@# This requires the man2html which was originally known as vh-man2html @# and is now part of manutils. @# See here: http://primates.ximian.com/~flucifredi/man/ @# It does not work with that other man2html written in Perl. @(bind txrhash @(hash :equal-based)) @(bind txlhash @(hash :equal-based)) @(bind tgthash txrhash) @(bind tagmap @(hash :equal-based)) @(do (defvar dupes (hash)) (defun hash-title (title) (let* ((h (logtrunc (hash-equal title) 32)) (existing [dupes h])) (when existing (unless (equal title existing) (error "~a ~a hash collision!" existing title))) (set [dupes h] title) (format nil "N-~,08X" h))) (set [tagmap "lbAB"] (hash-title "NAME"))) Content-type: text/html @(skip 15)
@(repeat) @TOC @(end) @(repeat) @BODY @(first) @(end) @(end)