open ~a: "
                       "treating as failed match due to nothrow"), dest, nao);
            return nil;
          } else if (errno != 0) {
            file_err(nil, lit("could not open ~a (error ~a/~a)"), dest,
                     num(errno), string_utf8(strerror(errno)), nao);
          } else {
            file_err(nil, lit("could not open ~a"), dest, nao);
        } else {
          val stream = complex_stream(fp, dest);
          do_output(bindings, specs, stream);
          close_stream(stream, t);

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == define_s) {
        val args = second(first_spec);
        val body = third(first_spec);
        val name = first(args);
        val params = second(args);

        if (rest(specline))
                    lit("unexpected material after define"), nao);

        uw_set_func(name, cons(params, body));

        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == try_s) {
        val catch_syms = second(first_spec);
        val try_clause = third(first_spec);
        val catch_fin = fourth(first_spec);
        val finally_clause = nil;

          uw_block_begin(nil, result);
          uw_catch_begin(catch_syms, exsym, exvals);

            result = match_files(try_clause, files, bindings,
                                 data, num(data_lineno));

          uw_catch(exsym, exvals) {
              val iter;

              for (iter = catch_fin; iter; iter = cdr(iter)) {
                val clause = car(iter);
                val type = first(second(clause));
                val params = second(second(clause));
                val body = third(clause);
                val vals = if3(listp(exvals),
                               cons(cons(t, exvals), nil));

                if (first(clause) == catch_s) {
                  if (uw_exception_subtype_p(exsym, type)) {
                    val all_bind = t;
                    val piter, viter;

                    for (piter = params, viter = vals;
                         piter && viter;
                         piter = cdr(piter), viter = cdr(viter))
                      val param = car(piter);
                      val value = car(viter);

                      if (value) {
                        bindings = dest_bind(bindings, param, cdr(value));

                        if (bindings == t) {
                          all_bind = nil;

                    if (all_bind) {
                      cons_bind (new_bindings, success,
                                 match_files(body, files, bindings,
                                             data, num(data_lineno)));
                      if (success) {
                        bindings = new_bindings;
                        result = t; /* catch succeeded, so try succeeds */
                        if (consp(success)) {
                          data = car(success);
                          data_lineno = c_num(cdr(success));
                        } else {
                          data = nil;
                } else if (car(clause) == finally_s) {
                  finally_clause = body;

          uw_unwind {
            val iter;

            /* result may be t, from catch above. */
            if (consp(result)) {
              /* We process it before finally, as part of the unwinding, so
                 finally can accumulate more bindings over top of any bindings
                 produced by the main clause. */
              cons_bind (new_bindings, success, result);
              if (consp(success)) {
                data = car(success);
                data_lineno = c_num(cdr(success));
              } else {
                data = nil;
              bindings = new_bindings;

            if (!finally_clause) {
              for (iter = catch_fin; iter; iter = cdr(iter)) {
                val clause = car(iter);
                if (first(clause) == finally_s) {
                  finally_clause = third(clause);

            if (finally_clause) {
              cons_bind (new_bindings, success,
                         match_files(finally_clause, files, bindings,
                                     data, num(data_lineno)));
              if (success) {
                bindings = new_bindings;
                result = t; /* finally succeeds, so try block succeeds */
                if (consp(success)) {
                  data = car(success);
                  data_lineno = c_num(cdr(success));
                } else {
                  data = nil;


          if (!result)
            return nil;

          if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

          goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == defex_s) {
        val types = rest(first_spec);
        if (!all_satisfy(types, func_n1(symbolp), nil))
          sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("defex arguments must all be symbols"),
        (void) reduce_left(func_n2(uw_register_subtype), types, nil, nil);
        if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)
        goto repeat_spec_same_data;
      } else if (sym == throw_s) {
        val type = second(first_spec);
        val args = rest(rest(first_spec));
        if (!symbolp(type))
          sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("throw: ~a is not a type symbol"),
                    first(first_spec), nao);
          val values = mapcar(bind2other(func_n2(eval_form), bindings),
          uw_throw(type, values);
      } else {
        val func = uw_get_func(sym);

        if (func) {
          val args = rest(first_spec);
          val params = car(func);
          val ub_p_a_pairs = nil;
          val body = cdr(func);
          val piter, aiter;
          val bindings_cp = copy_alist(bindings);

          if (!equal(length(args), length(params)))
            sem_error(spec_linenum, lit("function ~a takes ~a argument(s)"),
                      sym, length(params), nao);

          for (piter = params, aiter = args; piter;
               piter = cdr(piter), aiter = cdr(aiter))
            val param = car(piter);
            val arg = car(aiter);

            if (arg && symbolp(arg)) {
              val val = eval_form(arg, bindings);
              if (val) {
                bindings_cp = acons_new(bindings_cp,
              } else {
                bindings_cp = alist_remove1(bindings_cp, param);
                ub_p_a_pairs = cons(cons(param, arg), ub_p_a_pairs);
            } else {
              val val = eval_form(arg, bindings);
              if (!val)
                          lit("unbound variable in function argument form"),
              bindings_cp = acons_new(bindings_cp, param, cdr(val));

            uw_block_begin(nil, result);
            result = match_files(body, files, bindings_cp,
                                 data, num(data_lineno));

            if (!result) {
              debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("function failed"), nao);
              return nil;

              cons_bind (new_bindings, success, result);

              for (piter = ub_p_a_pairs; piter; piter = cdr(aiter))
                cons_bind (param, arg, car(piter));

                if (symbolp(arg)) {
                  val newbind = assoc(new_bindings, param);
                  if (newbind) {
                    bindings = dest_bind(bindings, arg, cdr(newbind));
                    if (bindings == t) {
                              lit("binding mismatch on ~a "
                                  "when returning from ~a"), arg, sym, nao);
                      return nil;

              if (consp(success)) {
                        lit("function matched; "
                            "advancing from line ~a to ~a"),
                        num(data_lineno), cdr(success), nao);
                data = car(success);
                data_lineno = c_num(cdr(success));
              } else {
                debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("function consumed entire file"),
                data = nil;

          if ((spec = rest(spec)) == nil)

          goto repeat_spec_same_data;

    if (dataline == nil)
      return nil;

      cons_bind (new_bindings, success,
                 match_line(bindings, specline, dataline, zero,
                            spec_linenum, num(data_lineno), first(files)));

      if (nump(success) && c_num(success) < c_num(length_str(dataline))) {
        debuglf(spec_linenum, lit("spec only matches line to position ~a: ~a"),
                success, dataline, nao);
        return nil;

      if (!success)
        return nil;

      bindings = new_bindings;

  return cons(bindings, if3(data, cons(data, num(data_lineno)), t));

int extract(val spec, val files, val predefined_bindings)
  cons_bind (bindings, success, match_files(spec, files, predefined_bindings,
                                            t, nil));

  if (!output_produced) {
    if (!opt_nobindings) {
      if (bindings) {
        bindings = nreverse(bindings);

    if (!success)
      put_line(std_output, lit("false"));

  return success ? 0 : EXIT_FAILURE;