diff options
authorKaz Kylheku <>2014-01-27 22:57:51 -0800
committerKaz Kylheku <>2014-01-27 22:57:51 -0800
commit0fcfb0282230bdee1f9e5decdba14aa75d8de3e8 (patch)
parent681c02622c94ea17ebe417333e3dd078ee49ba5c (diff)
* txr.vim, genvim.txr: There can now be whitespace in TXR Lisp
like @ (a b c) and @ [1 2 3].
3 files changed, 84 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index af77eed4..f676fa60 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
added here.
(yybadtoken): Removed references to METAPAR, METABKT and METAQUO.
+ * txr.vim, genvim.txr: There can now be whitespace in TXR Lisp
+ like @ (a b c) and @ [1 2 3].
2014-01-27 Kaz Kylheku <>
* parser.y (yybadtoken): Handle METAQUO in switch.
diff --git a/genvim.txr b/genvim.txr
index 2d9e7f62..42d4ba13 100644
--- a/genvim.txr
+++ b/genvim.txr
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ syn region txr_list contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="#\?H\?(" matchgroup=De
syn region txr_bracket contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\]" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
-syn region txr_mlist contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="@@(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
+syn region txr_mlist contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="@@[ \t]*(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
-syn region txr_mbracket matchgroup=Delimiter start="@@\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\]" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
+syn region txr_mbracket matchgroup=Delimiter start="@@[ \t]*\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\]" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
syn region txr_string contained oneline start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
syn region txr_quasilit contained oneline start=+`+ skip=+\\\\\|\\`+ end=+`+ contains=txr_variable,txr_metanum,txr_bracevar,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket
diff --git a/txr.vim b/txr.vim
index a0f7137c..588f8421 100644
--- a/txr.vim
+++ b/txr.vim
@@ -74,82 +74,83 @@ syn keyword txl_keyword contained get-hash-userdata get-line get-list-from-strea
syn keyword txl_keyword contained get-string-from-stream gethash group-by hash
syn keyword txl_keyword contained hash-alist hash-construct hash-count hash-diff
syn keyword txl_keyword contained hash-eql hash-equal hash-isec hash-keys
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained hash-pairs hash-uni hash-values hashp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained identity if iff iffi
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained inc int-flo int-str integerp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained intern interp-fun-p isqrt keep-if
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained keep-if* keywordp lambda lazy-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained lazy-str-force lazy-str-force-upto lazy-str-get-trailing-list lazy-stream-cons
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained lazy-stringp lcons-fun ldiff length
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained length-list length-str length-str-< length-str-<=
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained length-str-> length-str->= length-vec let
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained let* lisp-parse list list-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained list-vector listp log log-alert
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-auth log-authpriv log-cons log-crit
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-daemon log-debug log-emerg log-err
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-info log-ndelay log-notice log-nowait
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-odelay log-perror log-pid log-user
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-warning logand logior lognot
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained logtest logtrunc logxor make-hash
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-lazy-cons make-package make-random-state make-similar-hash
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-string-byte-input-stream make-string-input-stream make-string-output-stream make-strlist-output-stream
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-sym make-time make-time-utc mapcar
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained mapcar* maphash mappend mappend*
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained mask match-fun match-regex match-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained match-str-tree max memq memql
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained memqual merge min mkstring
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained mod multi-sort n-choose-k n-perm-k
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained none not nreverse null
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained num-chr num-str numberp oddp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained op open-command open-directory open-file
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained open-pipe open-process open-tail openlog
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained or orf packagep pop
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained pprint print prog1 progn
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained prop proper-listp push pushhash
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained put-byte put-char put-line put-string
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained qquote quasi quote rand
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained random random-fixnum random-state-p range
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained range* read real-time-stream-p reduce-left
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained reduce-right ref refset regex-compile
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained regex-parse regexp regsub rehome-sym
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained remhash remove-if remove-if* remq
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained remq* remql remql* remqual
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained remqual* repeat replace replace-list
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained replace-str replace-vec rest return
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained return-from reverse rplaca rplacd
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-ifblk s-ifchr s-ifdir s-ififo
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-iflnk s-ifmt s-ifreg s-irgrp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-iroth s-irusr s-irwxg s-irwxo
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-irwxu s-isgid s-isuid s-isvtx
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-iwgrp s-iwoth s-iwusr s-ixgrp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-ixoth s-ixusr search-regex search-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained search-str-tree second seek-stream set
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained set-diff set-hash-userdata set-sig-handler sethash
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained setlogmask sig-abrt sig-alrm sig-bus
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-check sig-chld sig-cont sig-fpe
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-hup sig-ill sig-int sig-io
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-iot sig-kill sig-lost sig-pipe
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-poll sig-prof sig-pwr sig-quit
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-segv sig-stkflt sig-stop sig-sys
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-term sig-trap sig-tstp sig-ttin
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-ttou sig-urg sig-usr1 sig-usr2
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-vtalrm sig-winch sig-xcpu sig-xfsz
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sin sixth size-vec some
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sort source-loc source-loc-str span-str
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained splice split-str split-str-set sqrt
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained stat stream-get-prop stream-set-prop streamp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained string-cmp string-extend string-lt stringp
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained sub sub-list sub-str sub-vec
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbol-function symbol-name symbol-package symbol-value
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbolp syslog tan third
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained throw throwf time time-fields-local
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-fields-utc time-string-local time-string-utc time-usec
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained tok-str tostring tostringp tree-find
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained trim-str trunc typeof unget-byte
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained unget-char unquote upcase-str url-decode
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained url-encode usleep uw-protect vec-push
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained vec-set-length vecref vector vector-list
-syn keyword txl_keyword contained vectorp zerop
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained hash-pairs hash-uni hash-update hash-values
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained hashp identity if iff
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained iffi inc int-flo int-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained integerp intern interp-fun-p isqrt
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained keep-if keep-if* keywordp lambda
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained lazy-str lazy-str-force lazy-str-force-upto lazy-str-get-trailing-list
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained lazy-stream-cons lazy-stringp lcons-fun ldiff
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained length length-list length-str length-str-<
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained length-str-<= length-str-> length-str->= length-vec
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained let let* lisp-parse list
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained list-str list-vector listp log
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-alert log-auth log-authpriv log-cons
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-crit log-daemon log-debug log-emerg
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-err log-info log-ndelay log-notice
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-nowait log-odelay log-perror log-pid
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained log-user log-warning logand logior
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained lognot logtest logtrunc logxor
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-hash make-lazy-cons make-package make-random-state
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-similar-hash make-string-byte-input-stream make-string-input-stream make-string-output-stream
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained make-strlist-output-stream make-sym make-time make-time-utc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained mapcar mapcar* maphash mappend
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained mappend* mask match-fun match-regex
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained match-regex-right match-str match-str-tree max
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained memq memql memqual merge
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained min mkstring mod multi-sort
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained n-choose-k n-perm-k none not
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained nreverse null num-chr num-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained numberp oddp op open-command
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained open-directory open-file open-pipe open-process
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained open-tail openlog or orf
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained packagep pop pprint print
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained prog1 progn prop proper-listp
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained push pushhash put-byte put-char
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained put-line put-string qquote quasi
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained quote rand random random-fixnum
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained random-state-p range range* read
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained real-time-stream-p reduce-left reduce-right ref
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained refset regex-compile regex-parse regexp
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained regsub rehome-sym remhash remove-if
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained remove-if* remq remq* remql
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained remql* remqual remqual* repeat
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained replace replace-list replace-str replace-vec
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained rest return return-from reverse
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained rplaca rplacd s-ifblk s-ifchr
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-ifdir s-ififo s-iflnk s-ifmt
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-ifreg s-irgrp s-iroth s-irusr
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-irwxg s-irwxo s-irwxu s-isgid
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-isuid s-isvtx s-iwgrp s-iwoth
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained s-iwusr s-ixgrp s-ixoth s-ixusr
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained search-regex search-str search-str-tree second
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained seek-stream set set-diff set-hash-userdata
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained set-sig-handler sethash setlogmask sig-abrt
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-alrm sig-bus sig-check sig-chld
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-cont sig-fpe sig-hup sig-ill
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-int sig-io sig-iot sig-kill
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-lost sig-pipe sig-poll sig-prof
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-pwr sig-quit sig-segv sig-stkflt
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-stop sig-sys sig-term sig-trap
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-tstp sig-ttin sig-ttou sig-urg
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-usr1 sig-usr2 sig-vtalrm sig-winch
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sig-xcpu sig-xfsz sin sixth
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained size-vec some sort source-loc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained source-loc-str span-str splice split-str
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained split-str-set sqrt stat stream-get-prop
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained stream-set-prop streamp string-cmp string-extend
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained string-lt stringp sub sub-list
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained sub-str sub-vec symbol-function symbol-name
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained symbol-package symbol-value symbolp syslog
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tan third throw throwf
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained time time-fields-local time-fields-utc time-string-local
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained time-string-utc time-usec tok-str tostring
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained tostringp tree-find trim-str trunc
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained typeof unget-byte unget-char unquote
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained upcase-str update url-decode url-encode
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained usleep uw-protect vec-push vec-set-length
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained vecref vector vector-list vectorp
+syn keyword txl_keyword contained zerop
syn match txr_error "@[\t ]*[*]\?[\t ]*."
syn match txr_nested_error "[^\t `]\+" contained
@@ -192,9 +193,9 @@ syn region txr_list contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="#\?H\?(" matchgroup=De
syn region txr_bracket contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\]" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
-syn region txr_mlist contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="@(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
+syn region txr_mlist contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="@[ \t]*(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
-syn region txr_mbracket matchgroup=Delimiter start="@\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\]" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
+syn region txr_mbracket matchgroup=Delimiter start="@[ \t]*\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\]" contains=txl_keyword,txr_string,txl_regex,txr_num,txl_ident,txr_metanum,txr_list,txr_bracket,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket,txr_quasilit,txr_chr,txr_quote,txr_unquote,txr_splice,txr_dot,txr_dotdot,txr_ncomment,txr_nested_error
syn region txr_string contained oneline start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
syn region txr_quasilit contained oneline start=+`+ skip=+\\\\\|\\`+ end=+`+ contains=txr_variable,txr_metanum,txr_bracevar,txr_mlist,txr_mbracket