path: root/tests/011
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/011')
2 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/011/mandel.expected b/tests/011/mandel.expected
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62a0c244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/011/mandel.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ *
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diff --git a/tests/011/mandel.txr b/tests/011/mandel.txr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84200ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/011/mandel.txr
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ (defvar x-centre -0.5)
+ (defvar y-centre 0.0)
+ (defvar width 4.0)
+ (defvar i-max 80)
+ (defvar j-max 60)
+ (defvar n 100)
+ (defvar r-max 2.0)
+ (defvar file "mandelbrot.pgm")
+ (defvar colour-max 255)
+ (defvar pixel-size (/ width i-max))
+ (defvar x-offset (- x-centre (* 0.5 pixel-size (+ i-max 1))))
+ (defvar y-offset (+ y-centre (* 0.5 pixel-size (+ j-max 1))))
+ ;; complex number library
+ (defmacro cplx (x y) '(cons ,x ,y))
+ (defmacro re (c) '(car ,c))
+ (defmacro im (c) '(cdr ,c))
+ (defsymacro c0 (macro-time (cplx 0 0)))
+ (macro-time
+ (defun with-cplx-expand (specs body)
+ (tree-case specs
+ (((re im expr) . rest)
+ '(tree-bind (,re . ,im) ,expr ,(with-cplx-expand rest body)))
+ (() (tree-case body
+ ((a b . rest) '(progn ,a ,b ,*rest))
+ ((a) a)
+ (x (error "with-cplx: invalid body ~s" body))))
+ (x (error "with-cplx: bad args ~s" x)))))
+ (defmacro with-cplx (specs . body)
+ (with-cplx-expand specs body))
+ (defun c+ (x y)
+ (with-cplx ((a b x) (c d y))
+ (cplx (+ a c) (+ b d))))
+ (defun c* (x y)
+ (with-cplx ((a b x) (c d y))
+ (cplx (- (* a c) (* b d)) (+ (* b c) (* a d)))))
+ (defun modulus (z)
+ (with-cplx ((a b z))
+ (sqrt (+ (* a a) (* b b)))))
+ ;; Mandelbrot routines
+ (defun inside-p (z0 : (z c0) (n n))
+ (and (< (modulus z) r-max)
+ (or (zerop n)
+ (inside-p z0 (c+ (c* z z) z0) (- n 1)))))
+ (defun pixel (i j)
+ (inside-p
+ (cplx (+ x-offset (* pixel-size i))
+ (- y-offset (* pixel-size j)))))
+ ;; Mandelbrot loop and output
+ (each ((j (range 1 j-max)))
+ (each ((i (range 1 i-max)))
+ (put-char (if (pixel i j) #\* #\space)))
+ (put-char #\newline)))