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2 files changed, 216 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/sysif.c b/sysif.c
index 567cff44..9bc81f75 100644
--- a/sysif.c
+++ b/sysif.c
@@ -543,21 +543,170 @@ static int get_fd(val stream, val self)
+#define CHM_O 4
+#define CHM_G 2
+#define CHM_U 1
+enum chm_state { chm_who, chm_perm, chm_nxtop, chm_comma };
+enum chm_op { chm_add, chm_sub, chm_set };
+static val stat_wrap(val path);
static val chmod_wrap(val target, val mode)
val self = lit("chmod");
- cnum cmode = c_num(mode);
- int err;
+ cnum cmode = 0;
+ int err = 0;
+ char *u8path = if3(stringp(target), utf8_dup_to(c_str(target)), 0);
+ int fd = if3(u8path, -1, get_fd(target, self));
+ if (integerp(mode)) {
+ cmode = c_num(mode);
+ } else if (stringp(mode)) {
+ struct stat st;
+ unsigned who = 0;
+ enum chm_state cs = chm_who;
+ enum chm_op op = chm_add;
- if (stringp(target)) {
- char *u8path = utf8_dup_to(c_str(target));
- err = chmod(u8path, cmode);
+ if (u8path)
+ err = stat(u8path, &st);
+ else
+ err = fstat(fd, &st);
+ if (err == 0) {
+ const wchar_t *cm = c_str(mode);
+ wchar_t ch;
+ mode_t srcm = 0;
+ cmode = st.st_mode;
+ while ((ch = *cm++) != 0) {
+ switch (cs) {
+ case chm_who:
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'u': who |= CHM_U; continue;
+ case 'g': who |= CHM_G; continue;
+ case 'o': who |= CHM_O; continue;
+ case 'a': who |= CHM_U | CHM_G | CHM_O; continue;
+ case '+': op = chm_add; cs = chm_perm; continue;
+ case '-': op = chm_sub; cs = chm_perm; continue;
+ case '=': op = chm_set; cs = chm_perm; break;
+ default:
+ goto inval;
+ }
+ break;
+ case chm_nxtop:
+ srcm = 0;
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '+': op = chm_add; cs = chm_perm; continue;
+ case '-': op = chm_sub; cs = chm_perm; continue;
+ case '=': op = chm_set; cs = chm_perm; break;
+ default: goto perm;
+ }
+ break;
+ perm:
+ case chm_perm:
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'u': srcm |= (cmode & 0700) >> 6; cs = chm_comma; break;
+ case 'g': srcm |= (cmode & 0070) >> 3; cs = chm_comma; break;
+ case 'o': srcm |= (cmode & 0007); cs = chm_comma; break;
+ case 'r': srcm |= 4; cs = chm_nxtop; break;
+ case 'w': srcm |= 2; cs = chm_nxtop; break;
+ case 'x': srcm |= 1; cs = chm_nxtop; break;
+ case 's': srcm |= 010; cs = chm_nxtop; break;
+ case 't': srcm |= 020; cs = chm_nxtop; break;
+ case 'X': srcm |= ((cmode & 0111) != 0 ||
+ S_ISDIR(cmode)); cs = chm_nxtop; break;
+ case ',': srcm = 0; who = 0; cs = chm_who; continue;
+ default:
+ goto inval;
+ }
+ break;
+ case chm_comma:
+ if (ch != ',')
+ goto inval;
+ cs = chm_who;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ mode_t bits = 0;
+ mode_t mask = 0;
+ int do_um = (who == 0);
+ if (do_um)
+ who = CHM_U | CHM_G | CHM_O;
+ if ((srcm & 020))
+ bits |= S_ISVTX;
+ if ((who & CHM_U) != 0) {
+ mask |= 0700;
+ if ((srcm & 010))
+ bits |= S_ISUID;
+ bits |= (srcm & 7) << 6;
+ }
+ if ((who & CHM_G) != 0) {
+ mask |= 0070;
+ if ((srcm & 010))
+ bits |= S_ISGID;
+ bits |= (srcm & 7) << 3;
+ }
+ if ((who & CHM_O) != 0) {
+ mask |= 0007;
+ bits |= (srcm & 7);
+ }
+ if (do_um) {
+ mode_t um = umask(0777);
+ umask(um);
+ bits &= ~um;
+ }
+ switch (op) {
+ case chm_add: cmode |= bits; break;
+ case chm_sub: cmode &= ~bits; break;
+ case chm_set:
+ cmode &= ~mask;
+ if ((who & CHM_O) != 0)
+ bits &= ~S_ISVTX; /* GNU Coreutils 8.28 chmod behavior */
+ if (!S_ISDIR(cmode))
+ cmode &= ~(S_ISUID | S_ISGID);
+ cmode |= bits;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cs == chm_who)
+ goto inval;
+ }
+ uw_throwf(file_error_s, lit("~s: ~s mode requires stat"),
+ self, mode, nao);
} else {
- int fd = get_fd(target, self);
- err = fchmod(fd, cmode);
+ free(u8path);
+ uw_throwf(file_error_s, lit("~s: invalid mode ~s"),
+ self, mode, nao);
+ if (err == 0) {
+ if (u8path) {
+ err = chmod(u8path, cmode);
+ } else {
+ int fd = get_fd(target, self);
+ err = fchmod(fd, cmode);
+ }
+ }
+ free(u8path);
if (err < 0) {
int eno = errno;
uw_throwf(errno_to_file_error(eno), lit("~a ~a #o~o: ~d/~s"),
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index c00a01f9..d2fef865 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -58010,14 +58010,59 @@ It is implemented in terms of the POSIX functions
.code chmod
.codn fchmod .
+.meta mode
+is a character string representing a symbolic mode, then the function
+also makes use of
+.code stat
+.code fstat
+.codn umask .
The permissions are specified by
.metn mode ,
-an integer argument.
+which must be an integer or a string.
-The existing permissions may be obtained using the
-.code stat
+An integer
+.meta mode
+is a bitwise combination of permission mode bits. The value is passed
+directly to the POSIX
+.code chmod
+.code fchmod
+Note: to construct a mode value, applications may use
+.code logior
+to combine the values
+of the variables like
+.code s-irusr
+.code s-ixoth
+or take advantage of the well-known numeric structure of POSIX
+permissions to express them octal in octal notation. For instance the mode
+.code #o750
+denotes that the owner has read, write and execute permissions,
+the group owner has read and execute, others have no permission.
+This value may also be calculated using
+.codn "(logior s-irwxu s-irgrp s-ixgrp)" .
+If the argument to
+.meta mode
+is a string, it is interpreted according to the symbolic syntax
+of the POSIX
+.code chmod
+utility. For instance, a
+.meta mode
+value of
+.str a+w,-s
+means to give all users (owner, group and others) write permission,
+and remove the setuid and setgid bits.
+The full syntax and semantics of symbolic
+.meta mode
+strings is given in the POSIX standard IEEE 1003.1.
The function throws a
.code file-error
@@ -58057,6 +58102,14 @@ function.
+Implementation note: The implementation of the symbolic
+.meta mode
+processing is based on the descriptions given in IEEE 1003.1-2018,
+Issue 7 and also on the
+.code chmod
+program from from GNU Coreutils 8.28: and experiments with its behavior,
+and its documentation.
.coNP Functions @ chown and @ lchown
.mets (chown < target < id << gid )
@@ -58718,7 +58771,10 @@ The
function alters the permission of each object that is not a symbolic link
using the
.code chmod
-function. Each object which is a symbolic link is ignored.
+function, and
+.meta mode
+is interpreted accordingly: it may be an integer or string.
+Each object which is a symbolic link is ignored.
.code chown-rec