/* Copyright 2011-2017 * Kaz Kylheku <kaz@kylheku.com> * Vancouver, Canada * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <wchar.h> #include <signal.h> #include "config.h" #include "lib.h" #include "gc.h" #include "args.h" #include "signal.h" #include "unwind.h" #include "stream.h" #include "parser.h" #include "eval.h" #include "txr.h" #include "debug.h" int opt_debugger; int debug_depth; static int step_mode; static int next_depth = -1; static val breakpoints; static val last_command; static int cols = 80; val debug_quit_s; /* C99 inline instantiations. */ #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L val debug_check(val form, val bindings, val data, val line, val pos, val base); void debug_init(void); #endif static void help(val stream) { put_string(lit("commands:\n" "? - help q - quit c - continue s - step into form\n" "h - help f - finish form n - step over form\n" "v - show variable binding environment o - show current form\n" "b - set breakpoint by line number i - show current data\n" "d - delete breakpoint w - backtrace\n" "l - list breakpoints g - set loglevel\n"), stream); } static void show_bindings(val env, val stream) { val level = zero; put_string(lit("bindings:\n"), stream); for (;; level = plus(level, one)) { if (nilp(env)) break; else if (consp(env)) { format(stream, lit("~d: ~s\n"), level, env, nao); break; } else if (type(env) == ENV) { format(stream, lit("~d: ~s\n"), level, env->e.vbindings, nao); env = env->e.up_env; } else { format(stream, lit("invalid environment object: ~s\n"), env, nao); break; } } } val debug(val ctx, val bindings, val data, val line, val pos, val base) { uses_or2; val form = ctx_form(ctx); val rl = source_loc(form); cons_bind (lineno, file, rl); if (consp(data)) data = car(data); else if (data == t) data = nil; if (!step_mode && !memqual(rl, breakpoints) && (debug_depth > next_depth)) { return nil; } else { val print_form = t; val print_data = t; for (;;) { val input, command; if (print_form) { format(std_debug, lit("stopped at line ~d of ~a\n"), lineno, file, nao); format(std_debug, lit("form: ~s\n"), form, nao); format(std_debug, lit("depth: ~s\n"), num(debug_depth), nao); print_form = nil; } if (print_data) { int lim = cols * 8; if (data && pos) { val half = num((lim - 8) / 2); val full = num((lim - 8)); val prefix, suffix; if (lt(pos, half)) { prefix = sub_str(data, zero, pos); suffix = sub_str(data, pos, full); } else { prefix = sub_str(data, minus(pos, half), pos); suffix = sub_str(data, pos, plus(pos, half)); } format(std_debug, lit("data (~d:~d):\n~s . ~s\n"), line, plus(pos, base), prefix, suffix, nao); } else if (data && length_str_ge(data, num(lim - 2))) { format(std_debug, lit("data (~d):\n~s...~s\n"), line, sub_str(data, zero, num(lim/2 - 4)), sub_str(data, num(-(lim/2 - 3)), t), nao); } else { format(std_debug, lit("data (~d):\n~s\n"), line, data, nao); } print_data = nil; } format(std_debug, lit("txr> "), nao); flush_stream(std_debug); input = split_str_set(or2(get_line(std_input), lit("q")), lit("\t ")); command = if3(equal(first(input), null_string), or2(last_command, lit("")), first(input)); last_command = command; if (equal(command, lit("?")) || equal(command, lit("h"))) { help(std_debug); continue; } else if (equal(command, null_string)) { continue; } else if (equal(command, lit("c"))) { step_mode = 0; next_depth = -1; return nil; } else if (equal(command, lit("s"))) { step_mode = 1; return nil; } else if (equal(command, lit("n"))) { step_mode = 0; next_depth = debug_depth; return nil; } else if (equal(command, lit("f"))) { step_mode = 0; next_depth = debug_depth - 1; return nil; } else if (equal(command, lit("v"))) { show_bindings(bindings, std_debug); } else if (equal(command, lit("o"))) { print_form = t; } else if (equal(command, lit("i"))) { print_data = t; } else if (equal(command, lit("b")) || equal(command, lit("d")) || equal(command, lit("g"))) { if (!rest(input)) { format(std_debug, lit("~s needs arguments\n"), command, nao); continue; } else { val n = int_str(second(input), num(10)); val l = cons(n, or2(third(input), file)); if (!n) { format(std_debug, lit("~s needs <line> [ <file> ]\n"), command, nao); continue; } if (equal(command, lit("b"))) { breakpoints = remqual(l, breakpoints, nil); push(l, &breakpoints); } else if (equal(command, lit("d"))) { val breakpoints_old = breakpoints; breakpoints = remqual(l, breakpoints, nil); if (breakpoints == breakpoints_old) format(std_debug, lit("no such breakpoint\n"), nao); } else { opt_loglevel = c_num(n); } } } else if (equal(command, lit("l"))) { format(std_debug, lit("breakpoints: ~s\n"), breakpoints, nao); } else if (equal(command, lit("w"))) { format(std_debug, lit("backtrace:\n"), nao); { uw_frame_t *iter; for (iter = uw_current_frame(); iter != 0; iter = iter->uw.up) { if (iter->uw.type == UW_DBG) { if (iter->db.ub_p_a_pairs) format(std_debug, lit("(~s ~s ~s)\n"), iter->db.func, args_copy_to_list(iter->db.args), iter->db.ub_p_a_pairs, nao); else format(std_debug, lit("(~s ~s)\n"), iter->db.func, args_copy_to_list(iter->db.args), nao); } } } } else if (equal(command, lit("q"))) { uw_throwf(debug_quit_s, lit("terminated via debugger"), nao); } else { format(std_debug, lit("unrecognized command: ~a\n"), command, nao); } } return nil; } } debug_state_t debug_set_state(int depth, int step) { debug_state_t old = { next_depth, step_mode }; next_depth = depth; step_mode = step; return old; } void debug_restore_state(debug_state_t state) { next_depth = state.next_depth; step_mode = state.step_mode; } void debug_init(void) { step_mode = 1; protect(&breakpoints, &last_command, convert(val *, 0)); debug_quit_s = intern(lit("debug-quit"), user_package); { char *columns = getenv("COLUMNS"); if (columns) cols = atoi(columns); if (cols < 40) cols = 40; } }