diff options
6 files changed, 130 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 07b189d3..badd5347 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
2014-01-29 Kaz Kylheku <>
+ Version 77
+ * txr.c (version): Bumped.
+ * txr.1: Bumped version and set date.
+ * configure (txr_ver): Bumped.
+ * RELNOTES, txr.vim: Updated.
+2014-01-29 Kaz Kylheku <>
* regex.c (match_regex_right): Fix not returning value.
2014-01-29 Kaz Kylheku <>
diff --git a/RELNOTES b/RELNOTES
index 55da3f05..48c82a3d 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,56 @@
+ TXR 77
+ 2014-01-30
+ Features
+ - More streamlined parser containing fewer hacks, and fewer obscure
+ cases that don't work.
+ - @'expr syntax now works as expected in directives for evaluating quoted
+ TXR Lisp expressions.
+ - In nested uses of the do and op operators in TXR Lisp there is now
+ a way to refer to the outer parameters from the inner nestings, using
+ compounded meta syntax like (op (op @1 @@1)), where @1 is argument 1
+ of the function denoted by the inner op, and @@1 is argument 1 of the
+ outer function. Each additional @ "escapes" out one level of nesting
+ of the op syntax.
+ - New update and hash-update functions.
+ - The interfaces of reduce-left and reduce-right functions has been
+ improved, making them easier to use, while mostly retaining backward
+ compatibility.
+ - New functions remove-path and rename-path for removing and renaming
+ filesystem objects.
+ - Catenated streams, previously an internal feature, are exposed
+ now via the make-catenated-stream function.
+ - Scope rule change for expressions that provide default intialization
+ for optional arguments. These eexpressions now have the parameters
+ in scope, and so now uses like (lambda (x : (y (length x))) ...)
+ are possible where y is initialized with (length x) if the argument
+ is not supplied. Previously, parameter x would not have been considered
+ to be in scope of the expression (length x).
+ Bugs
+ - Fixed neglected handling of result form in dohash syntax.
+ - In the object printer, the handling of syntax like @(sys:var x ...) was
+ ignoring any additional ... forms, and rendering as @x.
+ - Fixed possible race condition in tail streams, whereby when a file
+ rotates, the stream prematurely follows the new file, neglecting
+ to read the last piece of material just added to the previous file.
TXR 76
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index ac6f38ac..638c698d 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ fi
# The all important banner.
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index f92bedba..aafa1411 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
-.TH "TXR" 1 2014-01-23 "Utility Commands" "Txr Text Processing Language" "Kaz Kylheku"
+.TH "TXR" 1 2014-01-30 "Utility Commands" "Txr Text Processing Language" "Kaz Kylheku"
-txr \- text processing language (version 76)
+txr \- text processing language (version 77)
.B txr [ options ] query-file { data-file }*
diff --git a/txr.c b/txr.c
index 3dd8ec77..8de41444 100644
--- a/txr.c
+++ b/txr.c
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
#include "eval.h"
#include "txr.h"
-const wchli_t *version = wli("76");
+const wchli_t *version = wli("77");
const wchar_t *progname = L"txr";
val self_path;
diff --git a/txr.vim b/txr.vim
index f03e809b..ddff5ff7 100644
--- a/txr.vim
+++ b/txr.vim
@@ -91,66 +91,67 @@ syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-emerg log-err log-info log-ndelay
syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-notice log-nowait log-odelay log-perror
syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-pid log-user log-warning logand
syn keyword txl_keyword contained logior lognot logtest logtrunc
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained logxor make-hash make-lazy-cons make-package
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-random-state make-similar-hash make-string-byte-input-stream make-string-input-stream
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-string-output-stream make-strlist-output-stream make-sym make-time
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-time-utc mapcar mapcar* maphash
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained mappend mappend* mask match-fun
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained match-regex match-regex-right match-str match-str-tree
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained max memq memql memqual
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained merge min mkstring mod
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained multi-sort n-choose-k n-perm-k none
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained not nreverse null num-chr
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained num-str numberp oddp op
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained open-command open-directory open-file open-pipe
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained open-process open-tail openlog or
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained orf packagep pop pprint
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained print prog1 progn prop
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained proper-listp push pushhash put-byte
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained put-char put-line put-string qquote
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained quasi quote rand random
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained random-fixnum random-state-p range range*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained read real-time-stream-p reduce-left reduce-right
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained ref refset regex-compile regex-parse
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained regexp regsub rehome-sym remhash
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained remove-if remove-if* remq remq*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained remql remql* remqual remqual*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained repeat replace replace-list replace-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained replace-vec rest return return-from
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained reverse rplaca rplacd s-ifblk
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-ifchr s-ifdir s-ififo s-iflnk
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-ifmt s-ifreg s-irgrp s-iroth
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-irusr s-irwxg s-irwxo s-irwxu
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-isgid s-isuid s-isvtx s-iwgrp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-iwoth s-iwusr s-ixgrp s-ixoth
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-ixusr search-regex search-str search-str-tree
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained second seek-stream set set-diff
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained set-hash-userdata set-sig-handler sethash setlogmask
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-abrt sig-alrm sig-bus sig-check
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-chld sig-cont sig-fpe sig-hup
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-ill sig-int sig-io sig-iot
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-kill sig-lost sig-pipe sig-poll
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-prof sig-pwr sig-quit sig-segv
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-stkflt sig-stop sig-sys sig-term
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-trap sig-tstp sig-ttin sig-ttou
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-urg sig-usr1 sig-usr2 sig-vtalrm
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-winch sig-xcpu sig-xfsz sin
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sixth size-vec some sort
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained source-loc source-loc-str span-str splice
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained split-str split-str-set sqrt stat
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained stream-get-prop stream-set-prop streamp string-cmp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained string-extend string-lt stringp sub
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sub-list sub-str sub-vec symbol-function
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbol-name symbol-package symbol-value symbolp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained syslog tan third throw
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained throwf time time-fields-local time-fields-utc
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-string-local time-string-utc time-usec tok-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained tostring tostringp tree-find trim-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained trunc typeof unget-byte unget-char
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained unquote upcase-str update url-decode
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained url-encode usleep uw-protect vec-push
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained vec-set-length vecref vector vector-list
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained vectorp zerop
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained logxor make-catenated-stream make-hash make-lazy-cons
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-package make-random-state make-similar-hash make-string-byte-input-stream
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-string-input-stream make-string-output-stream make-strlist-output-stream make-sym
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-time make-time-utc mapcar mapcar*
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained maphash mappend mappend* mask
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained match-fun match-regex match-regex-right match-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained match-str-tree max memq memql
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained memqual merge min mkstring
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained mod multi-sort n-choose-k n-perm-k
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained none not nreverse null
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained num-chr num-str numberp oddp
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained op open-command open-directory open-file
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained open-pipe open-process open-tail openlog
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained or orf packagep pop
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained pprint print prog1 progn
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained prop proper-listp push pushhash
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained put-byte put-char put-line put-string
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained qquote quasi quote rand
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained random random-fixnum random-state-p range
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained range* read real-time-stream-p reduce-left
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained reduce-right ref refset regex-compile
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained regex-parse regexp regsub rehome-sym
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained remhash remove-if remove-if* remove-path
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained remq remq* remql remql*
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained remqual remqual* rename-path repeat
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained replace replace-list replace-str replace-vec
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained rest return return-from reverse
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained rplaca rplacd s-ifblk s-ifchr
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-ifdir s-ififo s-iflnk s-ifmt
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-ifreg s-irgrp s-iroth s-irusr
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-irwxg s-irwxo s-irwxu s-isgid
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-isuid s-isvtx s-iwgrp s-iwoth
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-iwusr s-ixgrp s-ixoth s-ixusr
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained search-regex search-str search-str-tree second
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained seek-stream set set-diff set-hash-userdata
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained set-sig-handler sethash setlogmask sig-abrt
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-alrm sig-bus sig-check sig-chld
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-cont sig-fpe sig-hup sig-ill
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-int sig-io sig-iot sig-kill
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-lost sig-pipe sig-poll sig-prof
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-pwr sig-quit sig-segv sig-stkflt
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-stop sig-sys sig-term sig-trap
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-tstp sig-ttin sig-ttou sig-urg
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-usr1 sig-usr2 sig-vtalrm sig-winch
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-xcpu sig-xfsz sin sixth
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained size-vec some sort source-loc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained source-loc-str span-str splice split-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained split-str-set sqrt stat stream-get-prop
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained stream-set-prop streamp string-cmp string-extend
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained string-lt stringp sub sub-list
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sub-str sub-vec symbol-function symbol-name
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbol-package symbol-value symbolp syslog
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tan third throw throwf
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained time time-fields-local time-fields-utc time-string-local
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-string-utc time-usec tok-str tostring
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tostringp tree-find trim-str trunc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained typeof unget-byte unget-char unquote
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained upcase-str update url-decode url-encode
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained usleep uw-protect vec-push vec-set-length
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained vecref vector vector-list vectorp
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained zerop
syn match txr_error "@[\t ]*[*]\?[\t ]*."
syn match txr_nested_error "[^\t `]\+" contained