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3 files changed, 72 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/share/txr/stdlib/ b/share/txr/stdlib/
index 3026ab0a..08357932 100644
--- a/share/txr/stdlib/
+++ b/share/txr/stdlib/
@@ -580,7 +580,11 @@
(usr:scan (compile-scan-match exp obj-var var-list))
(exprs (compile-exprs-match exp obj-var var-list))
(t (iflet ((xfun [*match-macro* op]))
- (let ((xexp [xfun exp]))
+ (let* ((var-env (make-env (mapcar (lop cons
+ 'sys:special)
+ var-list.vars)
+ nil var-list.menv))
+ (xexp [xfun exp var-env]))
(if (neq xexp exp)
(compile-match xexp obj-var var-list)
(compile-predicate-match exp obj-var var-list)))
@@ -750,10 +754,10 @@
(with-gensyms (name-dummy args)
(sethash *match-macro* ',name
- (lambda (,args)
- (mac-param-bind *match-form*
- (,name-dummy ,*destructuring-args)
- ,args ,*body)))
+ (lambda (,args vars-env)
+ (mac-env-param-bind *match-form* vars-env
+ (,name-dummy ,*destructuring-args)
+ ,args ,*body)))
(defun check (f op pat)
diff --git a/tests/011/ b/tests/011/
index 346b21b6..87545c82 100644
--- a/tests/011/
+++ b/tests/011/
@@ -321,3 +321,18 @@
(test (when-match @(as z @(end (2 @x) y)) '(1 2 3) (list x y z))
(3 (2 3) (1 2 3)))
+(defmatch env (var :env e)
+ ^@(with ,var ',e))
+(test (when-match @(and @a @(env e) @b) 42
+ (list a (env-vbindings e) (lexical-var-p e 'a) (lexical-var-p e 'b) b))
+ (42 ((a . sys:special)) t nil 42))
+(defmatch var= (sym :env e)
+ (if (lexical-var-p e sym)
+ (with-gensyms (obj)
+ ^@(require (sys:var ,obj) (= ,sym ,obj)))
+ ^(sys:var ,sym)))
+(test (when-match (@(var= a) @(var= a)) '(1 1.0) a) 1)
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index 3cd95a38..222ba70c 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -42169,19 +42169,35 @@ The pattern macro bindings are stored in a hash table held by the variable
whose keys are symbols, and whose values are expander functions.
There are no lexically scoped pattern macros.
-If a
+Pattern macros defined with
.code defmatch
-macro uses the
+may specify the special macro parameters
+.code :form
+.code :env
+in their parameter lists. The values of these parameters are determined
+in a manner particular to
+.codn defmatch .
.code :form
-parameter to gain access to the form, what the parameter retrieves
-is the pattern matching form, or a constituent thereof, in which the
-the macro is being invoked. For instance, if the operator is being used
-inside a pattern given to a
+parameter captures the pattern matching form, or a constituent thereof, in
+which the the macro is being invoked. For instance, if the operator is being
+used inside a pattern given to a
.code when-match
macro invocation, then the form will be that entire
.code when-match
+.code :env
+parameter captures a specially constructed macro-time environment object in
+which all of the variables to the left of the pattern appear as lexical
+variables. The parent of this environment is the surrounding macro environment.
+If the pattern macro needs to treat a variable which already has a binding
+differently from an unbound variable, it can look up the variable in this
.TP* Example:
@@ -42202,6 +42218,24 @@ form.
"~s: bindable symbol expected, not ~s"
'foo sym))
+ ;; Pattern macro which uses = equality to backreference
+ ;; an existing lexical binding, or else binds the variable
+ ;; if it has no existing lexical binding.
+ (defmatch var= (sym :env e)
+ (if (lexical-var-p e sym)
+ (with-gensyms (obj)
+ ^@(require (sys:var ,obj)
+ (= ,sym ,obj)))
+ ^(sys:var ,sym)))
+ ;; example use:
+ (when-match (@(var= a) @(var= a)) '(1 1.0) a)
+ -> 1
+ ;; no match: (equal 1 1.0) is false
+ (when-match (@a @a) '(1 1.0) a)
+ -> nil
.coNP Special variable @ *match-macro*
@@ -42222,6 +42256,14 @@ then there is no such binding: pattern operator forms based on
.code sym
do not undergo place macro expansion.
+The macro expanders in
+.code *match-macro*
+are two-parameter functions. The first argument passes the operator
+syntax to be expanded. The second argument is used for passing the
+environment object which the expander can capture using
+.code :env
+in its macro parameter list.
.SS* Quasiquote Operator Syntax
.coNP Macro @ qquote