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1 files changed, 44 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/share/txr/stdlib/ b/share/txr/stdlib/
index f6d57e1e..ffb09e1c 100644
--- a/share/txr/stdlib/
+++ b/share/txr/stdlib/
@@ -592,6 +592,8 @@
(compile-error *match-form*
"unrecognized pattern syntax ~s" pat))))
(sys:var (compile-var-match (cadr pat) obj-var var-list))
+ (sys:quasi (compile-match (expand-quasi-match (cdr pat) var-list)
+ obj-var var-list))
(t (if (non-triv-pat-p pat)
(compile-cons-structure pat obj-var var-list)
(compile-atom-match pat obj-var var-list)))))
@@ -813,18 +815,35 @@
@(with @(as ,(check-sym f 'end evar t) ,pend)
(nthlast ,lend ,obj)))))
-(defmatch sys:quasi (:form f :env env . args)
- (labels ((bound-p (env vars sym)
+(defun non-triv-pat-p (syntax) t)
+(defun non-triv-pat-p (syntax)
+ (match-case syntax
+ ((@(eq 'sys:expr) (@(bindable) . @nil)) t)
+ ((@(eq 'sys:var) @(or @(bindable) nil) . @nil) t)
+ ((@pat . @rest) (or (non-triv-pat-p pat)
+ (non-triv-pat-p rest)))
+ (#R(@from @to) (or (non-triv-pat-p from)
+ (non-triv-pat-p to)))
+ (@(some @(non-triv-pat-p)) t)))
+(defun var-pat-p (syntax)
+ (when-match (@(eq 'sys:var) @(bindable @sym) . @nil) syntax
+ sym))
+(defun expand-quasi-match (args var-list)
+ (labels ((bound-p (vlist vars sym)
- ((bindable sym) (or (member sym vars) (lexical-var-p env sym)))
+ ((bindable sym) (or (member sym vars) vlist.(exists sym)))
((null sym) t)
- ((compile-error f "bindable symbol expected, not ~s" sym))))
+ ((compile-error *match-form* "bindable symbol expected, not ~s"
+ sym))))
(normalize (args)
(mapcar (do if-match (@(eq 'sys:var) @sym nil) @1
^(sys:var ,sym)
- (quasi-match (env args vars str pos)
+ (quasi-match (vlist args vars str pos)
(match-case args
;; `text`
((@(stringp @txt))
@@ -834,20 +853,20 @@
(with-gensyms (npos)
(cons ^@(require @(with ,npos ,(len txt))
(starts-with ,txt ,str))
- (quasi-match env rest vars str npos))))
+ (quasi-match vlist rest vars str npos))))
;; `@var` (existing binding)
- (((@(eq 'sys:var) @(bound-p env vars @sym) . @nil))
+ (((@(eq 'sys:var) @(bound-p vlist vars @sym) . @nil))
(list ^@(require @nil (str= (sys:quasi ,(car args))
(sub-str ,str ,pos t)))))
;; `@var@...` (existing binding)
- (((@(eq 'sys:var) @(bound-p env vars @sym) . @nil) . @rest)
+ (((@(eq 'sys:var) @(bound-p vlist vars @sym) . @nil) . @rest)
(with-gensyms (txt len npos)
(list* ^@(with ,txt (sys:quasi ,(car args)))
^@(with ,len (len ,txt))
^@(with ,npos (+ ,pos ,len))
^@(require @nil
(str= ,txt (sub-str ,str ,pos ,npos)))
- (quasi-match env (cdr args) vars str npos))))
+ (quasi-match vlist (cdr args) vars str npos))))
;; `@var` (new binding)
(((@(eq 'sys:var) @sym))
(list ^@(with ,sym (sub-str ,str ,pos t))))
@@ -862,12 +881,13 @@
^@(with ,npos (+ ,pos ,len))
^@(with ,sym (sub-str ,str ,pos ,npos))
- (quasi-match env rest (cons sym vars) str npos))))
+ (quasi-match vlist rest (cons sym vars) str npos))))
;; `@{var 123}` (new binding)
(((@(eq 'sys:var) @sym (@(integerp @len))))
(unless (plusp len)
- (compile-error f "variable ~s: positive integer required, \
- \ not ~a" sym))
+ (compile-error *match-form*
+ "variable ~s: positive integer required,\ \
+ not ~a" sym))
(with-gensyms (npos)
(list ^@(require @(with ,npos (+ ,pos ,len))
(eql ,npos (len ,str)))
@@ -875,13 +895,14 @@
;; `@{var 123}@...`` (new binding)
(((@(eq 'sys:var) @sym (@(integerp @len))) . @rest)
(unless (plusp len)
- (compile-error f "variable ~s: positive integer required, \
- \ not ~a" sym))
+ (compile-error *match-form*
+ "variable ~s: positive integer required,\ \
+ not ~a" sym))
(with-gensyms (npos)
(list* ^@(require @(with ,npos (+ ,pos ,len))
(<= ,npos (len ,str)))
^@(with ,sym (sub-str ,str ,pos ,npos))
- (quasi-match env rest (cons sym vars) str npos))))
+ (quasi-match vlist rest (cons sym vars) str npos))))
;; `@{var}txt` (new binding)
(((@(eq 'sys:var) @sym) @(stringp @txt) . @rest)
(with-gensyms (len end npos)
@@ -890,11 +911,11 @@
^@(with ,end (+ ,pos ,len))
^@(with ,npos (+ ,end ,(len txt)))
^@(with ,sym (sub-str ,str ,pos ,end))
- (quasi-match env (cdr rest) (cons sym vars)
+ (quasi-match vlist (cdr rest) (cons sym vars)
str npos))))
;; `@var0@var1` (unbound followed by bound)
(((@(eq 'sys:var) @sym)
- (@(eq 'sys:var) @(bound-p env vars @bsym) . @mods)
+ (@(eq 'sys:var) @(bound-p vlist vars @bsym) . @mods)
. @rest)
(with-gensyms (txt len end npos)
(list* ^@(with ,txt (sys:quasi ,(cadr args)))
@@ -903,37 +924,24 @@
^@(with ,end (+ ,pos ,len))
^@(with ,npos (+ ,end (len ,txt)))
^@(with ,sym (sub-str ,str ,pos ,end))
- (quasi-match env (cdr rest) (cons sym vars)
+ (quasi-match vlist (cdr rest) (cons sym vars)
str npos))))
;; `@{var whatever}@...`(new binding, unsupported modifiers)
(((@(eq 'sys:var) @sym @mods . @nil) . @rest)
- (compile-error f "variable ~s: unsupported modifiers ~s"
+ (compile-error *match-form*
+ "variable ~s: unsupported modifiers ~s"
sym mods))
;; `@var0@var1` (unbound followed by unbound)
(((@(eq 'sys:var) @sym0)
(@(eq 'sys:var) @sym1 . @mods)
. @rest)
- (compile-error f "consecutive unbound variables ~s and ~s"
+ (compile-error *match-form*
+ "consecutive unbound variables ~s and ~s"
sym0 sym1)))))
(with-gensyms (str pos)
^@(and @(require (sys:var ,str)
(stringp ,str))
@(with ,pos 0)
- ,*(quasi-match env (normalize args) nil str pos)))))
+ ,*(quasi-match var-list (normalize args) nil str pos)))))
-(defun non-triv-pat-p (syntax) t)
-(defun non-triv-pat-p (syntax)
- (match-case syntax
- ((@(eq 'sys:expr) (@(bindable) . @nil)) t)
- ((@(eq 'sys:var) @(or @(bindable) nil) . @nil) t)
- ((@pat . @rest) (or (non-triv-pat-p pat)
- (non-triv-pat-p rest)))
- (#R(@from @to) (or (non-triv-pat-p from)
- (non-triv-pat-p to)))
- (@(some @(non-triv-pat-p)) t)))
-(defun var-pat-p (syntax)
- (when-match (@(eq 'sys:var) @(bindable @sym) . @nil) syntax
- sym))