diff options
authorKaz Kylheku <>2016-03-20 07:12:04 -0700
committerKaz Kylheku <>2016-03-20 07:12:04 -0700
commitf6e5d12ff65b4b500efef9a5494997130f98cad3 (patch)
parent3faefc2ed489c102319fd768e146cc66c4941e7f (diff)
Version 136.txr-136
* RELNOTES: Updated. * configure, txr.1: Bumped version and date. * share/txr/stdlib/ Likewise. * txr.vim, tl.vim: Regenerated.
6 files changed, 169 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/RELNOTES b/RELNOTES
index f6c3bf5c..09bc675b 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,40 @@
+ TXR 136
+ 2016-03-20
+ Features
+ - I/O stream mode handling improvements:
+ - "i" interactive mode specifies line buffering
+ - New "l" and "u" mode letters for specifying line buffered
+ and unbuffered mode on streams.
+ - Decimal digit character in mode string specifies stream
+ buffer size as a binary exponent with implicit 1024 multiplier.
+ - Mode strings have a more permissive syntax; everything
+ is optional with defaulting based on stream type.
+ - Sockets:
+ - sock-connect returns socket instead of useless t value.
+ - New functions sock-recv-timeout and sock-send-timeout
+ for setting the timeout options on socket.
+ - I/O timeouts throw exception of type timeout-error
+ - sock-connect and sock-accept have new parameter for
+ timing out.
+ - socket open mode is r+b by default, not r+.
+ - TXR Extraction Language:
+ - @(output) destination can be a stream object now
+ - @(repeat) and @(rep) can now bind new variables, via
+ extension to :vars syntax and semantics.
+ Bugs
+ - unget-byte sets errno to zero to avoid false errno
+ association with failure.
+ - Bugfix in @(repeat)/@(rep) internals: destructive manipulation of lists.
+ - Tail streams honor all aspects of mode for re-opened
+ stdio streams.
TXR 135
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 86aa534c..ddfc2f63 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ fi
# The all important banner.
diff --git a/share/txr/stdlib/ b/share/txr/stdlib/
index 1d78329b..adaf29d4 100644
--- a/share/txr/stdlib/
+++ b/share/txr/stdlib/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-(defvarl lib-version 135)
+(defvarl lib-version 136)
(defvarl *lib-version* lib-version)
diff --git a/tl.vim b/tl.vim
index d10d980a..9546ca0a 100644
--- a/tl.vim
+++ b/tl.vim
@@ -263,70 +263,70 @@ syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-winch sig-xcpu sig-xfsz sign-extend
syn keyword txl_keyword contained sin sixth size-vec slot
syn keyword txl_keyword contained slotp slotset sock-accept sock-bind
syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-cloexec sock-connect sock-dgram sock-family
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-listen sock-nonblock sock-peer sock-shutdown
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-stream sock-type some sort
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sort-group source-loc source-loc-str span-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained special-operator-p special-var-p splice split
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained split* split-str split-str-set sqrt
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sssucc ssucc stat static-slot
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained static-slot-ensure static-slot-p static-slot-set stdlib
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained str-in6addr str-in6addr-net str-inaddr str-inaddr-net
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained str< str<= str= str>
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained str>= stream-get-prop stream-set-prop streamp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained string-extend string-lt stringp struct-type
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained struct-type-p structp sub sub-list
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sub-str sub-vec subtypep succ
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained super super-method suspend swap
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained symacrolet symbol-function symbol-macro symbol-name
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbol-package symbol-value symbolp symlink
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:*lisp1* sys:abscond* sys:abscond-from sys:bad-slot-syntax
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:capture-cont sys:cp-origin sys:defmeth sys:do-path-test
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:dwim-del sys:dwim-set sys:eval-err sys:expand
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:expr sys:fbind sys:gc sys:gc-set-delta
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:get-fb sys:get-mb sys:get-vb sys:handle-bad-syntax
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:if-to-cond sys:in6addr-condensed-text sys:l1-setq sys:l1-val
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:lbind sys:lisp1-setq sys:lisp1-value sys:load
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:make-struct-type sys:mark-special sys:obtain-impl sys:path-access
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:path-examine sys:path-test sys:path-test-mode sys:pl-expand
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:placelet-1 sys:prune-nil-inits sys:qquote sys:quasi
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:quasilist sys:reg-expand-nongreedy sys:reg-optimize sys:register-simple-accessor
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:rplaca sys:rplacd sys:set-macro-ancestor sys:setq
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:setqf sys:splice sys:str-inaddr-net-impl sys:struct-lit
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:sym-clobber-expander sys:sym-delete-expander sys:sym-update-expander sys:top-fb
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:top-mb sys:top-vb sys:unquote sys:var
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:with-saved-vars syslog system-package t
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained take take-until take-while tan
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained tb tc tenth test-set-indent-mode
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained tf third throw throwf
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained time time-fields-local time-fields-utc time-string-local
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-string-utc time-struct-local time-struct-utc time-usec
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained to tofloat toint tok-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained tok-where tostring tostringp tprint
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained transpose tree-bind tree-case tree-find
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained trie-add trie-compress trie-lookup-begin trie-lookup-feed-char
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained trie-value-at trim-str true trunc
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained trunc-rem truncate-stream tuples txr-case
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained txr-case-impl txr-if txr-sym txr-version
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained txr-when typecase typeof typep
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained umask umeth umethod unget-byte
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained unget-char uniq unique unless
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained unquote unsetenv until until*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained unwind-protect upcase-str update url-decode
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained url-encode use user-package usl
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained usleep uslot vec vec-list
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained vec-push vec-set-length vecref vector
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained vector-list vectorp w-continued w-coredump
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-exitstatus w-ifcontinued w-ifexited w-ifsignaled
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-ifstopped w-nohang w-stopsig w-termsig
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-untraced wait weave when
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained whenlet where while while*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained whilet width width-check window-map
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained window-mappend with-clobber-expander with-delete-expander with-gensyms
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-hash-iter with-in-string-byte-stream with-in-string-stream with-objects
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-out-string-stream with-out-strlist-stream with-resources with-slots
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-stream with-update-expander wrap wrap*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained yield yield-from zap zerop
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained zip
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-listen sock-nonblock sock-peer sock-recv-timeout
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-send-timeout sock-shutdown sock-stream sock-type
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained some sort sort-group source-loc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained source-loc-str span-str special-operator-p special-var-p
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained splice split split* split-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained split-str-set sqrt sssucc ssucc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained stat static-slot static-slot-ensure static-slot-p
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained static-slot-set stdlib str-in6addr str-in6addr-net
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained str-inaddr str-inaddr-net str< str<=
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained str= str> str>= stream-get-prop
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained stream-set-prop streamp string-extend string-lt
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained stringp struct-type struct-type-p structp
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sub sub-list sub-str sub-vec
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained subtypep succ super super-method
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained suspend swap symacrolet symbol-function
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbol-macro symbol-name symbol-package symbol-value
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbolp symlink sys:*lisp1* sys:abscond*
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:abscond-from sys:bad-slot-syntax sys:capture-cont sys:cp-origin
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:defmeth sys:do-path-test sys:dwim-del sys:dwim-set
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:eval-err sys:expand sys:expr sys:fbind
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:gc sys:gc-set-delta sys:get-fb sys:get-mb
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:get-vb sys:handle-bad-syntax sys:if-to-cond sys:in6addr-condensed-text
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:l1-setq sys:l1-val sys:lbind sys:lisp1-setq
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:lisp1-value sys:load sys:make-struct-type sys:mark-special
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:obtain-impl sys:path-access sys:path-examine sys:path-test
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:path-test-mode sys:pl-expand sys:placelet-1 sys:prune-nil-inits
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:qquote sys:quasi sys:quasilist sys:reg-expand-nongreedy
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:reg-optimize sys:register-simple-accessor sys:rplaca sys:rplacd
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:set-macro-ancestor sys:setq sys:setqf sys:splice
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:str-inaddr-net-impl sys:struct-lit sys:sym-clobber-expander sys:sym-delete-expander
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:sym-update-expander sys:top-fb sys:top-mb sys:top-vb
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:unquote sys:var sys:with-saved-vars syslog
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained system-package t take take-until
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained take-while tan tb tc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tenth test-set-indent-mode tf third
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained throw throwf time time-fields-local
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-fields-utc time-string-local time-string-utc time-struct-local
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-struct-utc time-usec to tofloat
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained toint tok-str tok-where tostring
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tostringp tprint transpose tree-bind
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tree-case tree-find trie-add trie-compress
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained trie-lookup-begin trie-lookup-feed-char trie-value-at trim-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained true trunc trunc-rem truncate-stream
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tuples txr-case txr-case-impl txr-if
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained txr-sym txr-version txr-when typecase
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained typeof typep umask umeth
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained umethod unget-byte unget-char uniq
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained unique unless unquote unsetenv
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained until until* unwind-protect upcase-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained update url-decode url-encode use
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained user-package usl usleep uslot
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained vec vec-list vec-push vec-set-length
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained vecref vector vector-list vectorp
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-continued w-coredump w-exitstatus w-ifcontinued
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-ifexited w-ifsignaled w-ifstopped w-nohang
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-stopsig w-termsig w-untraced wait
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained weave when whenlet where
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained while while* whilet width
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained width-check window-map window-mappend with-clobber-expander
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-delete-expander with-gensyms with-hash-iter with-in-string-byte-stream
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-in-string-stream with-objects with-out-string-stream with-out-strlist-stream
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-resources with-slots with-stream with-update-expander
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained wrap wrap* yield yield-from
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained zap zerop zip
syn match txr_nested_error "[^\t ]\+" contained
syn match txr_variable "\(@[ \t]*\)[*]\?[ \t]*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*"
syn match txr_splicevar "@[ \t,*@]*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*"
diff --git a/txr.1 b/txr.1
index ae3600cb..b54b6398 100644
--- a/txr.1
+++ b/txr.1
@@ -344,9 +344,9 @@
.ds TX \f[B]TXR\f[]
.ds TL \f[B]TXR Lisp\f[]
.\" Start of man page:
-.TH TXR 1 2016-03-10 "Utility Commands" "TXR Data Processing Language" "Kaz Kylheku"
+.TH TXR 1 2016-03-20 "Utility Commands" "TXR Data Processing Language" "Kaz Kylheku"
-\*(TX \- text processing language (version 135)
+\*(TX \- text processing language (version 136)
diff --git a/txr.vim b/txr.vim
index 200e837f..eb01db0e 100644
--- a/txr.vim
+++ b/txr.vim
@@ -263,70 +263,70 @@ syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-winch sig-xcpu sig-xfsz sign-extend
syn keyword txl_keyword contained sin sixth size-vec slot
syn keyword txl_keyword contained slotp slotset sock-accept sock-bind
syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-cloexec sock-connect sock-dgram sock-family
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-listen sock-nonblock sock-peer sock-shutdown
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-stream sock-type some sort
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sort-group source-loc source-loc-str span-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained special-operator-p special-var-p splice split
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained split* split-str split-str-set sqrt
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sssucc ssucc stat static-slot
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained static-slot-ensure static-slot-p static-slot-set stdlib
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained str-in6addr str-in6addr-net str-inaddr str-inaddr-net
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained str< str<= str= str>
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained str>= stream-get-prop stream-set-prop streamp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained string-extend string-lt stringp struct-type
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained struct-type-p structp sub sub-list
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sub-str sub-vec subtypep succ
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained super super-method suspend swap
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained symacrolet symbol-function symbol-macro symbol-name
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbol-package symbol-value symbolp symlink
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:*lisp1* sys:abscond* sys:abscond-from sys:bad-slot-syntax
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:capture-cont sys:cp-origin sys:defmeth sys:do-path-test
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:dwim-del sys:dwim-set sys:eval-err sys:expand
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:expr sys:fbind sys:gc sys:gc-set-delta
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:get-fb sys:get-mb sys:get-vb sys:handle-bad-syntax
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:if-to-cond sys:in6addr-condensed-text sys:l1-setq sys:l1-val
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:lbind sys:lisp1-setq sys:lisp1-value sys:load
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:make-struct-type sys:mark-special sys:obtain-impl sys:path-access
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:path-examine sys:path-test sys:path-test-mode sys:pl-expand
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:placelet-1 sys:prune-nil-inits sys:qquote sys:quasi
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:quasilist sys:reg-expand-nongreedy sys:reg-optimize sys:register-simple-accessor
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:rplaca sys:rplacd sys:set-macro-ancestor sys:setq
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:setqf sys:splice sys:str-inaddr-net-impl sys:struct-lit
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:sym-clobber-expander sys:sym-delete-expander sys:sym-update-expander sys:top-fb
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:top-mb sys:top-vb sys:unquote sys:var
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:with-saved-vars syslog system-package t
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained take take-until take-while tan
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained tb tc tenth test-set-indent-mode
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained tf third throw throwf
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained time time-fields-local time-fields-utc time-string-local
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-string-utc time-struct-local time-struct-utc time-usec
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained to tofloat toint tok-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained tok-where tostring tostringp tprint
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained transpose tree-bind tree-case tree-find
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained trie-add trie-compress trie-lookup-begin trie-lookup-feed-char
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained trie-value-at trim-str true trunc
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained trunc-rem truncate-stream tuples txr-case
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained txr-case-impl txr-if txr-sym txr-version
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained txr-when typecase typeof typep
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained umask umeth umethod unget-byte
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained unget-char uniq unique unless
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained unquote unsetenv until until*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained unwind-protect upcase-str update url-decode
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained url-encode use user-package usl
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained usleep uslot vec vec-list
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained vec-push vec-set-length vecref vector
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained vector-list vectorp w-continued w-coredump
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-exitstatus w-ifcontinued w-ifexited w-ifsignaled
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-ifstopped w-nohang w-stopsig w-termsig
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-untraced wait weave when
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained whenlet where while while*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained whilet width width-check window-map
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained window-mappend with-clobber-expander with-delete-expander with-gensyms
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-hash-iter with-in-string-byte-stream with-in-string-stream with-objects
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-out-string-stream with-out-strlist-stream with-resources with-slots
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-stream with-update-expander wrap wrap*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained yield yield-from zap zerop
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained zip
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-listen sock-nonblock sock-peer sock-recv-timeout
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sock-send-timeout sock-shutdown sock-stream sock-type
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained some sort sort-group source-loc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained source-loc-str span-str special-operator-p special-var-p
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained splice split split* split-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained split-str-set sqrt sssucc ssucc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained stat static-slot static-slot-ensure static-slot-p
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained static-slot-set stdlib str-in6addr str-in6addr-net
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained str-inaddr str-inaddr-net str< str<=
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained str= str> str>= stream-get-prop
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained stream-set-prop streamp string-extend string-lt
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained stringp struct-type struct-type-p structp
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sub sub-list sub-str sub-vec
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained subtypep succ super super-method
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained suspend swap symacrolet symbol-function
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbol-macro symbol-name symbol-package symbol-value
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbolp symlink sys:*lisp1* sys:abscond*
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:abscond-from sys:bad-slot-syntax sys:capture-cont sys:cp-origin
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:defmeth sys:do-path-test sys:dwim-del sys:dwim-set
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:eval-err sys:expand sys:expr sys:fbind
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:gc sys:gc-set-delta sys:get-fb sys:get-mb
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:get-vb sys:handle-bad-syntax sys:if-to-cond sys:in6addr-condensed-text
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:l1-setq sys:l1-val sys:lbind sys:lisp1-setq
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:lisp1-value sys:load sys:make-struct-type sys:mark-special
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:obtain-impl sys:path-access sys:path-examine sys:path-test
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:path-test-mode sys:pl-expand sys:placelet-1 sys:prune-nil-inits
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:qquote sys:quasi sys:quasilist sys:reg-expand-nongreedy
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:reg-optimize sys:register-simple-accessor sys:rplaca sys:rplacd
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:set-macro-ancestor sys:setq sys:setqf sys:splice
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:str-inaddr-net-impl sys:struct-lit sys:sym-clobber-expander sys:sym-delete-expander
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:sym-update-expander sys:top-fb sys:top-mb sys:top-vb
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sys:unquote sys:var sys:with-saved-vars syslog
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained system-package t take take-until
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained take-while tan tb tc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tenth test-set-indent-mode tf third
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained throw throwf time time-fields-local
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-fields-utc time-string-local time-string-utc time-struct-local
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-struct-utc time-usec to tofloat
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained toint tok-str tok-where tostring
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tostringp tprint transpose tree-bind
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tree-case tree-find trie-add trie-compress
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained trie-lookup-begin trie-lookup-feed-char trie-value-at trim-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained true trunc trunc-rem truncate-stream
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tuples txr-case txr-case-impl txr-if
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained txr-sym txr-version txr-when typecase
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained typeof typep umask umeth
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained umethod unget-byte unget-char uniq
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained unique unless unquote unsetenv
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained until until* unwind-protect upcase-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained update url-decode url-encode use
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained user-package usl usleep uslot
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained vec vec-list vec-push vec-set-length
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained vecref vector vector-list vectorp
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-continued w-coredump w-exitstatus w-ifcontinued
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-ifexited w-ifsignaled w-ifstopped w-nohang
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained w-stopsig w-termsig w-untraced wait
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained weave when whenlet where
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained while while* whilet width
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained width-check window-map window-mappend with-clobber-expander
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-delete-expander with-gensyms with-hash-iter with-in-string-byte-stream
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-in-string-stream with-objects with-out-string-stream with-out-strlist-stream
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained with-resources with-slots with-stream with-update-expander
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained wrap wrap* yield yield-from
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained zap zerop zip
syn keyword txr_keyword contained accept all and assert
syn keyword txr_keyword contained bind block cases cat