BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterREADME: Add Troubleshooting section.Kaz Kylheku13 days
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
13 daysREADME: Add Troubleshooting section.HEADmasterKaz Kylheku1-0/+24
13 daysConfigure Vim to :nowrap mode.Kaz Kylheku1-1/+1
2025-01-16Map dash-like unicode characters to ASCII dash.kKaz Kylheku2-2/+8
2025-01-16Specify txrlisp in hash bang line.Kaz Kylheku1-1/+1
2023-10-22Interpolate number of columns into name.Kaz Kylheku1-1/+5
2023-10-13Handle French accents in Gawk man page.Kaz Kylheku1-1/+21
2023-10-13Handle ambiuous _\b_Kaz Kylheku1-0/+4
2023-10-13Some less-like commands.Kaz Kylheku1-1/+3
2023-10-13README: some explanations why.Kaz Kylheku1-2/+15
2023-10-13README: don't forget execute perms.Kaz Kylheku1-1/+6