path: root/txr.1
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1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index 778948dd..634fec12 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -39731,7 +39731,9 @@ atom pattern nil
.codn nil .
The syntax
.meti (. << pattern )
is valid, but indistinguishable from
.meta pattern
and therefore is not a list pattern.
@@ -39876,6 +39878,92 @@ object's structure type: the type itself, rather than its symbolic name.
(#<struct-type widget> :widg))
+.coNP Pattern operator @ let
+.mets @(let < name << pattern)
+.code let
+pattern operator allows the entire object matched by a
+.meta pattern
+to be bound to a the variable given by
+.metn name .
+.meta name
+argument must be a bindable symbol, or else
+.codn nil .
+.meta name
+.codn nil ,
+then no name is bound. Thus
+.meti @(let nil << pattern )
+is equivalent to just
+.metn pattern .
+.meta pattern
+matches, then
+.meta name
+is included among the variables, and receives the entire
+object matched by
+.meta pattern
+as its value.
+.TP* Example:
+ ;; w captures the entire (1 2 3) list:
+ (when-match @(let w (@a @b @c)) '(1 2 3) (list w a b c))
+ -> ((1 2 3) 1 2 3)
+.coNP Pattern operator @ require
+.mets @(require < pattern << expression *)
+The pattern operator
+.code require
+applies the specified
+.meta pattern
+to the corresponding object.
+If the
+.meta pattern
+matches, the operator then imposes the additional conditions specified by
+the extra
+.metn expression .
+.meta expression
+is evaluated in a scope in which the variables from
+.meta pattern
+have already been established.
+However, the mach is considered to have succeeded only if
+.meta expression
+yields true. If it yields
+.codn nil ,
+then the match is deemed to have failed.
+.TP* Examples:
+ ;; Match a (+ a b) expression where a and b are similar:
+ (when-match @(require (+ @a @b) (equal a b)) '(+ z z) (list a b))
+ --> (z z)
+ ;; Mismatched case
+ (if-match @(require (+ @a @b) (equal a b)) '(+ y z)
+ (list a b)
+ :no-match)
+ --> :no-match
.SS* Quasiquote Operator Syntax
.coNP Macro @ qquote