diff options
4 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ffi.c b/ffi.c
index f85dec4e..591c0d16 100644
--- a/ffi.c
+++ b/ffi.c
@@ -4600,6 +4600,98 @@ val carray_sub(val carray, val from, val to)
+val carray_replace(val carray, val values, val from, val to)
+ val self = lit("carray-replace");
+ struct carray *scry = carray_struct_checked(carray);
+ cnum ln = scry->nelem;
+ val len = num(ln);
+ val vlen = length(values);
+ if (null_or_missing_p(from))
+ from = zero;
+ if (null_or_missing_p(to))
+ to = len;
+ if (minusp(to))
+ to = plus(to, len);
+ if (minusp(from))
+ from = plus(from, len);
+ {
+ cnum fn = c_num(from);
+ cnum tn = c_num(to);
+ struct txr_ffi_type *eltft = scry->eltft;
+ cnum elsize = eltft->size;
+ cnum size = (ucnum) ln * (ucnum) elsize;
+ cnum vn = c_num(vlen);
+ cnum sn;
+ mem_t *ptr;
+ if (fn < 0)
+ fn = 0;
+ if (tn < 0)
+ tn = 0;
+ if (tn > ln)
+ tn = ln;
+ if (fn > ln)
+ fn = ln;
+ if (tn < fn)
+ tn = fn;
+ sn = fn + vn;
+ if (sn > ln)
+ sn = ln;
+ if ((ln != 0 && size / elsize != ln) || (sn < fn))
+ uw_throwf(error_s, lit("~a: array size overflow"), self, nao);
+ ptr = scry->data + fn * elsize;
+ {
+ cnum oldrange = (tn - fn) * elsize;
+ cnum newrange = (sn - fn) * elsize;
+ cnum tail = (ln - tn) * elsize;
+ cnum whole = ln * elsize;
+ if (newrange > oldrange) {
+ cnum delta = newrange - oldrange;
+ memmove(ptr + newrange, ptr + oldrange, tail - delta);
+ } else if (newrange < oldrange) {
+ cnum delta = oldrange - newrange;
+ memmove(ptr + newrange, ptr + oldrange, tail);
+ memset(ptr + whole - delta, 0, delta);
+ }
+ }
+ if (consp(values)) {
+ val iter;
+ for (iter = values; fn < sn; iter = cdr(iter), fn++, ptr += elsize)
+ {
+ val newval = car(iter);
+ eltft->put(eltft, newval, ptr, self);
+ }
+ } else if (values) {
+ cnum i;
+ for (i = 0; fn < sn; i++, fn++, ptr += elsize) {
+ val newval = ref(values, num_fast(i));
+ eltft->put(eltft, newval, ptr, self);
+ }
+ }
+ return carray;
+ }
static void carray_ensure_artype(val carray, struct carray *scry)
if (!scry->artype) {
@@ -4793,6 +4885,7 @@ void ffi_init(void)
reg_fun(intern(lit("carray-ref"), user_package), func_n2(carray_ref));
reg_fun(intern(lit("carray-refset"), user_package), func_n3(carray_refset));
reg_fun(intern(lit("carray-sub"), user_package), func_n3o(carray_sub, 1));
+ reg_fun(intern(lit("carray-replace"), user_package), func_n4o(carray_replace, 2));
reg_fun(intern(lit("carray-get"), user_package), func_n1(carray_get));
reg_fun(intern(lit("carray-getz"), user_package), func_n1(carray_getz));
reg_fun(intern(lit("carray-put"), user_package), func_n2(carray_put));
diff --git a/ffi.h b/ffi.h
index 49efc83f..773b0bfd 100644
--- a/ffi.h
+++ b/ffi.h
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ val list_carray(val carray, val null_term_p);
val carray_ref(val carray, val idx);
val carray_refset(val carray, val idx, val newval);
val carray_sub(val carray, val from, val to);
+val carray_replace(val carray, val values, val from, val to);
val carray_get(val carray);
val carray_getz(val carray);
val carray_put(val array, val seq);
diff --git a/lib.c b/lib.c
index 4c345615..43d429df 100644
--- a/lib.c
+++ b/lib.c
@@ -9263,6 +9263,10 @@ val replace(val seq, val items, val from, val to)
return replace_str(seq, items, from, to);
case VEC:
return replace_vec(seq, items, from, to);
+ case COBJ:
+ if (seq->co.cls == carray_s)
+ return carray_replace(seq, items, from, to);
+ /* fallthrough */
type_mismatch(lit("replace: ~s is not a sequence"), seq, nao);
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index ba900fa1..08181daa 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -25115,6 +25115,15 @@ is a list, then
be monotonically increasing.
+.meta sequence
+is a
+.code carray
+object, then
+.code replace
+behaves like
+.codn carray-replace .
.coNP Function @ take
.mets (take < count << sequence )
@@ -56861,6 +56870,74 @@ can be severed by invoking
on the returned object, after which the two no longer share storage,
and modifications in the original are not reflected in the subrange.
+.coNP Function @ carray-replace
+.mets (carray-replace < carray < item-sequence >> [ from <> [ to ]])
+.code carray-replace
+function is a specialized version of
+.code replace
+which works on
+.code carray
+objects. It replaces a sub-range of
+.meta carray
+with elements from
+.metn item-sequence .
+The replacement sequence need not have the same length
+as the range which it replaces.
+The semantics of
+.meta from
+.meta to
+work exactly like the corresponding arguments of the
+.code replace
+function, following the same conventions.
+The semantics of the
+.code carray-replace
+operation itself differs from the
+.code replace
+semantics on sequences in one important regard: the
+.code carray
+object's length always remains the same.
+The range indicated by
+.meta from
+.meta to
+is deleted from
+.meta carray
+and replaced by elements of
+.metn item-sequence ,
+which undergo conversion to the foreign type that defines the
+elements of
+.metn carray .
+If this operation would make the
+.code carray
+longer, any elements in excess of the object's length are discarded,
+whether they are the original elements, or whether they come from
+.metn item-sequence .
+Under no circumstances does
+.code carray-replace
+write an element beyond the length of the underlying storage.
+If this operation would make the
+.meta carray
+shorter (the range being replaced is longer than
+.metn item-sequence )
+then the downward relocation of items above the replacement range
+creates a gap at the end of
+.meta carray
+which is filled with zero bytes.
+The return value is
+.meta carray
.coNP Function @ carray-pun
.mets (carray-sub < carray << type )