@(next "match.c") @(skip) static void dir_tables_init(void) { @(collect) sethash(@nil, @{txr-sym}_s,@(skip) @(until) } @(end) @(do (each ((s '(*place-clobber-expander* *lib-version* ifa txr-if with-resources path-exists-p defstruct))) (boundp s))) @(bind txl-orig-sym @(append-each* ((entry (package-alist)) (pkg-name [mapcar car entry]) (pkg [mapcar cdr entry])) (append-each ((sym (package-symbols pkg))) (when (or (boundp sym) (fboundp sym) (constantp sym)) (list sym))))) @(bind txl-sym @(append-each ((sym txl-orig-sym)) (let* ((pkg (symbol-package sym)) (pkg-name (package-name pkg)) (qualif (casequal pkg-name ("keyword" ":") ("usr" "") (t `@{pkg-name}:`)))) (list `@qualif@(symbol-name sym)`)))) @(do (set [txr-sym 0..0] '("rep" "end" "and" "or" "catch" "finally" "until" "last" "if" "else" "elif" "include"))) @(set txr-sym @(sort (uniq txr-sym))) @(set (txl-sym txl-orig-sym) @(multi-sort (list txl-sym txl-orig-sym) [list less])) @(bind bs "\\\\") @(bind hex "0-9A-Fa-f") @(bind at "\\(@[ \\t]*\\)") @(bind alpha "A-Za-z_") @(bind alnum "A-Za-z_0-9") @(bind dig "0-9") @(bind oct "0-7") @(bind chesc `abtnvfre@bs \\n`) @(bind glyph `!$%&*+\\-<=>?@{bs}_~`) @(bind lispwords @(append-each ((sym txl-orig-sym) (text txl-sym)) (let ((fb (symbol-function sym))) (if (or (special-operator-p sym) (and fb (not (functionp fb)))) (unless (memq sym '(and dwim inc oand opip or pset qquote quote qref rotate set shift swap sys:l1-setq sys:lisp1-setq sys:qquote sys:quasi sys:quasilist sys:setq sys:setqf new lnew meth umeth usl)) (list text)))))) @(define generate (txr-p)) @ (output @(if txr-p "txr.vim" "tl.vim") :named out) " VIM Syntax file for txr " Kaz Kylheku " INSTALL-HOWTO: " " 1. Create the directory .vim/syntax in your home directory and " put the files txr.vim and txl.vim into this directory. " 2. In your .vimrc, add this command to associate *.txr and *.tl " files with the txr and txl filetypes: " :au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txr set filetype=txr | set lisp " :au BufRead,BufNewFile *.tl set filetype=txl | set lisp " " If you want syntax highlighting to be on automatically (for any language) " you need to add ":syntax on" in your .vimrc also. But you knew that already! " " This file is generated by the genvim.txr script in the TXR source tree. syn case match syn spell toplevel setlocal iskeyword=a-z,A-Z,48-57,!,$,&,*,+,-,:,<,=,>,?,\\,_,~,/ @ (rep) @{txl-sym}@(mod 0 4)@\nsyn keyword txl_keyword contained @{txl-sym}@(end) @ (end) @ (if txr-p) @ (output :continue out) @ (rep) @{txr-sym}@(mod 0 4)@\nsyn keyword txr_keyword contained @{txr-sym}@(end) syn match txr_error "@at[*]\?[\t ]*." syn match txr_atat "@at@@" syn match txr_comment "@at[#;].*" syn match txr_contin "@at\\$" syn match txr_char "@at\\." syn match txr_error "@at\\[xo]" syn match txr_char "@at\\x[@hex]\+;\?" syn match txr_char "@at\\[@oct]\+;\?" syn match txr_regdir "@at/\(\\/\|[^/]\|\\\n\)*/" syn match txr_hashbang "^#!.*" @ (end) @ (end) @ (output :continue out) syn match txr_nested_error "[^\t ]\+" contained syn match txr_variable "@at[*]\?[ \t]*[@alpha][@alnum]*" syn match txr_splicevar "@@[ \t,*@@]*[@alpha][@alnum]*" syn match txr_metanum "@@\+[0-9]\+" syn match txr_badesc "\\." contained syn match txr_escat "\\@@" contained syn match txr_stresc "\\[@chesc"`']" contained syn match txr_numesc "\\x[@hex]\+;\?" contained syn match txr_numesc "\\[@oct]\+;\?" contained syn match txr_regesc "\\[@chesc/sSdDwW()\|.*?+~&%\[\]\-]" contained syn match txr_chr "#\\x[@hex]\+"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_chr "#\\o[@oct]\+"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_chr "#\\[^ \t\n@alnum]"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_chr "#\\[@alnum]\+"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_ncomment ";.*"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_dot "\." contained syn match txr_num "#x[+\-]\?[@hex]\+"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_num "#o[+\-]\?[@oct]\+"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_num "#b[+\-]\?[01]\+"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_ident "[@alnum@glyph]*[@alpha@glyph^][@alnum@glyph^]*" contained syn match txl_ident "[:@@][@alnum@glyph^/]\+"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_braced_ident "[:][@alnum@glyph^/]\+" contained syn match txl_ident "[@alnum@glyph/]*[@alpha@glyph^/#][@alnum@glyph^/#]*"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_num "[+\-]\?[@dig]\+\([^@alnum@glyph^/#]\|\n\)"me=e-1@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_badnum "[+\-]\?[@dig]*[.][@dig]\+\([eE][+\-]\?[@dig]\+\)\?[@alpha@glyph^/#]\+"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_num "[+\-]\?[@dig]*[.][@dig]\+\([eE][+\-]\?[@dig]\+\)\?\([^@alnum@glyph^/#]\|\n\)"me=e-1@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_num "[+\-]\?[@dig]\+\([eE][+\-]\?[@dig]\+\)\([^@alnum@glyph^/#]\|\n\)"me=e-1@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txl_ident ":"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txl_splice "[ \t,]\|,[*]"@(if txr-p " contained") syn match txr_unquote "," contained syn match txr_splice ",\*" contained syn match txr_quote "'" contained syn match txr_quote "\^" contained syn match txr_dotdot "\.\." contained syn match txr_metaat "@@" contained syn region txr_bracevar matchgroup=Delimiter start="@@[ \t]*[*]\?{" matchgroup=Delimiter end="}" contains=txr_num,txl_ident,txl_splice,txl_metanum,txr_metaat,txr_braced_ident,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_string,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_regex,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txl_splice,txr_nested_error @ (end) @ (if txr-p) @ (output :continue out) syn region txr_directive matchgroup=Delimiter start="@@[ \t]*(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=txr_keyword,txr_string,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_num,txr_badnum,txl_ident,txl_regex,txr_string,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_metaat,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error @ (end) @ (end) @ (output :continue out) syn region txr_list @(if txr-p "contained ")matchgroup=Delimiter start="#\?H\?(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txr_badnum,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_metaat,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error syn region txr_bracket @(if txr-p "contained ")matchgroup=Delimiter start="\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\]" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txr_badnum,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_metaat,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error syn region txr_mlist @(if txr-p "contained ")matchgroup=Delimiter start="@@[ \t^',]*(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txr_badnum,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_metaat,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error syn region txr_mbracket matchgroup=Delimiter start="@@[ \t^',]*\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\]" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txr_badnum,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_metaat,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error syn region txr_string @(if txr-p "contained ")start=+#\?\*\?"+ end=+["\n]+ contains=txr_stresc,txr_numesc,txr_badesc syn region txr_quasilit @(if txr-p "contained ")start=+#\?\*\?`+ end=+[`\n]+ contains=txr_splicevar,txr_metanum,txr_bracevar,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_escat,txr_stresc,txr_numesc,txr_badesc syn region txr_regex @(if txr-p "contained ")start="/" end="[/\n]" contains=txr_regesc,txr_numesc,txr_badesc syn region txl_regex @(if txr-p "contained ")start="#/" end="[/\n]" contains=txr_regesc,txr_numesc,txr_badesc hi def link txr_at Special hi def link txr_atstar Special hi def link txr_atat Special hi def link txr_comment Comment hi def link txr_ncomment Comment hi def link txr_hashbang Preproc hi def link txr_contin Preproc hi def link txr_char String hi def link txr_keyword Keyword hi def link txl_keyword Type hi def link txr_string String hi def link txr_chr String hi def link txr_quasilit String hi def link txr_regex String hi def link txl_regex String hi def link txr_regdir String hi def link txr_variable Identifier hi def link txr_splicevar Identifier hi def link txr_metanum Identifier hi def link txr_escat Special hi def link txr_stresc Special hi def link txr_numesc Special hi def link txr_regesc Special hi def link txr_badesc Error hi def link txr_ident Identifier hi def link txl_ident Identifier hi def link txr_num Number hi def link txr_badnum Error hi def link txr_quote Special hi def link txr_unquote Special hi def link txr_splice Special hi def link txr_dot Special hi def link txr_dotdot Special hi def link txr_metaat Special hi def link txr_munqspl Special hi def link txl_splice Special hi def link txr_error Error hi def link txr_nested_error Error let b:current_syntax = "lisp" set lispwords=@{lispwords ","},:method,:function,:init,:fini @ (end) @(end) @(generate t) @(generate nil)