/* Copyright 2015-2018 * Kaz Kylheku <kaz@kylheku.com> * Vancouver, Canada * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <wchar.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <signal.h> #include "config.h" #include "lib.h" #include "eval.h" #include "signal.h" #include "stream.h" #include "hash.h" #include "gc.h" #include "debug.h" #include "txr.h" #include "socket.h" #include "lisplib.h" val dl_table; int opt_dbg_autoload; val trace_loaded; static void set_dlt_entries_impl(val dlt, val *name, val fun, val package) { for (; *name; name++) { val sym = intern(*name, package); if (fun) sethash(dlt, sym, fun); else remhash(dlt, sym); } } void set_dlt_entries(val dlt, val *name, val fun) { set_dlt_entries_impl(dlt, name, fun, user_package); } static void set_dlt_entries_sys(val dlt, val *name, val fun) { set_dlt_entries_impl(dlt, name, fun, system_package); } static void intern_only(val *name) { for (; *name; name++) intern(*name, user_package); } static val place_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val sys_name[] = { lit("get-fun-getter-setter"), lit("get-mb"), lit("get-vb"), lit("register-simple-accessor"), nil }; val name[] = { lit("*place-clobber-expander*"), lit("*place-update-expander*"), lit("*place-delete-expander*"), lit("*place-macro*"), lit("get-update-expander"), lit("get-clobber-expander"), lit("get-delete-expander"), lit("place-form-p"), lit("rlet"), lit("slet"), lit("alet"), lit("with-gensyms"), lit("call-update-expander"), lit("call-clobber-expander"), lit("call-delete-expander)"), lit("with-update-expander"), lit("with-clobber-expander"), lit("with-delete-expander"), lit("set"), lit("pset"), lit("zap"), lit("flip"), lit("inc"), lit("dec"), lit("pinc"), lit("pdec"), lit("push"), lit("pop"), lit("swap"), lit("shift"), lit("rotate"), lit("pushnew"), lit("del"), lit("lset"), lit("upd"), lit("defplace"), lit("define-place-macro"), lit("define-modify-macro"), lit("placelet"), lit("placelet*"), lit("define-accessor"), lit("with-slots"), nil }; set_dlt_entries_sys(dlt, sys_name, fun); set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val place_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~aplace"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val ver_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("*lib-version*"), lit("lib-version"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val ver_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~aver"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val ifa_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("ifa"), lit("whena"), lit("conda"), lit("condlet"), lit("it"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val ifa_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~aifa"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val txr_case_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("txr-if"), lit("txr-when"), lit("txr-case"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val txr_case_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~atxr-case"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val with_resources_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("with-resources"), lit("with-objects"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val with_resources_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~awith-resources"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val path_test_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("path-exists-p"), lit("path-file-p"), lit("path-dir-p"), lit("path-symlink-p"), lit("path-blkdev-p"), lit("path-chrdev-p"), lit("path-sock-p"), lit("path-pipe-p"), lit("path-pipe-p"), lit("path-setgid-p"), lit("path-setuid-p"), lit("path-sticky-p"), lit("path-mine-p"), lit("path-my-group-p"), lit("path-executable-to-me-p"), lit("path-writable-to-me-p"), lit("path-readable-to-me-p"), lit("path-read-writable-to-me-p"), lit("path-newer"), lit("path-older"), lit("path-same-object"), lit("path-private-to-me-p"), lit("path-strictly-private-to-me-p"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val path_test_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~apath-test"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val struct_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val sys_name[] = { lit("define-method"), lit("rslotset"), nil }; val name[] = { lit("defstruct"), lit("qref"), lit("uref"), lit("new"), lit("meth"), lit("umeth"), lit("usl"), lit("defmeth"), lit("rslot"), nil }; set_dlt_entries_sys(dlt, sys_name, fun); set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); if (fun) sethash(dlt, struct_lit_s, fun); else remhash(dlt, struct_lit_s); return nil; } static val struct_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~astruct"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val with_stream_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("with-out-string-stream"), lit("with-out-strlist-stream"), lit("with-out-buf-stream"), lit("with-in-string-stream"), lit("with-in-string-byte-stream"), lit("with-in-buf-stream"), lit("with-stream"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val with_stream_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~awith-stream"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val hash_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("with-hash-iter"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val hash_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~ahash"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val except_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("catch"), lit("catch*"), lit("handle"), lit("handle*"), lit("ignwarn"), lit("macro-time-ignwarn"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val except_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~aexcept"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val type_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("typecase"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val type_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~atype"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val yield_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val sys_name[] = { lit("obtain-impl"), nil }; val name[] = { lit("obtain"), lit("obtain-block"), lit("yield-from"), lit("yield"), lit("obtain*"), lit("obtain*-block"), lit("suspend"), lit("hlet"), lit("hlet*"), nil }; set_dlt_entries_sys(dlt, sys_name, fun); set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val yield_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~ayield"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } #if HAVE_SOCKETS static val sock_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("sockaddr"), lit("sockaddr-in"), lit("sockaddr-in6"), lit("sockaddr-un"), lit("addrinfo"), lit("getaddrinfo"), lit("af-unspec"), lit("af-unix"), lit("af-inet"), lit("af-inet6"), lit("sock-stream"), lit("sock-dgram"), lit("inaddr-any"), lit("inaddr-loopback"), lit("in6addr-any"), lit("in6addr-loopback"), lit("sock-nonblock"), lit("sock-cloexec"), lit("ai-passive"), lit("ai-canonname"), lit("ai-numerichost"), lit("ai-v4mapped"), lit("ai-all"), lit("ai-addrconfig"), lit("ai-numericserv"), lit("str-inaddr"), lit("str-in6addr"), lit("str-inaddr-net"), lit("str-in6addr-net"), lit("open-socket"), lit("open-socket-pair"), lit("sock-bind"), lit("sock-connect"), lit("sock-listen"), lit("sock-accept"), lit("sock-shutdown"), lit("open-socket"), lit("open-socket-pair"), lit("sock-send-timeout"), lit("sock-recv-timeout"), nil }; val name_noload[] = { lit("family"), lit("addr"), lit("port"), lit("flow-info"), lit("scope-id"), lit("path"), lit("flags"), lit("socktype"), lit("protocol"), lit("canonname"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); intern_only(name_noload); return nil; } static val sock_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); sock_load_init(); load(format(nil, lit("~asocket"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } #endif #if HAVE_TERMIOS static val termios_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("set-iflags"), lit("set-oflags"), lit("set-cflags"), lit("set-lflags"), lit("clear-iflags"), lit("clear-oflags"), lit("clear-cflags"), lit("clear-lflags"), lit("go-raw"), lit("go-cbreak"), lit("go-canon"), lit("string-encode"), lit("string-decode"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val termios_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~atermios"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } #endif static val awk_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val sys_name[] = { lit("awk-state"), nil }; val name[] = { lit("awk"), nil }; val name_noload[] = { lit("rec"), lit("orec"), lit("f"), lit("nf"), lit("nr"), lit("fnr"), lit("arg"), lit("fname"), lit("rs"), lit("krs"), lit("fs"), lit("ft"), lit("fw"), lit("kfs"), lit("ofs"), lit("ors"), lit("next"), lit("again"), lit("next-file"), lit("rng"), lit("-rng"), lit("rng-"), lit("-rng-"), lit("--rng"), lit("--rng-"), lit("rng+"), lit("-rng+"), lit("--rng+"), lit("ff"), lit("f"), lit("mf"), lit("fconv"), lit("->"), lit("->>"), lit("<-"), lit("!>"), lit("<!"), lit("prn"), nil }; set_dlt_entries_sys(dlt, sys_name, fun); set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); intern_only(name_noload); return nil; } static val awk_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~aawk"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val build_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("list-builder"), lit("build-list"), lit("build"), nil }; val name_noload[] = { lit("head"), lit("tail"), lit("add"), lit("add*"), lit("pend"), lit("pend*"), lit("ncon"), lit("ncon*"), lit("get"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); intern_only(name_noload); return nil; } static val build_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~abuild"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val trace_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val sys_name[] = { lit("trace"), lit("untrace"), nil }; val name[] = { lit("*trace-output*"), lit("trace"), lit("untrace"), nil }; set_dlt_entries_sys(dlt, sys_name, fun); set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val trace_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~atrace"), stdlib_path, nao)); trace_loaded = t; return nil; } static val getopts_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("opt-desc"), lit("opts"), lit("opt"), lit("getopts"), lit("opthelp"), nil }; val name_noload[] = { lit("short"), lit("long"), lit("helptext"), lit("type"), lit("in-args"), lit("out-args"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); intern_only(name_noload); return nil; } static val getopts_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~agetopts"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val package_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("defpackage"), lit("in-package"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val package_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~apackage"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val getput_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("file-get"), lit("file-put"), lit("file-append"), lit("file-get-string"), lit("file-put-string"), lit("file-append-string"), lit("file-get-lines"), lit("file-put-lines"), lit("file-append-lines"), lit("file-get-buf"), lit("file-put-buf"), lit("file-append-buf"), lit("command-get"), lit("command-put"), lit("command-get-string"), lit("command-put-string"), lit("command-get-lines"), lit("command-put-lines"), lit("command-get-buf"), lit("command-put-buf"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val getput_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~agetput"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val tagbody_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("tagbody"), lit("go"), lit("prog"), lit("prog*"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val tagbody_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~atagbody"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val pmac_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("define-param-expander"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val pmac_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~apmac"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val error_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val sys_name[] = { lit("bind-mac-error"), lit("bind-mac-check"), lit("lambda-too-many-args"), lit("lambda-too-few-args"), lit("lambda-short-apply-list"), nil }; val name[] = { lit("compile-error"), lit("compile-warning"), lit("compile-defr-warning"), nil }; set_dlt_entries_sys(dlt, sys_name, fun); set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val error_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~aerror"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val keyparams_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val sys_name[] = { lit("extract-keys"), nil }; val key_k = intern(lit("key"), keyword_package); set_dlt_entries_sys(dlt, sys_name, fun); if (fun) sethash(dlt, key_k, fun); else remhash(dlt, key_k); return nil; } static val keyparams_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~akeyparams"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val ffi_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("with-dyn-lib"), lit("deffi"), lit("deffi-type"), lit("deffi-cb"), lit("deffi-sym"), lit("deffi-var"), lit("typedef"), lit("sizeof"), lit("alignof"), lit("offsetof"), lit("arraysize"), lit("elemsize"), lit("elemtype"), lit("ffi"), lit("carray-ref"), lit("carray-sub"), lit("znew"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val ffi_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~affi"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val doloop_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("doloop"), lit("doloop*"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val doloop_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~adoloop"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val stream_wrap_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("stream-wrap"), nil }; val name_noload[] = { lit("close"), lit("flush"), lit("seek"), lit("truncate"), lit("get-prop"), lit("set-prop"), lit("get-fd"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); intern_only(name_noload); return nil; } static val stream_wrap_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~astream-wrap"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val asm_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~aasm"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val asm_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val sys_name[] = { lit("assembler"), nil }; val name[] = { lit("disassemble"), nil }; set_dlt_entries_sys(dlt, sys_name, fun); set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val compiler_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~acompiler"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } static val compiler_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val sys_name[] = { lit("compiler"), nil }; val name[] = { lit("compile-toplevel"), lit("compile-file"), lit("compile"), lit("with-compilation-unit"), nil }; set_dlt_entries_sys(dlt, sys_name, fun); set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val op_set_entries(val dlt, val fun) { val name[] = { lit("op"), lit("do"), lit("lop"), nil }; set_dlt_entries(dlt, name, fun); return nil; } static val op_instantiate(val set_fun) { funcall1(set_fun, nil); load(format(nil, lit("~aop"), stdlib_path, nao)); return nil; } val dlt_register(val dlt, val (*instantiate)(val), val (*set_entries)(val, val)) { return set_entries(dl_table, func_f0(func_f1(dlt, set_entries), instantiate)); } void lisplib_init(void) { prot1(&dl_table); dl_table = make_hash(nil, nil, nil); dlt_register(dl_table, place_instantiate, place_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, ver_instantiate, ver_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, ifa_instantiate, ifa_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, txr_case_instantiate, txr_case_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, with_resources_instantiate, with_resources_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, path_test_instantiate, path_test_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, struct_instantiate, struct_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, with_stream_instantiate, with_stream_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, hash_instantiate, hash_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, except_instantiate, except_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, type_instantiate, type_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, yield_instantiate, yield_set_entries); #if HAVE_SOCKETS dlt_register(dl_table, sock_instantiate, sock_set_entries); #endif #if HAVE_TERMIOS dlt_register(dl_table, termios_instantiate, termios_set_entries); #endif dlt_register(dl_table, awk_instantiate, awk_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, build_instantiate, build_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, trace_instantiate, trace_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, getopts_instantiate, getopts_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, package_instantiate, package_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, getput_instantiate, getput_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, tagbody_instantiate, tagbody_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, pmac_instantiate, pmac_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, error_instantiate, error_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, keyparams_instantiate, keyparams_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, ffi_instantiate, ffi_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, doloop_instantiate, doloop_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, stream_wrap_instantiate, stream_wrap_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, asm_instantiate, asm_set_entries); dlt_register(dl_table, compiler_instantiate, compiler_set_entries); if (!opt_compat || opt_compat >= 185) dlt_register(dl_table, op_instantiate, op_set_entries); reg_fun(intern(lit("try-load"), system_package), func_n1(lisplib_try_load)); } val lisplib_try_load(val sym) { val fun = gethash(dl_table, sym); if (fun) { debug_state_t ds = debug_set_state(opt_dbg_autoload ? 0 : -1, opt_dbg_autoload); val saved_dyn_env = dyn_env; dyn_env = make_env(nil, nil, dyn_env); env_vbind(dyn_env, package_s, system_package); env_vbind(dyn_env, package_alist_s, packages); funcall(fun); dyn_env = saved_dyn_env; debug_restore_state(ds); return t; } return nil; }