Version 042 Features - Access to environment via @(next :env) - New @(gather) directive for matching out-of-order material. - Horizontal functions: - TXR can now parse grammars. - Variable syntax allows capture of text spanned by function calls: e.g. @{var (func x y)}: text spanned by (func x y) goes into var. - Horizontal modes for numerous directives such as @(bind), @(local), ... - Lisp-style bindings output. - Interactive breakpoint/step debugger added. This is an experimental prototype, but already quite useful. - Directives following a variable match have searching semantics now, as do function calls. @a@(foo) will scan for a match for @(foo), and the text skipped over is captured by a. - New :resolve keyword in @(some) directive allowing conflicting variable bindings to be set in separate clauses and resolved. - deffilter is more powerful: arguments are evaluated so filters can be computed by the query. Bugs - Horizontal @(some) directive hooked in. - @(freeform) with no data fails to match instead of throwing strange error. - Setting non-local variables from a function works now. - Stability fix: several long-time uninitialized variable bugs found, and some faulty object initialization orders. Internal - New infrastructure for matching location info to source forms. Location info (currently just the line number) is associated with source forms via a weak hash table. - Character literals are now Lispy (hash-backslash syntax), based on Scheme. - Added quote, unquote and splicing syntax similar to Lisp. Not used for anything yet. - Improved Valgrind integration: more accurate, timely detection of uninitialized fields in heap objects. Misc. - A TXR syntax highlighting file for the Vim editor exists now. See the txr.vim file.