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3 files changed, 218 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/ffi.c b/ffi.c
index c18b7efe..26d93980 100644
--- a/ffi.c
+++ b/ffi.c
@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ struct txr_ffi_type {
unsigned char_conv : 1;
unsigned wchar_conv : 1;
unsigned bchar_conv : 1;
+ unsigned incomplete : 1;
+ unsigned bitfield : 1;
struct txr_ffi_type *(*clone)(struct txr_ffi_type *);
void (*put)(struct txr_ffi_type *, val obj, mem_t *dst, val self);
val (*get)(struct txr_ffi_type *, mem_t *src, val self);
@@ -392,8 +394,8 @@ static cnum ffi_varray_dynsize(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, val obj, val self)
cnum len = c_num(length(obj)) + tft->null_term;
val eltype = tft->eltype;
struct txr_ffi_type *etft = ffi_type_struct(eltype);
- if (etft->size == 0)
- uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: zero size array element"), self, nao);
+ if (etft->incomplete)
+ uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: incomplete type array element"), self, nao);
if (INT_PTR_MAX / etft->size < len)
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: array too large"), self, nao);
return len * etft->size;
@@ -407,6 +409,24 @@ static mem_t *ffi_varray_alloc(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, val obj, val self)
return chk_calloc(len, etft->size);
+static cnum ffi_flex_dynsize(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, val obj, val self)
+ struct smemb *lastm = &tft->memb[tft->nelem - 1];
+ struct txr_ffi_type *ltft = lastm->mtft;
+ val lobj = slot(obj, lastm->mname);
+ cnum lmds = ltft->dynsize(ltft, lobj, self);
+ if (lastm->offs > INT_PTR_MAX - lmds)
+ uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: flexible struct size overflow"), self, nao);
+ return lastm->offs + lmds;
+static mem_t *ffi_flex_alloc(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, val obj, val self)
+ return chk_calloc(1, ffi_flex_dynsize(tft, obj, self));
static void ffi_noop_free(void *ptr)
@@ -2007,11 +2027,27 @@ static void ffi_ptr_in_release(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, val obj, mem_t *dst)
*loc = 0;
+static void ffi_flex_struct_in(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, val strct, val self)
+ struct smemb *lastm = &tft->memb[tft->nelem - 1];
+ val length_meth = maybe_slot(strct, length_s);
+ if (length_meth) {
+ val len = funcall1(length_meth, strct);
+ val memb = slot(strct, lastm->mname);
+ if (vectorp(memb))
+ vec_set_length(memb, len);
+ else
+ slotset(strct, lastm->mname, vector(len, nil));
+ }
static val ffi_struct_in(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, int copy, mem_t *src,
val strct, val self)
cnum i, nmemb = tft->nelem;
struct smemb *memb = tft->memb;
+ int flexp = tft->incomplete;
if (!copy && (!tft->by_value_in || strct == nil))
return strct;
@@ -2026,6 +2062,8 @@ static val ffi_struct_in(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, int copy, mem_t *src,
struct txr_ffi_type *mtft = memb[i].mtft;
ucnum offs = memb[i].offs;
if (slsym) {
+ if (flexp && copy && i == nmemb - 1)
+ ffi_flex_struct_in(tft, strct, self);
if (mtft->in != 0) {
val slval = slot(strct, slsym);
slotset(strct, slsym, mtft->in(mtft, copy, src + offs, slval, self));
@@ -2084,12 +2122,15 @@ static val ffi_struct_get(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, mem_t *src, val self)
struct smemb *memb = tft->memb;
args_decl(args, 0);
val strct = make_struct(tft->lt, nil, args);
+ int flexp = tft->incomplete;
for (i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
val slsym = memb[i].mname;
struct txr_ffi_type *mtft = memb[i].mtft;
ucnum offs = memb[i].offs;
if (slsym) {
+ if (flexp && i == nmemb - 1)
+ ffi_flex_struct_in(tft, strct, self);
val slval = mtft->get(mtft, src + offs, self);
slotset(strct, slsym, slval);
@@ -2624,16 +2665,6 @@ static val ffi_union_get(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, mem_t *src, val self)
return make_union_tft(src, tft);
-static val bitfield_syntax_p(val syntax)
- if (!consp(syntax)) {
- return nil;
- } else {
- val sym = car(syntax);
- return tnil(sym == sbit_s || sym == ubit_s || sym == bit_s);
- }
static struct txr_ffi_type *ffi_simple_clone(struct txr_ffi_type *orig)
return coerce(struct txr_ffi_type *, chk_copy_obj(coerce(mem_t *, orig),
@@ -2692,7 +2723,7 @@ static val make_ffi_type_pointer(val syntax, val lisp_type,
val self = lit("ffi-type-compile");
struct txr_ffi_type *tgtft = ffi_type_struct(tgtype);
- if (bitfield_syntax_p(tgtft->syntax)) {
+ if (tgtft->bitfield) {
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: type combination ~s not allowed"),
self, syntax, nao);
} else {
@@ -2747,7 +2778,7 @@ static struct txr_ffi_type *ffi_struct_clone(struct txr_ffi_type *orig)
static val make_ffi_type_struct(val syntax, val lisp_type,
- val slots, val types)
+ val slots, val types, int flexp)
struct txr_ffi_type *tft = coerce(struct txr_ffi_type *,
chk_calloc(1, sizeof *tft));
@@ -2777,10 +2808,11 @@ static val make_ffi_type_struct(val syntax, val lisp_type,
tft->in = ffi_struct_in;
tft->release = ffi_struct_release;
- tft->alloc = ffi_fixed_alloc;
- tft->dynsize = ffi_fixed_dynsize;
+ tft->alloc = flexp ? ffi_flex_alloc : ffi_fixed_alloc;
+ tft->dynsize = flexp ? ffi_flex_dynsize : ffi_fixed_dynsize;
tft->free = free;
tft->memb = memb;
+ tft->incomplete = flexp;
for (i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
val type = pop(&types);
@@ -2792,7 +2824,7 @@ static val make_ffi_type_struct(val syntax, val lisp_type,
memb[i].mname = slot;
memb[i].mtft = mtft;
- if (bitfield_syntax_p(mtft->syntax)) {
+ if (mtft->bitfield) {
ucnum size = mtft->size;
ucnum bits_type = 8 * size;
ucnum bits = mtft->nelem;
@@ -2868,7 +2900,11 @@ static val make_ffi_type_struct(val syntax, val lisp_type,
if (need_out_handler)
tft->out = ffi_struct_out;
- tft->size = (offs + most_align - 1) & ~(most_align - 1);
+ if (flexp)
+ tft->size = offs;
+ else
+ tft->size = (offs + most_align - 1) & ~(most_align - 1);
tft->align = most_align;
@@ -2930,7 +2966,7 @@ static val make_ffi_type_union(val syntax, val lisp_type,
if (biggest_size < (ucnum) mtft->size)
biggest_size = mtft->size;
- if (bitfield_syntax_p(mtft->syntax)) {
+ if (mtft->bitfield) {
ucnum bits = mtft->nelem;
if (bits == 0) {
@@ -3129,7 +3165,7 @@ static val ffi_type_copy(val orig)
return cobj(coerce(mem_t *, ctft), orig->co.cls, orig->co.ops);
-static val ffi_struct_compile(val membs, val *ptypes, val self)
+static val ffi_membs_compile(val membs, val *ptypes, int *pflexp, val self)
list_collect_decl (slots, pstail);
list_collect_decl (types, pttail);
@@ -3143,10 +3179,13 @@ static val ffi_struct_compile(val membs, val *ptypes, val self)
if (cddr(mp))
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: excess elements in type-member pair ~s"),
self, mp, nao);
- if (ctft->size == 0)
- uw_throwf(error_s,
- lit("~a: incomplete type ~s cannot be struct/union member"),
- self, type, nao);
+ if (ctft->incomplete) {
+ if (!endp(cdr(membs)))
+ uw_throwf(error_s,
+ lit("~a: incomplete type ~s cannot be struct/union member"),
+ self, type, nao);
+ *pflexp = 1;
+ }
pttail = list_collect(pttail, comp_type);
pstail = list_collect(pstail, name);
@@ -3172,26 +3211,32 @@ val ffi_type_compile(val syntax)
if (sym == struct_s) {
+ int flexp = 0;
val name = cadr(syntax);
val membs = cddr(syntax);
val types;
val sname = if3(name, name, gensym(lit("ffi-struct-")));
- val slots = ffi_struct_compile(membs, &types, self);
+ val slots = ffi_membs_compile(membs, &types, &flexp, self);
val stype = or2(if2(name, find_struct_type(sname)),
make_struct_type(sname, nil, nil,
remq(nil, slots, nil),
nil, nil, nil, nil));
val xsyntax = cons(struct_s,
cons(sname, membs));
- return make_ffi_type_struct(xsyntax, stype, slots, types);
+ return make_ffi_type_struct(xsyntax, stype, slots, types, flexp);
} else if (sym == union_s) {
+ int flexp = 0;
val name = cadr(syntax);
val membs = cddr(syntax);
val sname = if3(name, name, gensym(lit("ffi-union-")));
val types;
- val slots = ffi_struct_compile(membs, &types, self);
+ val slots = ffi_membs_compile(membs, &types, &flexp, self);
val xsyntax = cons(union_s,
cons(sname, membs));
+ if (flexp)
+ uw_throwf(error_s,
+ lit("~a: unions cannot contain incomplete member"),
+ self, nao);
return make_ffi_type_union(xsyntax, union_s, slots, types);
} else if (sym == array_s || sym == zarray_s) {
if (length(syntax) == two) {
@@ -3203,10 +3248,13 @@ val ffi_type_compile(val syntax)
struct txr_ffi_type *tft = ffi_type_struct(type);
struct txr_ffi_type *etft = ffi_type_struct(eltype);
- if (etft->size == 0)
+ if (etft->incomplete || etft->bitfield)
- lit("~a: incomplete type ~s cannot be array element"),
- self, eltype_syntax, nao);
+ lit("~a: ~a ~s cannot be array element"),
+ self,
+ if3(etft->bitfield,
+ lit("bitfield"), lit("incomplete type")),
+ eltype_syntax, nao);
if (sym == zarray_s) {
tft->null_term = 1;
tft->get = ffi_varray_null_term_get;
@@ -3222,6 +3270,7 @@ val ffi_type_compile(val syntax)
tft->dynsize = ffi_varray_dynsize;
tft->free = free;
tft->size = 0;
+ tft->incomplete = 1;
return type;
} else if (length(syntax) == three) {
val dim = ffi_eval_expr(cadr(syntax), nil, nil);
@@ -3230,10 +3279,13 @@ val ffi_type_compile(val syntax)
val xsyntax = list(sym, dim, eltype_syntax, nao);
struct txr_ffi_type *etft = ffi_type_struct(eltype);
- if (etft->size == 0)
+ if (etft->incomplete || etft->bitfield)
- lit("~a: incomplete type ~s cannot be array element"),
- self, eltype_syntax, nao);
+ lit("~a: ~a ~s cannot be array element"),
+ self,
+ if3(etft->bitfield,
+ lit("bitfield"), lit("incomplete type")),
+ eltype_syntax, nao);
if (minusp(dim))
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: negative dimension in ~s"),
@@ -3381,6 +3433,7 @@ val ffi_type_compile(val syntax)
"must be 0 to ~s"),
self, nbits, num_fast(bits_int), nao);
tft->nelem = c_num(nbits);
+ tft->bitfield = 1;
return type;
} else if (sym == bit_s && !consp(cddr(syntax))) {
goto toofew;
@@ -3419,6 +3472,7 @@ val ffi_type_compile(val syntax)
tft_cp->nelem = nb;
tft_cp->put = if3(unsgnd, ffi_generic_ubit_put, ffi_generic_sbit_put);
tft_cp->get = if3(unsgnd, ffi_generic_ubit_get, ffi_generic_sbit_get);
+ tft_cp->bitfield = 1;
return type_copy;
} else if (sym == enum_s) {
val name = cadr(syntax);
@@ -3854,10 +3908,16 @@ static void ffi_init_types(void)
0, 0));
- ffi_typedef(void_s, make_ffi_type_builtin(void_s, null_s, 0, 0,
- &ffi_type_void,
- ffi_void_put, ffi_void_get,
- 0, 0));
+ {
+ val type = ffi_typedef(void_s, make_ffi_type_builtin(void_s, null_s,
+ 0, 0,
+ &ffi_type_void,
+ ffi_void_put,
+ ffi_void_get,
+ 0, 0));
+ struct txr_ffi_type *tft = ffi_type_struct(type);
+ tft->incomplete = 1;
+ }
ffi_typedef(bool_s, ffi_type_compile(cons(bool_s, cons(uchar_s, nil))));
@@ -4031,10 +4091,10 @@ val ffi_make_call_desc(val ntotal, val nfixed, val rettype, val argtypes)
for (i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
val type = pop(&argtypes);
struct txr_ffi_type *tft = ffi_type_struct_checked(self, type);
- if (tft->size == 0)
- uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: can't pass type ~s by value"),
+ if (tft->incomplete)
+ uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: can't pass incomplete type ~s by value"),
self, type, nao);
- if (bitfield_syntax_p(tft->syntax))
+ if (tft->bitfield)
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: can't pass bitfield as argument"),
self, nao);
args[i] = tft->ft;
@@ -4042,10 +4102,10 @@ val ffi_make_call_desc(val ntotal, val nfixed, val rettype, val argtypes)
struct txr_ffi_type *tft = ffi_type_struct_checked(self, rettype);
- if (tft->size == 0 && tft->ft != &ffi_type_void)
- uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: can't return type ~s by value"),
+ if (tft->incomplete && tft->ft != &ffi_type_void)
+ uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: can't return incomplete type ~s by value"),
self, rettype, nao);
- if (bitfield_syntax_p(tft->syntax))
+ if (tft->bitfield)
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: can't return bitfield from function"),
self, nao);
@@ -4308,7 +4368,7 @@ val ffi_typedef(val name, val type)
val self = lit("ffi-typedef");
struct txr_ffi_type *tft = ffi_type_struct_checked(self, type);
- if (bitfield_syntax_p(tft->syntax))
+ if (tft->bitfield)
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: cannot create a typedef for bitfield type"),
self, nao);
return sethash(ffi_typedef_hash, name, type);
@@ -4318,7 +4378,7 @@ val ffi_size(val type)
val self = lit("ffi-size");
struct txr_ffi_type *tft = ffi_type_struct_checked(self, type);
- if (bitfield_syntax_p(tft->syntax))
+ if (tft->bitfield)
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: bitfield type ~s has no size"),
self, type, nao);
return num(tft->size);
@@ -4328,7 +4388,7 @@ val ffi_alignof(val type)
val self = lit("ffi-alignof");
struct txr_ffi_type *tft = ffi_type_struct_checked(self, type);
- if (bitfield_syntax_p(tft->syntax))
+ if (tft->bitfield)
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: bitfield type ~s has no alignment"),
self, type, nao);
return num(tft->align);
@@ -4722,6 +4782,16 @@ val carray_blank(val nelem, val type)
+static void carray_elem_check(struct txr_ffi_type *tft, val self)
+ if (tft->incomplete || tft->bitfield)
+ uw_throwf(error_s,
+ lit("~a: ~s ~s cannot be carray element"),
+ self, if3(tft->bitfield,
+ lit("bitfield"), lit("incomplete type")),
+ tft->syntax, nao);
val carray_buf(val buf, val type, val offs_in)
val self = lit("carray-buf");
@@ -4739,10 +4809,7 @@ val carray_buf(val buf, val type, val offs_in)
lit("~a: offset ~s past end of buffer ~s"),
self, offs, buf, nao);
- if (tft->size == 0)
- uw_throwf(error_s,
- lit("~a: incomplete type ~s cannot be carray element"),
- self, tft->syntax, nao);
+ carray_elem_check(tft, self);
return make_carray(type, data + offsn, nelem, buf, offsn);
@@ -5097,10 +5164,7 @@ val carray_pun(val carray, val type)
cnum elsize = scry->eltft->size;
cnum size = (ucnum) len * (ucnum) elsize;
- if (tft->size == 0)
- uw_throwf(error_s,
- lit("~a: incomplete type ~s cannot be carray element"),
- self, tft->syntax, nao);
+ carray_elem_check(tft, self);
if (len != 0 && size / elsize != len)
uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: array size overflow"), self, nao);
@@ -5114,10 +5178,7 @@ val carray_unum(val num, val eltype_in)
val eltype = default_arg(eltype_in, ffi_type_compile(uchar_s));
struct txr_ffi_type *tft = ffi_type_struct(eltype);
- if (tft->size == 0)
- uw_throwf(error_s,
- lit("~a: incomplete type ~s cannot be carray element"),
- self, tft->syntax, nao);
+ carray_elem_check(tft, self);
switch (type(num)) {
case NUM: case CHR:
@@ -5152,10 +5213,7 @@ val carray_num(val num, val eltype_in)
val eltype = default_arg(eltype_in, ffi_type_compile(uchar_s));
struct txr_ffi_type *tft = ffi_type_struct(eltype);
- if (tft->size == 0)
- uw_throwf(error_s,
- lit("~a: incomplete type ~s cannot be carray element"),
- self, tft->syntax, nao);
+ carray_elem_check(tft, self);
switch (type(num)) {
case NUM: case CHR:
diff --git a/lib.h b/lib.h
index 4558085a..92ae34df 100644
--- a/lib.h
+++ b/lib.h
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ extern val query_error_s, file_error_s, process_error_s, syntax_error_s;
extern val timeout_error_s, system_error_s, alloc_error_s;
extern val path_not_found_s, path_exists_s, path_permission_s;
extern val warning_s, defr_warning_s, restart_s, continue_s;
-extern val gensym_counter_s;
+extern val gensym_counter_s, length_s;
extern val rplaca_s, rplacd_s, seq_iter_s;
#define gensym_counter (deref(lookup_var_l(nil, gensym_counter_s)))
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index 02b47cc1..150ed5a2 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -62011,6 +62011,22 @@ and
.code bit
compound type operators.
+A structure member must not be an incomplete or zero sized array,
+unless it is the last member. If the last member of FFI structure is
+an incomplete array, then it is a flexible structure.
+A structure member must not be a flexible structure, unless it is the
+last member; the containing structure is then itself a flexible structure.
+Flexible structures correspond to the C concept of a "flexible array member":
+the idea that the last member of a structure may be an array of unknown size,
+which allows for variable-length data at the end of a structure, provided
+that the memory is suitably allocated.
+Flexible structures are subject to special restrictions and requirements. See
+the section Flexible Structures below. In particular, flexible structures
+may not be passed or returned by value.
See also: the
.code make-zstruct
function and the
@@ -63025,6 +63041,73 @@ members of structs and elements of arrays.
representation to the foreign representations exhibiting the specified
+.SS* Incomplete Types
+In the \*(TL FFI type system, the following types are
+.IR incomplete :
+the type
+.codn void ,
+arrays of unspecified size, and any
+.code struct
+whose last element is of incomplete type.
+An incomplete type cannot used as a function parameter type, or a return
+value type. It may not be used as an array element or union member type.
+A struct member type may be incomplete only if it is the last member.
+An incomplete structure whose last member is an array is a
+.IR "flexible structure" .
+.SS* Flexible Structures
+If a FFI
+.code struct
+type is defined with an incomplete array (an array of unspecified size) as its
+last member, then it specifies an incomplete type known as a
+.IR "flexible structure" .
+That array is the
+.IR "terminating array" .
+The terminating array corresponds to a slot in the Lisp structure; that
+slot is the
+.IR "last slot" .
+A structure which has a flexible structure as its last member is also,
+effectively, a flexible structure.
+When a Lisp structure is being converted to the foreign representation
+under the control of a flexible structure FFI type, the number of elements
+in the terminating array is determined from the length of the object
+stored in the last slot of the Lisp structure. The length includes the
+terminating null element for
+.code zarray
+types. The conversion is consistent with the semantics of an incomplete
+arrays that is not a structure member.
+In the reverse direction, when a foreign representation is being converted
+to a Lisp structure under the control of a flexible structure FFI type,
+the size of the array that is accessed and extracted is determined from
+the length of the object stored in the last slot, or, if the array type
+is a
+.code zarray
+from detecting null-termination of the foreign array. The conversion of
+the array itself is consistent with the semantics of an incomplete
+arrays that is not a structure member.
+Before the conversion takes place, all of the members of the
+structure prior to the the terminating array, are extracted and converted to
+Lisp representations. The corresponding slots of the Lisp structure are
+updated. Then if the Lisp structure type has a
+.code length
+method, that method is invoked. The return value of the method is used
+to perform an adjustment on the object in the last slot.
+If the existing object in the last slot is a vector, its length is adjusted to
+the value returned by the method. If the existing
+object isn't a vector, then it is replaced by a new
+.codn nil -filled
+vector, whose length is given by the return value of
+.codn length .
+The conversion of the terminating array to Lisp representation the proceeds
+after this adjustment, using the adjusted last slot object.
.SS* Bitfield Allocation Rules
The \*(TL FFI type system follows rules for bitfield allocation which were
experimentally derived from the behavior of the GNU C compiler on several
@@ -64112,12 +64195,11 @@ expression is evaluated to an object value.
.code type-syntax
-denotes a variable length type, and the
+denotes an incomplete array or structure type, and the
.meta object-expr
argument is present, then a
.I "dynamic size" is computed: the actual number of bytes required to store
-that object value as a foreign representation of the specified variable length
+that object value as a foreign representation.
.code sizeof
@@ -64130,6 +64212,18 @@ is omitted, or if it is a constant expression according to the
.code constantp
+For the type
+.codn void ,
+incomplete array types, and bitfield types, the one-argument form of
+.code sizeof
+reports zero.
+For incomplete structure types, the one-argument
+.code sizeof
+reports a size which is equivalent to the offset of the last member.
+The size of an incomplete structure does not include padding
+for the most strictly aligned member.
.coNP Macro @ alignof
.mets (alignof << type-syntax )