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diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index 8e021b5a..50803e6b 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -8712,6 +8712,76 @@ cdr field.
the string returned by get-line, and whose cdr contains the lazy function.
+.SS Macro delay
+ (delay <expression>)
+The delay operator arranges for the delayed (or "lazy") evaluation of
+<expression>. This means that the expression is not evaluated immediately.
+Rather, the delay expression produces a promise object.
+The promise object can later be passed to the force function (described
+later in this document). The force function will trigger the evaluation
+of the expression and retrieve the value.
+The expression is evaluated in the original scope, no mater where
+the force takes place.
+The expression is evaluated at most once, by the first call to force.
+Additional calls to force only retrieve a cached value.
+ @(do
+ ;; list is popped only once: the value is computed
+ ;; just once when force is called on a given promise
+ ;; for the first time.
+ (defun get-it (promise)
+ (format t "*list* is ~s\en" *list*)
+ (format t "item is ~s\en" (force promise))
+ (format t "item is ~s\en" (force promise))
+ (format t "*list* is ~s\en" *list*))
+ (defvar *list* '(1 2 3))
+ (get-it (delay (pop *list*))))
+ Output:
+ *list* is (1 2 3)
+ item is 1
+ item is 1
+ *list* is (2 3)
+.SS Function force
+ (force <promise>)
+The force function accepts a promise object produced by the delay macro.
+The first time force is invoked <promise>, the promise expression
+is evaluated (in its original lexical environment, regardless of where
+in the program the force call takes place). The value of the expression is
+cached inside <promise> and returned, becoming the return value of the
+force function call. If the force function is invoked additional times on
+the same promise, the cached value is retrieved.
.SS Function generate
@@ -8726,7 +8796,7 @@ The generate function produces a lazy list which dynamically produces items
according to the following logic.
The arguments to generate are functions which do not take any arguments. The
-return value of generate is a lazy list.
+return value of generate is a lazy list.
When the lazy list is accessed, for instance with the functions car and cdr, it
produces items on demand. Prior to producing each item, <while-fun> is
@@ -8823,73 +8893,42 @@ Example:
1 2 3
-.SS Macro delay
+.SS Functions range and range*
- (delay <expression>)
+ (range [ [ [ <from> ] <to> ] <step> ])
+ (range* [ [ [ <from> ] <to> ] <step> ])
-The delay operator arranges for the delayed (or "lazy") evaluation of
-<expression>. This means that the expression is not evaluated immediately.
-Rather, the delay expression produces a promise object.
-The promise object can later be passed to the force function (described
-later in this document). The force function will trigger the evaluation
-of the expression and retrieve the value.
-The expression is evaluated in the original scope, no mater where
-the force takes place.
-The expression is evaluated at most once, by the first call to force.
-Additional calls to force only retrieve a cached value.
- @(do
- ;; list is popped only once: the value is computed
- ;; just once when force is called on a given promise
- ;; for the first time.
- (defun get-it (promise)
- (format t "*list* is ~s\en" *list*)
- (format t "item is ~s\en" (force promise))
- (format t "item is ~s\en" (force promise))
- (format t "*list* is ~s\en" *list*))
- (defvar *list* '(1 2 3))
- (get-it (delay (pop *list*))))
- Output:
- *list* is (1 2 3)
- item is 1
- item is 1
- *list* is (2 3)
+The range and range* functions generate a lazy sequence of integers, with a
+fixed step between successive values.
-.SS Function force
+The difference between range and range* is that range* excludes the endpoint.
+For instance (range 0 3) generates the list (0 1 2 3), whereas (range* 0 3)
+generates (0 1 2).
+All arguments are optional. If the <step> argument is omitted, then it defaults
+to 1: each value in the sequence is greater than the previous one by 1.
+Positive or negative step sizes are allowed. There is no check for a step size
+of zero, or for a step direction which cannot meet the endpoint.
- (force <promise>)
+The <to> argument specifies the endpoint value, which, if it occurs in the
+sequence, is excluded from it by the range* function, but included by the range
+function. If <to> is missing, or specified as nil, then there is no endpoint,
+and the sequence which is generated is infinite, regardless of <step>.
+If <from> is omitted, then the sequence begins at zero, otherwise <from> must
+be an integer which specifies the initial value.
-The force function accepts a promise object produced by the delay macro.
-The first time force is invoked <promise>, the promise expression
-is evaluated (in its original lexical environment, regardless of where
-in the program the force call takes place). The value of the expression is
-cached inside <promise> and returned, becoming the return value of the
-force function call. If the force function is invoked additional times on
-the same promise, the cached value is retrieved.
+The sequence stops if it reaches the endpoint value (which is included in the
+case of range, and excluded in the case of range*). However, a sequence with a
+stepsize greater than 1 or less than -1 might step over the endpoint value, and
+therefore never attain it. In this situation, the sequence also stops, and the
+excess value which surpasses the endpoint is excluded from the sequence.
.SS Function perm
@@ -13564,43 +13603,6 @@ differ only in the order of arguments. In the rand function, the random state
object is the second argument and is optional. If it is omitted, the global
*random-state* object is used.
-.SS Functions range and range*
- (range [ [ [ <from> ] <to> ] <step> ])
- (range* [ [ [ <from> ] <to> ] <step> ])
-The range and range* functions generate a lazy sequence of integers, with a
-fixed step between successive values.
-The difference between range and range* is that range* excludes the endpoint.
-For instance (range 0 3) generates the list (0 1 2 3), whereas (range* 0 3)
-generates (0 1 2).
-All arguments are optional. If the <step> argument is omitted, then it defaults
-to 1: each value in the sequence is greater than the previous one by 1.
-Positive or negative step sizes are allowed. There is no check for a step size
-of zero, or for a step direction which cannot meet the endpoint.
-The <to> argument specifies the endpoint value, which, if it occurs in the
-sequence, is excluded from it by the range* function, but included by the range
-function. If <to> is missing, or specified as nil, then there is no endpoint,
-and the sequence which is generated is infinite, regardless of <step>.
-If <from> is omitted, then the sequence begins at zero, otherwise <from> must
-be an integer which specifies the initial value.
-The sequence stops if it reaches the endpoint value (which is included in the
-case of range, and excluded in the case of range*). However, a sequence with a
-stepsize greater than 1 or less than -1 might step over the endpoint value, and
-therefore never attain it. In this situation, the sequence also stops, and the
-excess value which surpasses the endpoint is excluded from the sequence.
.SS Functions time and time-usec