path: root/txr.1
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1 files changed, 105 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index f5685248..0299f698 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -12785,12 +12785,51 @@ Examples:
(let ((,var (car i)))
+.SS Operator macrolet
+ (macrolet ({(<name> <macro-style-params> <macro-body-form>*)}*)
+ <body-form>*)
+The macrolet binding operator extends the macro-time lexical environment
+by making zero or more new local macros visible.
+The operator symbol is followed by a list of macro definitions.
+Each definition is a form which begins with a name, followed by a macro
+parameter list, and zero or more forms. These macro definitions are similar
+to those globally defined by the defmacro operator, except that they
+are in a local environment, and do not capture any regular lexical scope.
+The macro definitions are followed by optional forms.
+The macros thus defined are visible to the the <body-form>-s.
+Forms inside the macro definitions such as the <macro-body-form>-s,
+and initializer forms appearing in <macro-style-params> are subject
+to macro-expansion in a scope in which none of the new macros being
+defined are yet visible. Once the macro definitions are themselves
+macro-expanded, they are placed into a new macro environment, which
+is then used for macro expanding the <body-form>-s.
+A macrolet form is fully processed in the expansion phase of a form, and is
+effectively replaced by progn form which contains expanded versions of
+<body-forms>-s, only. This expanded structure shows no evidence that any
+macrolet forms ever existed in it. Therefore, it is impossible for the code
+evaluated in the bodies and parameter lists of macrolet macros to have any
+visibility to any surrounding lexical variable bindings, which are only
+instantiated in the evaluation phase, after expansion is done.
.SS Function macro-form-p
- (macro-form-p <obj>)
+ (macro-form-p <obj> [<env>])
@@ -12801,13 +12840,44 @@ a form which is a macro form. Otherwise it returns nil.
A macro form will transform under macroexpand-1 or macroexpand; an object
which isn't a macro form will not undergo expansion.
+The optional <env> parameter is a macroexpansion environment.
+A macroexpansion environment is passed down to macros and can be received
+via their special :env parameter. A macro can use this environment to
+determine whether a piece of syntax <obj> is a macro form in that
+ ;; macro which translates form to the form 'yes if it is a macro
+ ;; form, otherwise to the form 'no.
+ (defmacro global (:env menv form)
+ (if (macro-form-p form menv)
+ ''yes ''no))
+ (macrolet ((local ()))
+ (global (local))) ;; yields yes
+ (global (local)) ;; yields no
+During macroexpansion, the global macro is handed the environment which
+it receives via :env menv. When the macro is invoked within the macrolet,
+this environment includes the macro-time lexical scope in which the
+local macro is defined. So when global checks whether the argument form
+(local) is a macro, the conclusion is yes: the (local) form is a macro
+call in that environment: macro-form-p yields t. When (global (local)) is
+invoked outside of the macrolet, no local macro is visible, and so macro-form-p
+yields nil.
.SS Functions macroexpand-1 and macroexpand
- (macroexpand-1 <obj>)
- (macroexpand <obj>)
+ (macroexpand-1 <obj> [<env>])
+ (macroexpand <obj> [<env>])
@@ -12825,6 +12895,38 @@ a macro form, then it expands that form, and keeps repeating this process
until the expansion yields a non-macro-form. That non-macro-form is then
+The optional <env> parameter is a macroexpansion environment.
+A macroexpansion environment is passed down to macros and can be received
+via their special :env parameter. The environment they receive is their
+lexically apparent macro-time environment in which local macros may be
+visible. A macro can use this environment to "manually" expand some
+form in the context of that environment.
+ ;; (foo x) expands x, and if x begins with a number, it removes
+ ;; the number and returns the resulting form. Otherwise, it
+ ;; returns the entire form.
+ (defmacro rem-num (:env menv some-form)
+ (let ((expanded (macroexpand some-form menv)))
+ (if (numberp (car expanded))
+ (cdr expanded)
+ some-form)))
+ ;; The following yields (42 a).
+ (macrolet ((foo () '(1 list 42))
+ (bar () '(list 'a)))
+ (list (rem-num (foo)) (rem-num (bar)))))
+The rem-num macro is able to expand the (foo) and (bar) forms it receives as
+the some-form argument, using the local macro that is lexically apparent
+where those forms are passed, and is correctly able to work with the
+expansions (1 list 42) and (list 'a) to produce (list 42) and (list 'a)
+which evaluate to 42 and a respectively.
.SS Operator tree-bind