diff options
3 files changed, 64 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/lisplib.c b/lisplib.c
index b0f0fcc2..d2d82b84 100644
--- a/lisplib.c
+++ b/lisplib.c
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ static val struct_set_entries(val dlt, val fun)
val name[] = {
lit("defstruct"), lit("qref"), lit("uref"), lit("new"), lit("lnew"),
+ lit("new*"), lit("lnew*"),
lit("meth"), lit("umeth"), lit("usl"), lit("defmeth"), lit("rslot"), nil
diff --git a/share/txr/stdlib/ b/share/txr/stdlib/
index 5aa61d74..424748e7 100644
--- a/share/txr/stdlib/
+++ b/share/txr/stdlib/
@@ -244,36 +244,46 @@
(t (with-gensyms (ovar)
^(lambda (,ovar) (qref ,ovar ,*args))))))
-(defmacro new (:form form spec . pairs)
- (if (oddp (length pairs))
- (throwf 'eval-error "~s: slot initform arguments must occur pairwise"
- 'new))
+(defun sys:new-type (op form type)
+ (caseq op
+ ((new lnew) (sys:check-struct form type) ^',type)
+ (t type)))
+(defun sys:new-expander (op form spec pairs)
+ (when (oddp (length pairs))
+ (compile-error form
+ "~s: slot initform arguments must occur pairwise" op))
(let ((qpairs (mappend (aret ^(',@1 ,@2)) (tuples 2 pairs))))
(tree-case spec
- ((atom . args)
- (sys:check-struct form atom)
- (if qpairs
- ^(make-struct ',atom (list ,*qpairs) ,*args)
- ^(struct-from-args ',atom ,*args)))
- (atom
- (sys:check-struct form atom)
- ^(struct-from-plist ',atom ,*qpairs)))))
+ ((texpr . args)
+ (let ((type (sys:new-type op form texpr)))
+ (caseq op
+ ((new new*) (if qpairs
+ ^(make-struct ,type (list ,*qpairs) ,*args)
+ ^(struct-from-args ,type ,*args)))
+ ((new* lnew*) ^(make-lazy-struct ,type
+ (lambda ()
+ (cons (list ,*qpairs)
+ (list ,*args))))))))
+ (texpr
+ (let ((type (sys:new-type op form texpr)))
+ (caseq op
+ ((new new*) ^(struct-from-plist ,type ,*qpairs))
+ ((lnew lnew*) ^(make-lazy-struct type
+ (lambda ()
+ (list (list ,*qpairs)))))))))))
+(defmacro new (:form form spec . pairs)
+ (sys:new-expander (car form) form spec pairs))
+(defmacro new* (:form form spec . pairs)
+ (sys:new-expander (car form) form spec pairs))
(defmacro lnew (:form form spec . pairs)
- (if (oddp (length pairs))
- (throwf 'eval-error "~s: slot initform arguments must occur pairwise"
- 'lnew))
- (let ((qpairs (mappend (aret ^(',@1 ,@2)) (tuples 2 pairs))))
- (tree-case spec
- ((atom . args)
- (sys:check-struct form atom)
- ^(make-lazy-struct ',atom
- (lambda ()
- (cons (list ,*qpairs)
- (list ,*args)))))
- (atom
- (sys:check-struct form atom)
- ^(make-lazy-struct ',atom (lambda () (list (list ,*qpairs))))))))
+ (sys:new-expander (car form) form spec pairs))
+(defmacro lnew* (:form form spec . pairs)
+ (sys:new-expander (car form) form spec pairs))
(defmacro meth (obj slot . bound-args)
^[(fun method) ,obj ',slot ,*bound-args])
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index 30717b5e..dfba7b14 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -24297,6 +24297,33 @@ initialization. Thus, during initialization, its instance slots may be
freely accessed. Slots not yet initialized evaluate as
.codn nil .
+.coNP Macros @ new* and @ lnew*
+.mets (new* >> { expr | >> ( expr << arg *)} >> { slot << init-form }*)
+.mets (lnew* >> { expr | >> ( expr << arg *)} >> { slot << init-form }*)
+.code new*
+.code lnew*
+macros are variants, respectively, of
+.code new
+.codn lnew .
+The only difference in behavior in these macros relative to
+.code new
+.code lnew
+is that the
+.meta name
+argument is replaced with an expression
+.meta expr
+which is evaluated. The value of
+.meta expr
+must be a struct type, or a symbol which is the name of a struct type.
.coNP Macro @ with-slots
.mets (with-slots >> ({ slot | >> ( sym << slot )}*) < struct-expr